Chapter 9

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You would think that by what happened yesterday he would be long gone, so I didn't understand why his car was parked in front of the coffee shop.

His car being there didn't stop me from wanting to go inside. I was grumpy and wanted some damn coffee.


I walked in my eyes searching every inch of the small space until I found him. He was in the corner reading a book with a drink in his hand. His face covered in bruises. The bruises Harry gave him. I decided to go up to him. I didn't care if he might still be infuriated by me because I denied his offer to leave with him yesterday, he was my little brother he couldn't tell me what to do.

I cleared my throat getting his attention. His head snapped up looking completely shocked by my presence.

"Hey, can we talk?" I said scanning his face. It was even worse close up, his eye was black, and his lips were swollen and a couple of scratches and bruises covered the rest of his face.

"Sure" he rolled his eyes and let out a groan.

"So Harry told me that you guys knew each other before I even knew about his existence, and something happened between you too, what happen?" me just mentioning Harry made his hands clench together making it obvious they had a bad history. He stood up and threw his drink into the garbage near us clearing the table without even answering, which I found quite rude. He wrapped his fingers around my wrist and pulled me off the chair and towards the door.


"Get in" he demanded motioning me to the car door. I did as he told me not wanting to start another scene in public.

I didn't get my damn coffee.

"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere quiet" he replied turning the keys. The engine roared and we speed away.

I tried numerous times to speak to him but he ignored me not losing focus of the road for a second.

We were in a park.

Circling the parking lot a few times until he finally found a empty space getting out quickly and opening the door for me.

I didn't know where we were going, we just walked for a few minutes until we spotted a lake and found our way to a grassy area. He sat down and patted the floor signaling me to sit with him, and I did.

"You really want to know don't you?" he sighed looking down at the grass underneath us. The lake looked really familiar, I felt as if I've been here before. It was very peaceful and big. I scanned the lake looking at the ducks swim slowly in little lines following the momma duck. Until I saw it.

It was the lake house. The "famous lake house". The lake house I was at just a few hours ago.

With Harry.

"Helloooo" Jason waved a hand over my face bringing me back to reality.

"Oh, oh yeah, yeah tell me"

"Ughhhh, well it was a few months ago, me and Harry were pretty good friends, we would go out to races and have a few beers together, shh dont tell mom" he laughed "we were pretty close buds ever since one of the guys introduced us. He told me he was a sick racer, which he was, I would go watch him a lot and then he would leave with a new girl every night. He told me stories of him and the other boys he always hangs around, of how they would go out and fuck every and any girl they wanted, about these crazy parties they went to and the things they did, they were horrible but I didn't mind cause we were friends. Until one day he saw you..." He stopped. My eyes widened, and my head span with thoughts. What does all of this have to do with me?

"Yeah.." I said showing him I wanted him to keep going.

"Your going to hate me if I tell you" he dug his head into his hands making it a little hard to hear what he said, but I still heard it.

"No I won't I'm your older sister, ill get over it" I reassured him. He took a deep breath and opened his mouth getting ready to reveal what I was supposedly going to hate him for saying.

"Remember Toby?" He mumbled. Of course I did. Toby was the guy I lost my v card to. He was a sweet, and very attractive boy. He was on the football team too, all the girls wanted him but he wanted me. At least I think he did, and one night I had a little too much to drink, and so did he, next thing I knew I woke up in his bed, naked.


"Well..." He gulped, "he kind of videotaped what you guys did" my heart stopped when I heard him and I felt tears building up in my eyes again.

"W-what?" I managed to ask through my now sobs.

"I'm so sorry Steph, I swear I didn't see it, and he deleted it afterwards no one saw it except.." He stopped again taking another deep breath "Harry"

Another sob escaped my lips. I wrapped my arms around my legs uncontrollably sobbing again into my arms. I felt so stupid. How did I never find out. What a dick face.

The tears kept coming, and wouldn't stop. I lost my virginity to a guy who had the balls to video tape it and then he showed it to Harry, out of all the people on this planet. HARRY.

I lifted up my head from the shelter of my body and looked over to the lake house again. Jason starred at me crying, he didn't know what to say so he just watched. I kind of wanted him to comfort me but he didn't.

I tried my best to stop myself from crying. As time passed it worked. I stopped sobbing, and wiped the remaining tears off my cheeks.

What if that's why Harry said he's seen me naked before? What if he didn't actually take advantage of me these past nights?

"Hellloooo" Jason waved his hands in my face trying to get my attention again.

"Do you want to know the rest or was that too much?" He asked

"No, keep going"

"Alright, if you say so" he sighed

"Well, after he say the you know, video, he wouldn't stop asking me to see you but I kept telling him no making him infuriated by me. Every night, he asked, and every night I told him no. I didn't want him to hurt you steph. Until one night he threatened to follow me home. He told me he was going to find you and fuck your brains out. He was drunk out of his mind but I knew he was serious, it ticked me off to the point where I threw him on the ground and beat the shit out him in front of all his buddies, and we didn't talk ever again. I was just trying to protect you from him sis, he's no good." He lowered his head and picked at a stem on the ground.

"I can take care of myself Jason" I replied knowing it would get him mad. It was my life, and I was his big sister I should be the one trying to protect him.

"Okay" he said annoyed.

"I'm sorry but I'm going to hang out with who I want, I don't need your permission of who I can or can't, and if something happens you can say I told you so okay?" I forced a smile. My tears were gone but I still felt like shit knowing my first time was video taped and Harry saw it. At least no one else saw it right? I didn't want to think about it any longer afraid I would start sobbing again.

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