Chapter 12

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Killian's POV

It's been three days since Emma found out Graham was cheating on her and she's become very distant. I started sitting at her lunch table with her and her friend, Ruby to try to comfort her but anytime I try to touch her, she pulls away or flinches. She hasn't even been eating her lunch and she won't talk to me or Ruby. I'm becoming extremely worried about her but I'm not sure what to do.

We are currently at lunch right now and once again, Emma is just pushing around her food with her fork and staring at it in deep thought. Her eyes are red and puffy from crying and her face is pale.

I looked over at Ruby and she was just silently eating her food. I could tell by the look on her face she was feeling uncomfortable and didn't know what to do.

I turned towards Emma. "Swan, look at me." I said sternly and she did. She let her hair fall in front of her face to hide her red and puffy eyes. "You need to talk at some point. Please. We can't help you if you don't let us." I said in a pleading tone.

"If you're so damn frustrated with me, then why are you even here?" Emma snapped at me.

"Because I care about you! Why can't you see that I want you to be happy?" I started to raise my voice.

Emma groaned in annoyance and stood up with her lunch tray. She threw out her trash and then started walking away into the hallway. Before she could get very far I threw my trash out and chased after her.

When I caught up to her I gently grabbed her arm to stop her from walking and turned her to face me. "Swan, please, talk to me." I said and put my hands on her cheeks.

Emma didn't do anything. She didn't flinch or pull away. Improvement? Maybe? But she also didn't say anything. She looked down at her feet and I could see her eyes start to water. I tilted her head up so she could look at me.

"Hey, hey. Don't cry." I said and wiped some of the tears that fell off with my thumbs.

I looked into her beautiful green orbs and instantly got lost in them. I slowly leaned in to kiss her on the lips. She closed her eyes and so did I. I got so close to her lips but before our lips could connect, she put her hands on my chest and pushed me away. She didn't push me away gently though..she used force. She pushed me away as hard as she could.

"Killian, what the hell? I just found out that my boyfriend was cheating on me two days ago and now your trying to get with me? Screw you!" She clenched her jaw and balled up her fists in anger.

"I-I'm sorry.. But Emma, please. I just want you to start eating your lunch and talking again. I hate seeing you so sad." I took one step towards her and she took one step away from me.

I'm glad we are in a hallway and everyone is either at lunch or in class. This way, no one can see us fighting.

"If you found out that the person you loved was cheating on you, I'm pretty sure you would do the same thing."

"You loved him?" I asked her sadly.

"I-I don't know. I was starting to.." She said quietly and looked down.

I walked towards her and this time she didn't step back. Once I was close to her I engulfed her in my arms and held her to my chest tightly.

"Everything will be ok." I whispered into her ear. After I told her that, she wrapped her petite arms around me.

Emma's POV

I wrapped my arms around him when he told me everything would be ok. But I shouldn't have. I can't let my walls down for him. And especially him. Killian just sleeps around with girls. If I let him in, he'll only use me and then leave me. I can't let that happen again. It's happened too many times.

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