Chapter 66

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I was glad he didn't ask anything about Natalie or anything that would lead anything towards her. I wouldn't know how to explain the whole situation due to the small information I knew.

He was too in love with himself that all he talked about was him. It was soft of a blessing, his stories and drama was way more interesting than anything I had to say.?

"Oh, I saw your friend at the frat house the other day," he stopped to chew on something. I wanted to ignore the topic of her at the moment.

"She seemed pretty upset." The words made me more interested.

"Why?" I probably seemed so nosey but I really felt for her at the moment and the confusing of what happened never seemed to go away.

"I don't know she just looked upset then she ran out of the house, I was going to get her but I thought her boyfriend would go and chase after her, so I stayed back."

"See that's the thing, they broke up that night." I didn't know if I could of told him, but she wouldn't mind I hope.

"Oh gosh really?" He looked surprised.

"Yea, she hasn't told me why yet. I didn't want to force her to tell me, I wanted to give her time to calm down."

"They were so good for each other, well at least from what I saw they were perfect."


He switched the conversation after it had died out and we ended up staring at our tables. The professor was a nice, normal lady. She wasn't the nicest teacher but she liked us two out of the whole class, so she never rudely interrupted us whilst us in a conversation even though it was disrespectful to not listen to her whole she taught us.

I tried my best to pay attention but having Brad in my ear whispering wasn't helping. He was a tad annoying when he was bored and very talkative.

"Do you see that kid-"

I looked at him and quietly shushed him before I could cuss at him for being so loud.

"Sorry." He whispered and giggled.

We walked out of the classroom fast trying not to get stampled by the loads of people crowding out of the door.

"I'm going to see whats up with Natalie now, wanna come?"

It would've been pretty inpoliete to not sk him to join along i mean hell i told him so i bet he wanted to know what happen as much as I did.

We walked back to the dorms, he gapped over the nice scenery.

"Have you never been through this part of the campus?" I looked at him admiring a case full of trophies.

"No, actually I don't go around the school much, I only have two classes a day then I go straight home" he explained.

"Why?" I asked trying to keep up a conversation as we walked down the long hallway.

"Cause I only have two classes, whats the point in staying at after school when you can go home to a comfy bed and wifi?"

"Yea that was a stupid question for me to ask,"

Brad seemed like the type of guys that could in a way be internet famous in my eyes. Whenever he wasnt on his phone he was just rambling on about social media and things i was never really into.

"If you're the way you are, you know.. like gay and all into the Internet why did you take me to play laser tag that time?" It was something that pizzas me, at first meet there was barley any sign of him being gay except for his style yeah.

"I don't know, I thought you were best friend material and that it wouldn't be best to tell you straight away, you know?"

"What changed your mind to tell me after only knowing me for like 3 days?"

"I kind of had to since I told your boyfriend, I mean Harry," He teased me. "And when I saw you the other day smiling at two boys together."

I remembered what he was talking about, it was Thursday and we were in class waiting to be instructed on what to do. I saw two boys walk in holding hands, I found it the best thing ever. That they didn't care to walk into a class full of people and show off that their in love.

"Oh yea,"

I found myself wondering what Harry was doing, if he was talking to anyone, if he was talking about me, if he was thinking about me.

Stop being so desperate Stephanie

I obeyed my consciousness and swept the thoughts back, paying attention to the hard wood floor my boots made faint clack noises each time I took a step.

"So do you have a special someone?" I asked him examining his facial features as we walked.

It was sad how gorgeous he was, too bad he didn't look the opposite sex.

"Sadly no, I've had my eye on someone since Friday but no one else in this campus that I've seen has made me any bit interested."


My mouth opened wide, my hand flying over it to close it. I felt like I would fall to the ground and roll around laughing.

"yea," he shyly mumbled.

"You've got to be kidding me," I let out in between a laugh.

"I'm not, his cheekbones, the way his tattoos make him look like a badass, his facial hair and basically everything about him is pretty perfect may I say." It was true Zayn was handsome, I couldn't put my finger on why I found this whole thing funny. I tried holding in my giggling incase I was insulting Brad.

"Didn't you just meet him, you don't know anything about him?" I contained myself.

"It was love at first sight." He said in a humorous voice holding his hands up to his chest.

"Yeah well he's straight." I reassured him just in case he was thinking that he would actually have a chance with him. Unless Zayn had a secret liking in dudes that I didn't know about then maybe

"I could easily change that." His lips curved into a crooked smirk and the giggles came back.

"Home sweet home." I dug inside my bag looking for my key, sticking it in once retrieved and unlocking the door for us to go in.

I expected to walk into a room trashed with broken things on the floor and Natalie sat down in a fetal position crying her eyes out. Instead Natalie was sat calmly on her bed with her headphones plugged in. She always had those damn headphones on, there was no separating her and them. It was like her music was her escape and mine was drawing even though I hadn't done it in what felt like a year.

She looked up alert of us walking in and took one ear bud out, the gave us a big smile.

It was like she was a different person than she was last night. She looked totally fine, her smile seemed brighter than ever, room was clean and there was no sign that she had been crying her eyes out just a few hours ago on her face due to the pounds of make up she put on.

"Hello." Brad greeted her.

"Hi," she replied almost putting back in the headphone but noticing that it wouldn't be the nicest thing to do with a guest over.

Brad sat on my bed and I sat next to him after settling myself in making myself as comfortable as I wanted.

I was confused by what was next, was she going to tell us or me what the hell happened that has been had me worried about her all day? Or would I have to ask?

"Natalie?" I spoke up.

"Yea." She replied.

"Ar-," I stopped myself to think about what I was going to possibly say. "What happen the other day?"

I could hear a small whine come off her lips and I knew as okay as she looked she wasn't over it.

"What do you mean?" She knew exactly what I meant.

"At the party.."

"You mean louis right, you mean what the fuck happen between me and Louis don't you?" Her reply surprised me.

"Yea.." I mumbled not trying to piss her off even more.

Her lip quivered once and I could see the water droplets begin to collect in her eyes causing them to shine with the brightness of her computer screen.

I looked back to Brad who was still sat on my bed giving me a sympathetic smile.

A tear slowly slid down her cheek and I could tell this was the start of as bother night of listening her sob.

"You don't have to tell us or me if you don't want to Natalie."

"No, it's okay. I'm just being dramatic." She let out a breath of air and wiped her face to get a tear rolling down her cheek off. "It was when you guys left-" she choked up.


"I told him I wanted to leave but he forced me to stay," her hand went up to her face whipping off another tear. "He was so drunk, and so aggressive. He pulled me into the bathroom and forced my clothes down, I told him no. he was wasted and acting crazy. He stormed out and I couldn't find him the next 30 minutes." Her lip quivered and more tears came out of her eyes. "I-I found him-" she stopped herself.

"It's okay, it's okay." I sat next to her on her bed and rubbed her back thinking it would help somehow.

"I found him in one of the bedrooms-" she stopped again.

I could feel my mouth drop a little, I knew where this was going.

"He was with a blond, on a large bed under the covers, they both were topless. He cheated on me Stephanie! The bastard cheated on me!" her sadness turned to anger.

"Natalie.." Unsure what to say. "I'm so sorry,"

"I love him Stephanie, I love him." Her voice calmed down and she covered her face with her hands sucking in shaky breaths occasionally. "He just looked at while he pushed himself inside of the girl and smiled. He fucking smiled! I ran away like an idiot, I should've bashed both their faces in, but I just ran away." She said under the cover of her hands. " What broke me was when I looked back and he didn't follow me."

"That's horrible Natalie." I grabbed her shoulders and squeezed her in a hug tightly.

"I don't remember what happen next but I woke up inside the frat house, I didn't bother to find Louis. I called him mid day and broke up with him." She stuttered with almost every word and her sobs only got louder with every word.

I couldn't believe he cheated in her! I wanted to go over to their house and wrap my tiny hands around his neck choking him for causing this.

"I'm so sorry."

"Don't be sorry, you didn't cheat on me, he did."

I had totally forgotten brad was sat behind me listening the entire time. He had a sorrow expression on his face.

I didn't let go of her until she was fully in place and there was not one year left in her eyes.

"Ill be back." I said to Natalie who was now in bed. Her face smudged with makeup from the crying she had done several minutes ago. She put in her headphones and I could hear the ring of the music from my bed.

I took brad outside to be able to have a proper conversation with him other than sad glances and pathetic smiles.

"Woah," he said getting out of the room.

"I feel so bad." I whined rubbing my hands together. "She's trying so hard to hold it in and I know it." I frowned.

"Just try to keep her grounded for now and keep her mind off of it,"

Maybe I could but I doubt it work, unless it was something like me giving her a million dollars if not then I had no chance.

"I have to go now its late." He smiled and pulled me into an embrace.

"Bye, bye" he waved at me walking down the hall.

I walked back in to find the lights turned off and Natalie rolled in her bed sheets.

It was way too early to go to sleep, but I didn't want to interrupt she was probably exhausted from everything.

"Goodnight." I slid inside my bed covers.

"Yea." She mumbled.

I really felt for her, I'd be traumatized if someone I cared as much as she cared for Louis was in bed with another girl. Then have the person smile at me and continue fucking the girl and not even chase after me when I run away. It was pretty horrible, my whole perspective of Louis changed as much as I didn't want it too.

I understand he was wasted, he must have some self control whilst he's drunk though. He seemed like the stable one of the group but I guess not.



Guys please I beg you please share this fanfic I have a goal I really wanna reach and I'd love you if you helped, oh and had anyone heard of the whole NIALL and Barbara Palvin thing I found it so funny cause Stephanie is Barbara and Niall & Steph had a thing in the beginning hahah cool right? Plus she was with Ashton and Calum the other night like wow dude my fanfic is coming to life now she just needs to get with Harry and it'll be complete. ANYWAYS PLEASE COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK OR WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE ME TO ADD TO MAKE THIS FANFIC BETTER AND PLEASE VOTE ILYSM xx

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