Chapter 26

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"Dad, this shirt isn't even that tight!" I yelled. My dad is being frustrating and won't let me leave the house because my 'shirt is too tight.' Like, seriously? I wear shirts like this all the time, but he blows up about it now? What a dick!

"Emma, go change. Now," He said, sternly while pointing upstairs towards my bedroom.

I let out a loud groan and stomped my way upstairs. On my way back to my room I mumbled incoherent things under my breath. I slammed my door shut but quickly changed. I was planning on going out with Ruby to just hang out so I really don't see why there was a problem in the first place. It's not like we are going to go or to some party and get drunk! Ok, what am I saying? Knowing Ruby, that's probably exactly what she wanted to do. But that's not the point!

I slid a much looser red shirt over myself and walked back out of my room and out of the house before my dad could say anything else to me. The thing that really pissed me off about this was the fact that my mom just stood there and watched us fight! She didn't say anything. She didn't agree nor did she disagree with my dad. She just stood there. Ugh!

I got into my yellow Volkswagen bug and started driving. The song 'Uma Thurman' by Fall Out Boy was playing so I turned the volume up and quietly started singing along to it.

After a little bit of driving, I saw the park that Killian and I went to in the middle of the night. That was a shitty but at the same time great day. Being the pissed off teenager I am, I decided to pull over to it just so I could calm myself down as I'm still mad at about my dad. Lately he has just been so overprotective and it's really getting on my nerves.

I got out of my car and walked over to one of the benches. I looked at the empty park. There are no kids running around, having fun and I have to say, it makes me sad. I remember when I was a kid, there would be a ton of other kids going down the slides, swinging on the swing and climbing on the monkey bars. But now, it's just abandoned and falling apart. It has been for a while now.

I made so many friends at this park. Well, I'm not friends with any of them anymore, but I still had great memories here. And bad ones.. I remember the day I fell off the swing and I had scratched my hands and knees up pretty good. I remember thinking t was the worst pain anyone could ever feel..I was very wrong. Growing up, you just realize how much pain a person can really go through. And now, I miss being a kid. I wish I could go back to being my little 9 year old self where my worst problems were when someone called me a 'meanie.'

I snapped my head to the left when I heard someone walking. My eyes widened when I saw Neal walking towards me. Shit. No. I shot up from the bench and started to back away. Neal smirked and I looked at him in disgust. My eyes started to water. No one is here. It's only me and him. Imagine the things he could do to me.. My heart started pounding just thinking of the things he might do.

I started to run towards my car but I was too slow. I felt Neal's arms wrap around my stomach and he pulled me to his chest. I started kicking my legs and began to scream when he pressed a white cloth to my face that covered my mouth and nose. I began to become dizzy and weak. Before I knew it, everything went dark.


My eyes fluttered open, but I saw nothing. There was nothing but darkness. What the hell? Where am I?

After a few moments of confusion, the thoughts of what happened before I blacked out rushed to my head.

No. This can't be happening. My breathing became uneven and I started to panic. Tears flowed down my cheeks. I tried to stand up but realized I couldn't move my arms or legs. Shit. I'm tied to a fucking chair!

"Neal!" I screamed, angrily. I looked around frantically to see if there would be any movement but there was nothing. "Oh god.." I whispered to myself.

I heard a rattling noise and my head snapped towards the direction the noise came from. I heard some more rattling before it sounded like something fell to the floor. Then, a door opened and in came Neal. With a knife in his hand... Shit!

"Ah, so I see you're awake," Neal said with an evil smirk on his face. I looked around to see if I could tell where I was at, using the light coming from the now open door. I'm in a barn?

"Neal, please let me go," I pleaded. He rolled his eyes before taking another step into the barn and slamming the door shut.

"Ya, I don't think so, princess," I heard him say.

It makes everything much more terrifying when you can't see what's happening around you.

I heard Neal walking around and I could tell he was getting closer to me since his steps were getting louder. When all of a sudden, I felt a knife cut my upper arm.

I screamed out in pain. I felt the blood trickling down my arm. "What the hell do you want?!" I yelled.

I could feel his presence beside me. "You," he whispered right into my ear.

My heart started pounding even more, if that's possible. It felt as if my heart would burst through my chest. I swear Neal could hear my own heart beating.

Neal then cut the ropes off of me with his knife, not very gently, might I add. The knife cut my arm in the process, but it wasn't nearly as bad as the other cut he made in my upper arm. I held in a groan, trying not to show him I'm weak.

I felt him grab my arm and he then through me to the ground. I tried to crawl away from him but he crawled on top of me and pinned my hands above my head. He used his knee to pin my thigh to the ground, which, did not feel pleasant.

"Why, Neal? You are acting like a crazy person..what am I saying? You are crazy!" I growled before spitting in his face.

"Bitch!" He screamed before slapping me. I let out a scream while tears stung my eyes. "I know. I know you had sex with Killian. You are mine. I love you! Why can't you see that?!"

"This is not how you show your love for someone. Why don't you understand that? Neal, I thought I loved you. When we first got together, ya, I really liked you. I loved you. But you broke my heart. You became violent. This is not how you love someone," I said, sadly.

He let out a sarcastic chuckle before he did something I will never forget. I will never be the same. Not after what he does to me.


A/N: please don't hate me for I hope you enjoyed this chapter? Ya y'all probably are very mad XD I'm sorryyyy. I'll hopefully update tomorrow. No promises though!

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