Chapter Four.

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~Chapter Four~

Persephone's POV

            "What the-" I took a huge breath in, "Hell?!" All of us were out of breath as we had ran out of the mall to a cafe. Did I mention it was like three miles away? Yeah, not fun. I have no idea why we ran out but someone screamed their names out and we got mobbed. Oh. They're in a huge band. Of course we would get swarmed by a bunch of hormonal teenagers. Damn it.

            "That" Zayn pointed his thumb to behind us, " was one of the biggest crowd we have ever gotten. Oh god, I never knew they could run that fast!" We must've looked like a crazy group of people because we were all bent over, our hands on our knees, and our clothes were a bit torn up and ruined. They must think we're in a gang or something. I gave him a 'You think?' look and sat down at one of the tables. I let out an exhausted sigh and put my feet on the table. People around me sent disapproving looks, but I didn't really care. I think I'm too tired to care.

            "So what's the plan now?" Harry asked while looking around the cafe. He then looked at me and put his mouth to my ear. "Cover your wrists so people won't question you." With wide eyes, I looked at my still reddened wrists and pulled my sleeves to over my hands. Oh my fucking god. People could have noticed. I really need to be careful with hiding the cuts. I'm so stupid. Ugh.

            I mouthed a 'Thank you' and went to get up and order some tea for everyone. I mean it's freaking cold, so warmth would be good. Right after I ordered, I pulled my some cash out of my wallet to hand to the cashier. Smiling, I took the six tea cups from her small hands and went back to the table. They'll probably be mad that I paid. Oops. I slid into my seat and passed the cups to the guys.

            "Again? I thought we agreed that we would pay." Niall gave me a look and I shrugged.

            "Drink up, fellas. We have to leave soon if we want to escape the fans. They nodded in agreement and we finished our tea in about ten minutes.

           Hanging out with celebrities would be checked off of my bucket list later on. Sounds good. All I need left is date a celebrity. Like that would happen. We headed out onto the empty and breezy streets of Wolverhampton. I found it pretty funny that we were walking side to side and in order by height. I was in between Harry and Zayn because well, I'm like 5'9 and a half.

          Since I wasn't paying attention, someone bumped right into me, knocking me down onto my back. I could feel the snow crunch underneath my body as I fell.

            "Ow, that fucking hurt." I winced as I got up onto my feet and rubbed my, probably, scratched elbow through my sweater. "Anyways, sorry! I didn't know you were the-" Then I got a slap to my face. You could hear the  boys gasps around me and whoever slapped me. Looking up, I saw, to my goddamn luck, Jake, the worst cliché jock in our school. He had his hair in an overly gelled up-do, and it looked dashing in the sunlight because it was dirty blonde. It looked like the sunlight. His green eyes were deep and mischievous because just by staring into your eyes, he would have you in bed with him as fast as it takes to clap. Jake Lipton had a beautiful jaw structure and it looked even better when he smiles. He is so gorgeous, but I still hate him with a burning passion. His presence just screams asshole. Right now he was just smirking at me like the conceited dick he was.

            For some stupid reason, I laughed. "Fuck you bitch." He looked a bit taken back because I'm pretty sure that was the first time I ever stood up for myself in front of, well, anyone. I guess knowing the boys have my backs  help.

            "Who said you can talk to me slut? Huh?!" That made me think a little. Why do I let people like this talk to me like that? I'm pretty sure I'm older than him too. Anyways, I like my confidence, but I deserve the hate. I did let him go. Thinking about him brings tears to my eyes, but I pushed them back this time.

            "You know Jakey, you don't own me. So please, move out of my way. Me and the lads were on our way somewhere and it would just be easier if you let us by." I shooed him with a flick of the wrist and pushed past him. I felt a hand on my wrist though, so I turned around and was about to yell at him. Liam beat me to it though. He straight up punched him in the nose.

            "She said to move." Liam sneered and then turned to me. "Are you okay?"

            "Y-yeah. I'm good. Let's go now.” We then continued our journey to their apartment or flat.

            "I'm going to make your life a living hell you filthy whore." That hurt. A lot. I've only slept with one person. Which was him. I miss Keegan so damn much. Tears were now in my eyes. Not because of Keegan, but because of Jake's comment. Jake was now stood up while holding his nose with a determined smirk that was meant to piss me off. It did just that.

            "I am not a whore. The people you fuck are whores. Also, you have no right to call me that. Jake, you don't even know me. But maybe if you didn't hurt me on a daily basis, we could've gotten to know each other. Call me anything, but a whore and slut is too far. I don't sleep around. Yeah, I'm not a virgin, but I actually did it with someone I loved and it was once. I'm pretty sure you know who it was with. " I walked straight in front of Jake, and while pointing a rude finger in his face I demanded,  "So stay the fuck away from me or I will make your life a living hell." I ran off from the scene.

Liam's POV

            "You're an asshole." I scoffed and walked towards where Persephone went. The rest of the boys were right beside me and were looking for the lost girl too. She was so confident back there. It was admirable.

            "Do you hear that?" Harry asked as we stopped by a park. It was about seven o' clock right now and it was pretty dark. All five of us stopped all of our chatting to listen. Soon, we heard sobbing coming from one of the trees. That Jake  guy was a huge jerk to her like everyone at her school. Why though? Did she do something? I hope not.

            Niall walked to it first before any of us and sat down next to her small body. Us four walked towards the playground to leave them to talk and sat down at the swings. I know we all love her in different ways, but he loves her a lot like a sister. I just hope he doesn't like her. That would ruin my chances. Well, I can definitely not cross of 'Fall in love.' off of my bucket list.

Niall's POV (I know right.)

            Slowly, I slid down the rough tree trunk to the left of Persephone.

            "You okay there, Jewel?" I've been calling her that for a while because it just fit. She was strong yet delicate. I think that makes sense. I like it though.

            "No, Niall. I'm not okay at all. Not even close to it actually. I know I can trust you but I need to know that you won't judge me for this." Jewel just sniffled and sobbed more. She obviously was about to tell me something really big. I'm ready for it though. She's like a sister to me. I've always wanted a sister.

            "You can trust me and you should know that I will never judge you without knowing the backstory. It'll be fine. Now, tell me what's wrong, darlin'." My Irish thick with sincerity.

            "Don't tell me it'll be fine! I've heard that so damn much! Does anyone realize that after they say that and it isn't fine, it hurts? My heart aches for everything fine. I even pray at night to God himself that I wish I could be happy for once. Happy is what I dream to feel, but it seems to never happen. I try. So, so hard. I even changed how I looked to satisfy people around me so they can act differently towards me but it doesn't work. I used to be happy. It was like a dream. Those times were amazing and I was on cloud nine for about years. Until about one year ago," She paused and looked right into my blue eyes.

            "The love of my life, Keegan Mitchell, committed suicide."


            Who didn't expect that.? I know I did.! On the side is Jake Lipton. Joey Graceffa plays him.! I think I have an obsession with youtubers. Anyways, I understand this story is going a bit fast but be patient dear children. I'm going to fix some things in the story and then it will all make sense. Don't worry.! *Insert smile here.* Well good night.!

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