Chapter 14: Bailing the Burden

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"Get up, Hankyung" I said angrily.

"What? Why? It's 3 in the morning" he mumbled.

"I need you to drive me down to the police station" I replied, shrugging on my jacket and pulling on my converse.


I sighed in irritation.

"Sungmin got arrested for crashing into a pole"

By then he was wide awake. "But he didn't take one of the cars!"

The next part annoyed me the most.

"No, he was driving around in someone else's car and crashed"

"Is he alright?"

"Yes, he just needs a couple of stitches to his head and a bandage in his palm. And a hit on the head again so he can get sober. He's been arrested. He's in a cell down at the police station" I said.

"Why arrested though?"

"He was driving while drunk. His blood alcohol was 0.1 percent. Way over the limit for driving"

Hankyung sighed. He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Well, down we go then" he said, pulling on his trousers and fastening the belt. He straightened his shirt and ruffled his hair with his hand. 

"I've just got to go to Leeteuk and ask for bail money" I said. "I hate to do it, but it's the only way we're getting him out of that cell"

"Do you have any money?"

"I didn't think I'd need any, so I didn't bring any. And even if I did I wouldn't be using it to get his drunk, arrested ass out of there"

"Fair enough. I'll just go get the keys"

I knocked on the door of Leeteuk's room. 

"Come in" said his smooth voice.

"You're still awake?" I whispered as I opened the door quietly.

"Yes. I am worrying myself sick over Sungmin who hasn't come back yet" 

I sighed. "Why do you stay up this late? You're getting dark circles under your eyes"

"So that if he makes a mess downstairs I can go clean it up"

"Why don't you get me to do it? I made him the way he is"

"No, he made himself the way he is"

"Tell me about it. Well, I feel really guilty asking this, but can I borrow some money?"

"Why would you need money?"

"I need to bail Sungmin out of the local police station"

"What? Why? What did he do?" asked Leeteuk in a panic.

"He got someone else's car and drove it into a pole. He got arrested for drunk driving and now I have to bail him out since that idiot told the police officer I would go and get him"

Leeteuk sighed. "Just another controversy to put on our record"

He gave me his wallet.

"Use whatever it takes. I'll make him pay me back one day"

I nodded, thanked him quietly and left the room, silent as a mouse. I tip-toed down the stairs and Hankyung sighed.

"Ready to go?"

"Yes" I said, rolling my eyes.

He opened my door to one of the vans and I climbed in. He climbed in his side and fastened his seatbelt. He put the key in the ignition and started the car.

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