Chapter 6: Water War

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After that real life mini drama, we all went straight to bed. Leeteuk ended up giving Han Geng the main room because he wanted to share with the other boys.

Basically this was the room plan:

Room 1: Closest to Bathroom, Contains 2 singles




Room 2- Faces out to Front of house, Contains 1 Bunk



Room 3- Biggest Room, Closest to Stairs, Contains 2 Bunks, 1 Single (balcony room)






Room 4- Main Room, Has connecting en suite bathroom, Contains One Queen bed (balcony room)



Room 5- Furtherest from Stairs, Contains 2 Bunks (balcony room)





So basically, everyone got what they wanted. The noisy ones were basically in one room, the annoying one could annoy his own hyung and not a girl he barely knew, the jerkface Chinese idiot got to be alone and Sungmin and I got to be in the same room.

Everyone got what they wanted...

Except for EunJung.

Now as you've probably figured out already EunJung's crush for Yesung went through the roof.

So much, in fact that whenever he came around the corner or out of nowhere like he creepily did all the time, she would blush completely red all over and walk the opposite way.

And he'd be standing still thinking

"What the hell...? Do I look like a murderer or something?"

Leeteuk worked out all the rooms to make them fair, with the help of Sungmin and I. Sungmin already told him that he wanted to be in a room with me, and that EunJung would probably like to be with me as well. I told Leeteuk that she really liked Yesung but was so shy around him, so as a complete joke, he put Yesung in our room.

When we had finished the list, Leeteuk stood at the top of the stairs directing everyone to their rooms. He and Sungmin had already moved everyone's bags where they needed to go.

EunJung and I were behind Yesung, so we waited as Yesung was directed to his room.

"Ok...Yesung? Furtherest room from the stairs, blue walls and two bunks" said Leeteuk. Yesung nodded and ambled off. Leeteuk saw us and grinned mischeivously.

"Follow Yesung" he said mysteriously. EunJung frowned and looked around but Yesung had already disappeared.

"Where do we go? You helped Leeteuk organise all this" she said.

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