Chapter 7: Appearances

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Avalon had been sat in the Great Hall waiting for the other students to arrive and waited patiently for breakfast to appear in front of her. Just as students were filing in to the hall the food magically appeared on every table. (no pun intended). Avalon grabbed herself some pancakes pouring plenty of maple syrup and topping it off with blackberries and a glass of fresh apple juice, after she finished eating she grabbed her bag and started to walk to her first lesson which was Transfiguration which she was looking forward to.

Walking in to the classroom she noticed the strict woman standing at the front of the room. Hastily Avalon found a seat at the front and sat down by herself. Mcgonagall started the lesson by telling us that we will be changing our appearance I was really excited because I knew I can do this. Professor Mcgonagall then spoke up "can I have a volunteer to change their appearance " I rose my hand straight away and the professor raised her eyebrow at me before continuing "come up here Miss Avalon and show your change to the class ". Jumping out my seat quite giddy and stood next to the professor and I asked "Professor what would you like me to change to because I can already do it." She wore a sly smile thinking she could catch me out and u get it wrong as I was so confident. "Ok then, Miss Avalon I want you change from black to something else, I then want you to change you eye colour and finally I want you to transform into any animal you want, if you complete these tasks I will award 500 points to Slytherin!"

I nodded and accepted her challenges but before I could go ahead with changing my appearance the doors opened and three figures were revealed as Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Professor Snape.

"Sorry for the intrusion Minerva but I caught these two in the courtyard when they are suppose to be here." Snape snarled at them both.

"It's quite alright Severus, they are just in time to see Avalon transfigure herself three times, I have given her a challenge if she can change her hair, eyes and turn in an animal Slytherin can have 500 points, would you like to see if she can do it?"

Snape only nodded

"You can proceed Avalon" that's all Professor could say before o started to change.

I change my black luscious curls to shimmering silver hair that laid straight to my waist. My obsidian black eyes turned to an emerald green, which got a lot of whispers from students and then before changing again, I thought about what animal I wanted to turn to, smiling at my choice I had transformed into a midnight black panther with shiny emerald green eyes and silver white paws. Then seeing all the amused and shocked faces of the students and both of my professors I wandered from the front of the class and ran to sit at the feet of Professor Mcgonagall and Professor Snape before transforming back to my original self letting out a deep, shaky  breath I spoke up again.

"So Professor, how many points do I get?" Sounding rather happy and mischievous that I shocked her. Mcgonagall stood there staring at me for a minute or so before she composed herself and in a quiet tone so only me and Professor Snape could hear her "I award Slytherin house, 500 points on behalf of Avalon's excellent work." But before I could thank her she started moving toward the front of class and spoke yet again "after so much fun this lesson, I want you all to practise transforming your appearance for next lesson, class dismissed." I went back to my seat to gather my things and I started to walk for the door when someone called my name " Avalon, will you please stay behind a moment" came the voice of Mcgonagall with Snape right beside her I became quite uneasy at their expressions they held as one looked quite confused and the other stern. I turned around and walked back to them " yes, Professors" I said in a rather sheepish voice.

"Where on earth did you learn to change your appearance" came Mcgonagall voice shrieking like a banshee "erm... Well I've always been able to do it for as long as I can remember is that bad Professors?" "No not at all it's just a big shock for someone of your age to be advanced to change their appearance like so, we just wondered where you had learnt it because I recall Professors Dumbledore and Snape say that you grew up with muggles is that correct?" She asked with such suspicions. "Yes that's correct professor but like I said I have been able to do all my life!" "That is all Avalon you may leave for your next lesson." Walking as fast as I could I wondered down to my next class which is...Potions.

Authors notes:
So sorry I have not updated I forgot at first then every time I wanted to write more I was shouted at to do something because my mum is too lazy especially when she is on Facebook. So hopefully you enjoyed remember if any ideas

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