Chapter Eleven.

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Chapter Eleven.

“I don’t want to change your mind, ‘cause

I accept everything you are and will be. Stay here with me now.”

-Forgiveness and Love, Miley Cyrus.

Niall’s POV


            “How long have you known?” I was confused and shocked, but I felt something stir in the pit of my stomach when he said that. Harry looked scared and nervous while he sat up on the bed next to me. I put my hand on his to show that I wasn’t mad, and he put his on top of mine. We both smiled.

            “It’s been two years.” My face dropped and I pulled my hand away slowly. Why didn’t he tell me? I thought we were best friends. I told him that exactly. “Because I was scared of this. I knew it, you think I’m disgusting, don’t you? I have to go.” His tone was rushed, and he scurried up before I replied. I chased after him and grabbed his delicate wrist between my hand. He stayed looking forward, not at me, while we just stood there. I never thought that about him, and he needs to know that.

            “Harry, I was just hurt that you didn’t tell me. Please look at me baby, please. I have something to tell you, too.” Harry looked back at me with hope in his eyes, but they went away as soon as he looked at me. “I haven’t told you because I only found out this past week, but I’m bisexual. I mean I told Jewels, but-“

            “Oh, so, you get mad when I don’t tell you, but you don’t tell me about you being bisexual, just Perc? You’re such a fucking hypocrite, Niall.” He yanked his wrist away from my hands and walked out of the room.

 Harry’s legs were longer than mine so he could run faster, but I still caught up to him. I pulled his bicep so he could face me, but he ended up closer than I thought. We stared at each other for a little and when I think I started to lean in, he coughed into his fist and stepped back. “What do you want Niall?”

            “I’m sorry, okay? I was going to tell you tomorrow with the boys, but Jewels ended up walking in on me rehearsing it. Even so, I would have told you first anyways.” I grabbed his waist and pulled him into a hug. Harry put his arms around me and I loved the feeling. He pulled back with a blissful face. “What’s with the face? Anyways, you see any guys you’ve liked lately?” His face turned pale while he replied.

            “Let’s go to sleep, Ni. I’m really tired now.” He grabbed my hand and led me back to the room. We laid down onto the bed; him in my arms. I really hope that Harry tells the boys soon because I can’t keep this in for long. He and I talked a little about life and family and the fans, until Harry fell asleep. He looked peaceful as I ran my hands through his hair and kissed his forehead. While he slept, I leaned back with an arm behind my head and thought about Harry.

            Did he tell his family? I hope so because he and his mother have a close relationship, as do he and his sister. I don’t want this to get between them as well. The last thought scared me; why do I want to kiss him?

Persephone’s POV


            I’m scared. I’m scared. I’m scared. I’m scared. Zayn and I walked into the police station with the rock in a Ziploc bag. Nobody else could make it either because it was too early or they had family over. Zayn knew I was nervous and scared so he put his arm around me as we walked up to the receptionist. “Excuse me ma’ am, I would like to report a crime.” She held her finger up to me while she was finishing up paper work. I sighed and she looked up looking ready to give a mouthful until she saw Zayn.

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