Chapter 21

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As Liam walked away, back into his room, Killian and I looked at each other, Awkwardly. I bit my bottom lip and blushed.

Killian gave me one more quick kiss and then out his hands back onto my waist. I put my hands onto his shoulders and he helped me jump off of the counter top.

"Sorry about that, love," Killian said and smiled at me.

"It's fine," I replied back with a fake smile. It was incredibly awkward for me when Liam walked in the kitchen and saw us. And it was even more embarrassing considering how obvious it is that he doesn't like me..

We finished making Spaghetti so we each grabbed a plate, scooped some of the pasta onto our plates and sat down at the kitchen table. I was silently eating my spaghetti when noodles were flung onto me.

I let out a little squeak. "Killian!" I shouted at him, playfully. I looked up at him to see him holding his plastic fork in the air with more noodles on it. He was pulling it back so when he let go, the noodles would fly onto me.

I quickly flung some of my pasta onto him before he could do anything.

"Hey!" Killian chuckled.

"Now we're even." I crossed my arms over my chest and stuck my tongue out at him.

Killian laughs.

After we eat dinner we kind of just sat on the couch and talked. We told funny stories of things that happened to us in the past and talked about people we hate at school. Thankfully, we had no more interruptions *cough* Liam *cough*

After a few hours, Killian insisted that we go to bed. I didn't want to because I enjoyed talking to him but he said that I needed to sleep because we have school tomorrow. What a party pooper..

The next morning, Killian and I woke up to the annoying sound of the alarm clock. I stood up and got out of bed while Killian laid back down.

I grabbed a pillow and threw it at his face. "Get up!" I shouted at him.

Killian groaned. "Fine.."

I opened the door to his bathroom and turned my head around. "I'm going to take a shower," I said.

He then came up behind me and put his hands on my waist. "Can I join you?" He said while kissing my neck.

I blushed a little at the thought but played it off. I quickly turned and started walking into the bathroom. "Nope!" I said as I closed the door shut.

Once I got out of the shower, I wrapped the towel around me and went to put on my clothes when I realized that I left my clothes in Killian's room.. Shit.

"Umm.. Killian?" I said loud enough so he could hear me.

I heard him walk up to the door. "Yes, swan?" He asked.

"I kind of left my clothes out there.."

I heard him chuckle to himself. "Alright. I'll go get them for you." He said as I heard his footsteps moving away from the door.

A few seconds later I heard a knock on the door.

"open the door, love." I heard Killian's British accent say from behind the door.

I bit my lip and slowly opened the door. I looked at Killian to see he had a smirk spread across his face. He had one hand behind his back.

"You only get your clothes if you give me a kiss." He said as he had an eyebrow raised.

"Killian! Please, just give me my clothes." I pleaded as I gripped my towel tighter around my body.

Killian pointed to his lips, indicating that he wanted me to give him a kiss still.

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