Chapter 11: Family Values

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Avalon POV

It had been a week since I found out that Professor Snape is actually my Father.

I have occasionally gone to Snape's office and spoke more of our family, for instance we are apart of the Prince line, which is absolutely amazing, How many girls can say they are a prince haha. Back on a serious note my father says I have a cousin here at Hogwarts in my year and house. I'm trying to figure out who though.

I told Draco about Professor Snape being my Father and he was so excited and said it made us like siblings because my father is his Godfather and My mother, whom I still don't know her name is also his Godmother because they grew up with Draco's parents Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy.

Another thing Draco said was I looked like someone he knows. My first reaction was to go 'well yeah you know me', but then I asked what he meant. He said he had met someone who looks just like me but older but couldn't tell me anymore. Since then I've been trying to work out what is going on but no luck I've decided to visit Daddy Dearest to get some answers.

Standing outside Professor Snape's office I knocked gently on the door, my nerves finally getting to me, as I wasn't sure how he was going to react to my questions. I was pulled out of my reverie by a low sinful voice calling 'Enter'.
Opening the door I casually walked in, seeing my Father's head down looking at students papers. I surprised him  "HELLO DADDY" I shouted causing him to jump and growl "you know not to do that Avalon, especially when marking, yet you constantly do it."

"What can I say I'm testing your skills" I tried to hold back a smirk but I failed.
"What do you want Avalon?" He spoke looking down at the paper again.
"I want to ask some questions and I need answers." Hearing this he looked up and saw 'I'm not leaving till you tell me' look set upon my face.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I questioned, forming a cunning plan in my head.
"Tell you what?" He retorted looking panicked.
"That I'm related to Draco Malfoy"
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you he's your cousin, but how did you find out?" He questioned. After hearing his question my realisation hit me as I would have to tell him I kind of tricked him. That would go down well.

"Well..." I started, not sure how to continue. "" I tried again looking down like my feet were the most interesting thing ever. Taking a long soothing, deep breath and hoping to Merlin I could get my words out of my mouth.
"IkindoftrickedyouintotellingmeimrelatedtoDraco" I spat so quickly wanting to avoid the subject much longer than needed. Hearing footsteps come towards me and stopped, a long line of shiny black buttons faced me and my chin was forced up to look at my father's glaring onyx eyes.

"What. Do. You. Mean. You. Tricked. Me?" He bit out. Hearing his baritone deepen meant he expected an answer and better be quick about it.

"Draco mentioned that someone he knows looks quite similar to me and you've talked about my mother before you said I look just like her, so I put two and two together and I thought if you knew I found out you would tell me I was right without realising. I'm sorry I tricked you I just want to know more about her, who she is, where she is, to actually meet her." I confided.

Finally after a long pause my father sighed and spoke "You're not ready for that yet."
"Why can't I meet my mother?" I nagged.
"You're not ready for that", was his only reply.
"But why?"
"Because I said you're not!" He snapped.
"Fine then!" I shouted and ran from from his office back to the Slytherin Dorm.

AN/ OMG guys I actually updated in such a while I'll update again either later tonight or tomorrow but wanted to leave it there because I finished that sentence on the devils number 666. Lol 🤣😝😊

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