Chapter 13

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Tap. Tap. Tap. I listened to the kid behind me, tapping his pencil, waiting for the bell to ring. Yes, I'm bored with sitting in this boring class too and I am also waiting for the bell to ring, but that doesn't mean I'm going to annoyingly tap my pencil on my desk for my own enjoyment! I don't understand why people tap their pencil on their desk, they know that it annoys everyone around them!

Right as the bell ring, I quickly turned around, grabbed the pencil from the boy sitting behind me and threw it across the room. That damn noise gave me a headache!

I am extremely glad it's Friday and d was my last class of the day. The kid that was taping the pencil looked at me angrily, clenched his fists and turned around to get his pencil.

I walked out of the classroom, out of the school and to my car. I opened the door, got in, and out the key in. When I tried to get my car started, it made an unpleasant noise, telling me that it didn't start. What. The. Hell. It's Friday! I just want to go home and sleep!

I got out of my car and slammed the door shut. I leaned my head against the car and groaned in annoyance. I stood there for a while, just listening to everyone else, talking with their friends and talking about parties. You may be wondering, why don't I just call Ruby? Well, the little asshole didn't come to school today! She told me she was sick.

A couple seconds later, I felt a presence behind me so I turned around. My eyes widened in shock.

"Having car troubles, love?" Killian said in his deep, British accent.

I rolled my eyes. "Nope. My cars working just fine." I lied.

"Then why are you still standing here?"

I straightened up my posture. "I..I'm..waiting for someone."

Killian raised his eyebrow and smirked. "Really? And who is this someone?"

I pursed my lips. Really? He couldn't have just left me alone? "Ya, ok, fine. My car won't start."

"Want a ride home?" Killian said and chuckled.

"I can walk." I said and started to walk away, going in the direction of my house when Killian grabbed my wrist.

"Get in my car, swan." He rolled his eyes, playfully.

"If you want me to get in your car, you're going to have to kidnap me." I put my hands on my hips.

He snaked his arms around my waist and threw me over his shoulder and started walking. I squealed. "What the hell are you doing! Put me down!" I said while hitting his back.

"I'm kidnapping you, duh." he said. I could tell by the sound of his voice that he was probably smirking. "And stop hitting me." He chuckled.

"if you don't put me down, I'll scream." I said, angrily.

Killian opened a door with his free hand and threw me in his car. "There, I put you down." He smirked and then shut the door before I could say anything. That bastard!

Killian went around to the driver side and got in. I was about to open the car door and run but Killian quickly locked it. I sat back in the chair and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Jerk." I said while looking at anything but him.

"Ah, so taking you home because your car won't start is me being a jerk?" He said playfully.


Killian started driving and neither of us said anything. That was, until he passed my street.

"um, Killian, my house is back there." I pointed behind us, to the street we just passed.

"That would be great information, swan. If we were going to your house." He said while chuckling.

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