Chapter 5: Sorting Hat

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Avalon's POV

After seeing Professor Snape leave the office I looked back to Dumbledore and asked him " when will the other students arriving and why does Professor Snape look like he is angry at me all the time?" With a slight chuckle he answered my questions "students will be arriving in an hour, as for Severus he becomes angry at the slightest thing, but I saw him smile at you which I found curious. But enough about that you should go get changed in to your robes ready for the sorting ceremony." Grabbing my stuff I took it to a classroom near the Great Hall to get changed and so I wouldn't get lost after, I got dressed in to my robes and returned to Dumbledore's office so he could walk me down to the Great Hall. I asked Dumbledore if he could leave my surname out as it wasn't my parents name and he agreed we then continued into the hall where there was loads of students sitting at four different tables and a crowd stood at the front which Dumbledore signalled for me to join. That's when I noticed a stool and an old wrinkly hat placed on top and a woman in green robes with a dark grey hair in a tight bun and started to read out names.

"Hermione Granger"  the woman called out and a girl with bushy brown hair walked up to sit on the stool and the hat was placed on her head and then it shouted "Gryffindor" and the table next started clapping and the continued to call out names.

"Susan Bones", "Hufflepuff"

"Draco Malfoy", "Slytherin"

"Ronald Weasley", "Gryffindor"

"Harry Potter"
Harry was up there ages but no one could hear what the hat was saying until a few minutes later when the hat shouted louder than he did with other students "Gryffindor" as soon as the hat spoke an eruption from the table next to me started to clap and scream in excitement. At that point I heard my name being called.

"Avalon" the woman looked towards Albus confused as I didn't have a last name on the scroll she was reading from. I walked up to the stool quite nervously and sat down and then I felt the hat placed on me. I felt even more nervous now than before, then the hat surprised me as it started to talk.

"Let's see what we have here, agh Avalon, very smart and intellectual mind, I could place you in Ravenclaw but your kind hearted and friendly giving you a place in Hufflepuff, then your bravery and thirst for breaking the rules is greater than you could ever imagine which could sort you in to Gryffindor and finally your mischievous, cunning and sly personality just like your parents placing you in Slytherin. It seems that I can not place you as you fit the abilities and personality fit all four houses."

I looked up at Dumbledore with a rather worried face, he took off the sorting hat and asked me "Since you fit the personality traits for all four houses, which house do you want to be placed in?" I started looking at the different tables filled with curious students and then at the head of house professors. I finally made my decision, working up my courage I called out to the Professors and students "The house that I want to be placed in is Slytherin." Walking to my new house table I looked up at the startled Professors and noticed Professor Snape clapping quite vigorously and he held a stern smile upon his face. Dumbledore then gave a small speech to warn all students but mainly first years of the Forbidden Forest and the third floor corridor was also out of bounds. When finishing his speech he made food appear in front of us in our table. After eating dinner, we was shown to our common room and dormitories which were I. The dungeons but they were very cozy and warm than I expected.

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