Chapter Seven.

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Chapter 7

Persephone's POV

I was in a meadow. Flowers were everywhere, grass was freshly grown, the suns heat reflected every object it came in contact with. It was the most beautiful place I have ever seen. I stood there for a few minutes trying to figure out how I got there. Nothing was in my memory at the moment. I decided to venture around to find something to remind myself.

When I started walking, I noticed that I was wearing a long white dress with jewels embellishments on the chest. My feet were bare, as I could feel the smooth grass between my toes.

Suddenly, I saw fire before my eyes and bright lights. The car crash. All I remember is a car coming towards me and- Liam. He told me he loves me. Thank god. I can imagine a future with him, married, kids, growing old together. That sounds like pure bliss.

A smile grew on my face, but immediately dropped once I saw someone in front of me.

"Keegan? Is that you?"

Liam's POV

I was numb. Her cold hand lay flat in my hand as I run my thumb over it like it could bring her back to me. Zayn was comforting Niall because he was in the same state as me.

Lifeless. Devastated. Lonely. Empty.

He was worse than me though, and he hasn't even shed a tear yet. I think he's just in too much shock.

Poor Niall, I really need to talk to him.

"Diana, let me be the one to lift your heart up and save your life.

I don't think you even realized

baby you've been saving mine." I sang in a soft tone.

The lyrics were so perfect.

This is our song. Because in the end I wasn't the one saving her. She was saving me. I just hope she'll be there to do that.

Three light knocks to the door brought me back, and so I turned around after saying come in. Niall walked in as pale as Persephone is right now. "You okay, Ni?"

"No." And with that he came over to me, his face in my chest. He started sobbing like he was just told really bad news. Well, in this case he was.

"Shh. It'll be okay Niall. Persephone's strong. She'll pull through. Don't worry. Calm down." I whispered in a soothing voice, concern flooded me as I rubbed his soft blonde hair.

"How would you know that? For all we know, Jewels will be in a coma for years. She was my best friend. Who am I going to talk to now?!" It was purely evident that there was hurt on my face because when Niall pulled back, he had guilt written on his.

"I-I'm sorry Li. I j-just miss her so much." He sniffled and looked at me with his ocean blue eyes. He looked so sad. My mood turned back to concern as I stood up and brought him into another hug.

"She will be okay Ni. She'll be fine." As I was saying those words though, my strength in them died down as well as my hope.

I was starting to lose hope in those words though.

I looked out the hospital window to see snow falling. I held Niall tighter. Please get better Persephone. We need you.

Persephone's POV

Oh my god. Is this real? Holy shit. Keegan was beautiful as ever. It's like he was never, well, sad.

"Yes it is me. And yes Perc this is real. "

"Am I dead? Is this heaven?"

"You're not dead. We have a while for that. This is simply the halfway point."

"Oh. But why are y- Screw that. Oh my god. Keegan I missed you so much." My sobs blubbering through my voice as I threw my arms around his neck.

His strong arms wrapped around my waist and I felt safer than I have in a while. "I'm so sorry. If I had known, then I could've stopped you from..."

"Shh baby girl. Its not your fault. I should've confronted you about it. But it was my time, and if I hadn't gone, you would've never meant your soul mate, Liam." His soothing voice comforting me. Another smile was brought to my face as I thought of my sweet, lovely Liam.

Oh, how I missed him.

He probably thinks I'm dead though. I won't die on him though. Oh my god Niall. I can't bear to think about how he's doing. I'm not their to help him through his problems. The poor boy. I have to stay strong for him and Liam and Harry and Zayn and Louis. For all of my family. I love them all too much to not be strong.

"When can I go back? I bet they're waiting for me! Jesus was my accident bad?"

"Soon my darlin'. You'll see them again soon.

The accident was horrible, but with lots of strength, you'll push through. Don't worry." I hope he's right.


im sorry. im sorry im sorry. dont kill me. school has been so hectic and i know thats not an excuse but ive had writers block too. my emotions are in overdrive because of this chapter. did you like the niam fluff.? :) dont worry im starting a schedule for updates. as soon as i figure that out ill post in my bio. anyways goodbye my darlins.!


who else is watching 1d day.?! i am. holy crap im freaking excited. okay now byeee.

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