Chapter 84

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Guys I'm horrible, I'm so so so sorry that it took me so long to write this and that it's probs horrible :(


"Hey," Dale walked into my room. I nodded at him.

I thanked him for literally saving my life the other night and kissed the ground he stepped on. He went on about how he told me he warned me and me being as fucked up as i was didn't listen, so I could've avoided this whole shit, and this stupid fucking gown thing I was forced to were that made me look like a fool.


"You and Stephanie are together still?" He eased in the question after our conversation died out with I replying with 'k'.

"Yes, why?"

"Nothing, thought maybe she'd hate your guts after what you did?"

"What'd I do?"

He explained to me about the dare, and the girl. How could I be so stupid, goddammit.

"You're lying," I calmly denied it.

"You really think I'm just making this up? You said you two were over with, if I knew you weren't I would've stopped you. you were on some other shit that night, you probably would've done it dare or no dare."

"Dammit Dale," I pulled my hands onto my face trying to ignore the pain.

"Are you going to tell her?"

"I don't know- no,"

I pondered on what I would do, my final decision was I wouldn't tell her. She would never find out.

Dale left after us arguing about basically everything, we always bumped heads but it never got to the point where we got sick of each other. I bugged him and bugged him to leave knowing Stephanie was outside waiting.

Once he left I took a deep breath in and gathered my thoughts before Steph would be walking in here.

I could've lived without him telling me- no I wouldn't. I had so much guilt inside me, it was foolish that I even wanted her here after the news I just found out.


She laughed and tried shooting another popcorn into my mouth but having it hit the rim of my teeth and bounce back onto the bed.

"You suck at this," she giggled.

"Your aiming sucks," I threw back at her earning a sassy one eyebrow up kind of look from her.

"You suck," she said.

"I do," I mumbled under my breath, thinking of the possibility, not possibility, reality of me cheating on her.

"What?" She asked hearing me.

"Nothing- try again," I opened.

She concentrated on my mouth before throwing another popcorn into my mouth, making it by a little.

"Yay!" she cheered.

Does my aim still suck now?

"Yes," I laughed.

We made eye contact and held it, I knew where this was leading. I could see it in her eyes how much she wanted me, and I wanted her back but all I could feel was guilt.

My conscious teased me and made me believe not telling her was the best idea.

As I stared at her as she crawled over me on my small bed, I tried not thinking about it and pushing it out of the way. Now all I could think about was how much I wanted her but how I couldn't do shit tied up to tubes.

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