Chapter 51

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I was back home after the last of my classes, to a wrecked room.

"What the hell happen here?" I frowned at Natalie who had been peacefully on her computer not minding the mess of clothes and utilities laying on the floor.

"I don't know," she lied.

"Yes you do what happen," I reassured her. "So you walked in, saw the mess and just ignored it?"


"Than what happen?"

"I was looking for something, ill clean it up in a little."

Looking for something didn't mean she had to tear up the whole room and leave everything on the floor.


She looked like a mess though, her hair messy, and clothes not properly placed on her body.


"Are you going tonight?" I asked her, I knew if I went with Calum he'd probably leave me for his friends.

"Oh how the tables have turned."


"I'm usually the one invited you places or asking if your going, and if I'm right and your going to that race shit than yea, I never miss them duh."

"Oh, okay."

I watched her pick up every little thing on the floor and organize it where their were to be. I wonder what she had been looking for, it must've been important if this I'd what came out of her looking for it.

"What were you looking for anyways?" I looked at her serious, so she could know I really didn't want to know what it was.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it."

That was a shit anywhere, it only made me want to figure out what the hell it was even more.


I had to figure out what I was going to wear tonight, definitely not a dress though. I wasn't really known for being very fashionable due to the fact I wore sweaters and jeans mostly every day. Don't get me wrong, I didn't just have sweaters and jeans, I had nice clothes too I just was too lazy to get ready every morning.

I looked through the small closest that was mine, searching for something nice.

I ended up picking a plain t shirt and flannel to put over, with leather leggings and combat boots, I was going for the typical tumblr girl look for tonight I guess.

I took a quickly shower and blow dried my hair letting it flow naturally.

My phone vibrated.

*I'm here :)*

"Hey, Calums here to pick me up, meet you there?"


I waved at her goodbye and closed the door behind me.

His car was parked in front of the entrance, he watched me from the hood of his car walk towards him.

"Hey," his lips parted in a smile.

"Hi." I said as he wrapped his arms around me.

"You look stunning," I blushed.

"You don't look so bad yourself," I returned the complement.

He looked pretty damn good really, his hair was messy but it worked for him, he was wearing skinnies and a graphic t shirt, it was simple and it looked so good on him.

We hopped into his car and sped off.

"So do you want to eat before we get there?"

"Yes, actually,"

I was in fact hungry, shit I hadn't ate since the coffee shop, that little pastry did nothing to fill me up, it was a surprise that I even lasted the rest of the day with that little thing.

"So could you explain to me the whole deal with Harry?" I looked up at him as he drove in a steady pace.

It was amazing how I couldn't go a few hours without someone bringing him up, it made me a tad annoyed, but I couldn't just ignore him and be a bitch to him, I was in his car right?

"Why?" I said as we pulled up into a parking lot.

He opened the door for me as we walked inside.

"How many?" A preppy small blond asked us.

"Two?" We both answered her in sync.

"Right this way," she guides us through rows of chairs to a nice two seat table. "Here are your menus, what would you like to drink?" She pointed at me first.

"Water please," I said earning me a weird look from Calum.

"And you?"


She scribbled down what we had ordered on a small notepad and walked away.

"Water? How boring of you," Calum teased and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Anyways i asked you that in the car cause I want to know, I guess?" He shrugged, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to though."

I was pretty disappointed that he brought it up again, I was hoping it had stayed in the car and wouldn't follow us in here.

"Ill tell you another day, I don't want to ruin our dinner and tonight,"

We talked mostly about school, and anoint random things here and there. I laughed at the way he ate, it looked as if he was trying to eat the plate too and he mocked me for the simple salad I had ordered.

He looked down at his phone that had vibrated, he stared at the screen with confused expression.

"What?" his head snapped up at my question. "What?" I repeated.

"Oh, nothing just my friends trying to scare me." He smiled, I could tell he was lying but I decided to let it go.

The check came in as soon as we were finished, perfect timing too, it was starting to get late and it was probably best if we left now. I eyed the check debating if I should take it, I really hated when people payed for me. Calum grabbed the check before I could and stuck out his tongue at me.

"Let's go," he chirped getting up for his chair.

I followed him out the door and into his car.

"The ride there is kind of long and I like singing on long car rides so your going to have to bare with me." He laughed buckling in and starting the engine.

He wasn't lying, I watched him squirm around in his seat singing to the blasting music coming from the speakers. It was cute the way his nose crinkled up when he sang high notes, it was torture to my ears but I could tell he was only joking by the way he would look over to me to see my reaction to his singing.

The song he had on slowly faded away and he stopped squirming and acting goofy and looked over to me.

"How was it?"

"Amazing encore, encore!" I clapped my hands teasing him.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you very much."

The music began again, but it wasn't a party, fun song it was slow and nice. He sang softly to the lyrics as they were played.

He stopped singing and raised his arms frustrated.

"Thank god we are almost there." He groaned covering his face with his hands.

We were in what seemed like an endless traffic jam, the car would move an inch a second.

He calmed himself and began to sing again obviously still pretty pisses off but a little simmered down now.

It took us almost 10 minutes to get out of the traffic and for us to decide it would be better to take another route.

Calums singing began again.

"You really should never go into the music industry, like ever."

"Hey, that's not actually how I sing, and I should let you know I am in a band, and we are pretty fucking awesome."

His confession was surprising, I never thought he would be the type in a band, but I guess you can't judge a book by its cover.

"You know those three other dudes I'm always with?" He went on.


"They are kind of my bands mates,"

"You guys probably suck"

He turned his head, his mouth wide open shocked by my comment.

"You know you've been very mean to me this whole car ride, I might as well leave you on the side of the street." A smile on his face grew as I stuck my tongue out at him mimicking the way he had done it earlier. "Hey we are her." He lifted one of his hands up from the steering wheel and pointed out to a crowded street.

It had been just like the last time I'd been to one of these race thing, slutty girls, and cars.

I could Niall and Liam from afar, I guessed Harry was with them. As we drove deeper inside the street Natalie and Louis appeared, then Zayn, and lastly Harry.


~authors note~


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