Chapter 30

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I woke up to the feeling of someone brushing their finger along my cheek. When I fluttered my eyes open, I saw ocean blue eyes looking down at me. I quickly jumped up and wrapped my eyes around Killian.

"How-" I started to ask but Killian cut me off.

"Your parents called me and told me they found you. They told me the entire story over the phone and last night. I would've come then but they told me you had already fallen asleep," he says as he looked into my eyes.

I gave him a sad smile and nuzzled my head in his shoulder. "Well, I'm glad you're here," I whispered.

Killian chuckled. "As much as I would love to just sit here and hug you, you really should go take a shower, love."

"What, so you think I smell?" I said with a laugh.

I looked at Killian and watched as he rolled his eyes. "No. You have..dried blood on you. Plus, you need to keep your wounds clean. I don't want them getting infected," he said with a sad smile.

Which, he was probably right. The cut could easily get infected and I need to do my best to stop that from happening. So, I got out of my bed and grabbed new clothes for the day then went into the bathroom.

I carefully took all my clothes off. I looked in the mirror and examined myself. I have a huge bruises on my ribs and arms. I looked at the cut on my cheek and on my arm. Then, my eyes traveled to my leg, right where Neal stabbed it. Just by looking at it, you can already tell it's infected.. There's dried blood on my arms, hands, leg and face. I also have lots of little cuts from when I was running in the forest. Little branches must've cut me or something.

After a while of just examining myself, I turned on the shower and got in. I smiled as the warm water pours down onto me, as everything becomes a foggy illusion. The feeling of the warm water calms me.

Grabbing the soap, I begin to run it all over my body, scrubbing at all the dried blood. I started scrubbing as hard as I can. I want the feeling of Neal off of me. But no matter how much soap I use and how much I scrub, the feeling of Neal will always be on me. But maybe it's not the feeling. It's just the thought. The thought that I could still be in danger. That bastard is still out there and who knows when he'll try to attack me again.

After scrubbing my body, I moved into washing my hair. It feels nice to finally wash my hair. To get all this dirt and crap out of it. Once I rinsed my hair out, I began just running my fingers through my long, blonde hair. I did this until all the knots were out of my hair.

Although I'm don't washing myself, I continued to stand in the shower. It's just something about the feeling of this water pouring down on me that makes me feel comforted.

I stood there for a while. To be honest, I'm not sure how long I just stood there in the shower. Killian's voice finally brought me back to reality.

I heard him knock on the door. "You ok in there, Emma? You've been in the shower for quite a while.." Killian asked through the door.

My eyes snapped open and I turned off the shower. "Oh, ya. Sorry, I just lost track of time, I guess," I replied to him. Finally, I stepped out of the shower.

I grabbed a towel and began drying off my body. Started with my legs, I worked my way up. I winced when the towel brushes against the cut in my leg. I had to bite my lip in order to keep myself from making any noise because of the stinging pain.

Once the rest of me was dried, I wrapped the towel around my hair and put my warm clothes on. When I looked at the mirror I noticed it was all fogged up from my shower so I wiped the mirror with my hand, letting me see at least a little bit of me.

I looked at my eyes in the mirror. It looks like I haven't slept in days. Which, I guess is kind of true. I really haven't slept well lately, for obvious reasons.

I then unwrapped my hair from the towel, letting my long hair fall lazily on my shoulders. After brushing through my hair, I stepped out of the bathroom. To see Killian sitting on my bed, waiting for me. I smiled at him but told him I'd be right back. I need to get medicine for the wound on my leg but I don't want him to know its infected.

So, I went downstairs and did just that. I found some cream thing to put on the cut and medicine to help with the pain. I got a cup of water and swallowed the medicine. I then went to the bathroom that was down here and took my pants off so I could see the wound. I then very gently rubbed it on the cut, biting my tongue so I didn't scream. Just the lightest of touch makes it hurt incredibly bad, but I tried to ignore the pain. Once I was done, I put my pants back on, put the medicine away and then ran back upstairs. I jumped onto my bed, right next to Killian.

"Let's just lay in bed for the rest of the parents are working so they won't be able to yell at us or anything," I said while getting under the covers.

Killian smiled at me before giving me a quick kiss on the head. He too got under the covers with me.

For the rest of the day we decided to be lazy and just watch Netflix while eating food. It felt great to finally eat food. Good food. The food Neal made me eat was simply slob on a tray.

"I missed you. I barely slept when I found out you went missing. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you," Killian said, sadly.

I looked into his ocean blue eyes. Oh how I missed his eyes. The way they shined when the light hit them just right. "Well you have nothing to worry about because you're going to be stuck with me for a while," I replied with a smile on my face before kissing him.

It was a slow, gentle yet passionate kiss. It wasn't rough and demanding, but it was needed. I missed the way his soft lips felt on mine and now that I have him back, I never want to let go.


A/N: short chapter, but I think it was sweet :) I just want to warn you all and let you know that the ending of the book is coming soon <3 I'm sorry, but every story has to end at some point :)
Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! If you did, please vote and comment :)

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