Chapter 29

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I listened as Neal unlocked the door to the barn. I heard the chains drop, that's when the door opened.

You may be wondering what my plan to get out of here is.. Well, it's not much of a plan. To be honest, I didn't put much thought into it but it will take a lot of my strength considering the amount of blood that I've lost because of Neal's knife. But, I will be attacking him. I may not do much damage to him necessarily, but I at least need time to run out of the barn and get far away from it.

So, I am currently hiding behind the door. Ya ya, again, I didn't really think through it that much.

I watched as. Neal walked into the barn with that evil smirk on his face. But soon, his expression turned into something mixed with confusion and anger.

"You can hide from me, Emma!" He shouted, angrily. Ok, let's be honest, he's an idiot if he didn't think to look behind the door. I mean, I'm glad he didn't look behind the door, but he's still an idiot.

Once he closed the door and looked around a bit more, that's when I stood up from my spot and shoved him to the ground. I quickly kicked the knife from his hand so he couldn't use it on me anymore. He looked at me, shocked. I crawled on top of him and pinned him to the ground using all the strength I had and then punched him in the jaw.

While he was distracted by the punch I have him, I reached up for the knife. I got a hold of the knife but Neal took that time to flip us over so he was on top of me. He pushed his knee into the wound on my legs and I screamed in pain. But I can't let the pain distract me. I can't let him overpower me. If I don't get out of here now, he will cause me so much more pain and I won't be able to take it.

Using the knife, I stabbed it into his shoulder. He fell to the ground and yelled, obviously pissed. He held onto his shoulder with his hand and he began to reach for me but I stood up quickly and backed away from him. I held out the knife, pointing it in his direction as to tell him if he comes any closer, I won't hesitate to hurt him again.

Once it looked like he wasn't going to try to come after me, I turned around and opened the door. I limped outside. Of the barn and began to limp as quickly as I could away from the barn. I bit my lip, trying not to scream because of the pain in my leg.

Tears stung my eyes as I got away from the barn. I had to still over fallen trees and walk, or, well, limp around trees. I looked at my hands and just cried. I had blood all over them. But not only was the blood mine. Some of the blood was Neal's. I can't believe I just stabbed someone.. Would I get in trouble for it? was self defense. Right?

Thoughts began to cloud my brain when all of a sudden, I was pulled to the ground. I turned around to see Neal was the one that dragged me down. I screamed. Maybe now that I'm out, someone will hear me? Oh god that would be nice. To have someone help me.

Neal raised his hand, about to hit me when I quickly raised the knife and cut his hand, causing blood to drop from his hand. He looked at his hand. I took that time to shove him off of me and full on run. My leg hurts like hell but this would be nothing compared to the pain Neal will cause me.

I ran and ran, not knowing exactly where I was going. I don't even know where the hell I am. I know I'm in a forest, but that's it. I could be out of Storybrooke for all I know. Or even out of Maine! What if I'm in a different country?!

I pushed those thought out of my head and focused on running. Dodging trees and jumping over bushes.

After a while of running, I noticed the sun was setting. No. I can't be out here when it's dark. This motivated me to run faster and soon, I started to recognize where I was. I was by the park..the place Neal had originally taken me from.

A small smile began to form on my face. This is it.. I'm going to escape. I'll be safe. I'll be with my family and Killian. What am I saying? Killian is my family..

Finally, I made it out of the forest and all the trees. My eyes looked around, frantically for any people hat could be around, but there was no one. I walked over to my car and looked inside. I tried to open the door but realized it was locked. Shit!

Of course the door is locked. Neal took my car keys.. And he also took my phone..

So I started walking towards my house. Home. A place I've missed. I can't wait to lay in my comfy bed and watch tv. Most of all, I can't wait to be safe.

Once I finally made it to my house, it was dark outside. I walked up the steps to my porch and knocked on the door. My breathing was heavy and I was becoming very tired. But soon enough, I saw my mother open the door.

Tears streamed down my face. "Mom.." I said and ran towards her. I wrapped my arms around her as she did to me.

"Oh my god, Emma," I heard her say. By the shakiness of her voice, I could tell she was crying. "H-how..what happened to you?" She pulled back and held my at arms length. She had a smile on her face as tears filled her eyes.

I was about to explain when I heard my fathers voice. "E-Emma?" His eyes widened as he ran towards me and he too engulfed me in a hug. I hugged him right back. I missed this.. I missed the warm hugs and my home. Now all I need is Killian. "Come inside," my dad said while leading me into the house. He had me sit on the couch while he got me a blanket and water.

My parents sat on the couch across from me as I explained what happened. I told them everything Neal did to me and where he kept me. I also told them what I did to him in order to get away. By the end of explaining what happened, we were all crying and hugging each other.

"Sweetie, we need to take you to a hospital. You're hurt.." My mom whispered and she brushed her thumb over the cut on my cheek.

"I-I'm ok.." I replied. Which was a lie. I'm not ok. Im far from ok. I am hurt and broken. But I'm scared to go to the hospital. I know I probably need stitches but something about doctors terrifies me. Plus, the thing I want the most right now is to lay in my own bed.

"Emma, your mothers right," my dad asked.

I shook my head. "Not tonight. Maybe tomorrow. Right now all I want is to lay down in my own bed," I said and as if on cue, I let out a yawn.

My parents looked at me sadly. "Alright.. Yes, you should rest," my mother finally agreed with me and I smiled at her.

I then stood up and went to my room. I laid down on my bed and got under the covered and before I knew it, I was asleep.


A/N: wow, 2 updates in one day! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and if you did, please vote and comment :)

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