Chapter 19

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Harry's POV

"C'mon kiss me Harry I know you want to"

"Leave me the fuck alone Rachel". I couldn't stand how clingy she was, I only slept with her that night because fucking Stephanie was all over Niall, and ever since that one time she wouldn't stop texting me and calling me. Did she not understand I was just using her to make Stephanie jealous!

"Aren't you mr fucking grumpy tonight." She snapped. Yea I was pretty fucking grumpy. She jumped off the seat next to me and made her way out. I usually would stare at her ass or be the perverted jerk I usually am but I couldn't stop thinking about Steph. What the hell was going on with me, I never obsessed over a girl as much as Steph. She probably thinks I am douche for kissing Rachel tonight, dammit!

I've been with hundreds of girls and none of them had made me feel this way, I liked Stephanie, I liked her alot. I loved the faces she would make at me when I joked around with her, her laugh when I would tickle her, the way she constantly stares at me and just smiles, everything she did was perfect, she was perfect.

The site of her made my hands get sweaty. She stumbled inside through the door, wasted.

"Hey you dick, where's the blond bitch your with now?" Her words surprising me.

"Your drunk"

"No I'm not you fucking dickhead" She was obviously wasted, I saw her drink too many cups of alcohol, she's probably going to be throwing up soon.

"We should go soon, your wasted"

"No I'm not!" She screamed, planting a hard slap on my cheek.

"That wasn't necessary." I stayed calm not wanting her to freak out even more and make a scene. I lifted my hand up to my cheek, it was burning now, she got me hard.

Stephanie's POV

It was the alcohol talking, and the alcohol that took over my body slapping him in the face. I felt guilt rush through me.

Sitting down next to him I laid my hand on his cheek that was warm and slightly swollen red.

"I'm sorry h-"

"It's okay, I'm okay." He said not even turning his head to look at me.

"Can we go?"

"Yea, ill get us a cab"

I was so confused, he wasn't the least mad. I watched him grab his phone out of his pocket and dial the number for a cab.


Before I knew it, we were in his room, he handed me a overly large shirt to wear. I changed in the bathroom having a little trouble trying not to fall and hurt myself and slid under the covers.

"Come in bed" I mumbled looking up at Harry.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, please?" I pleaded.

He laid next to me. I scooted myself closer to him wanting to fell his warm body against mine.

"Can I tell you something" He almost whispered.

"Yea sure"

"I really like you.." It's like I could almost feel him smiling in the dark.

"I like you too Styles" I replied wrapping my arms around his now bare chest and laying my head in his shoulder. His breaths were loud and weirdly made me comfortable.

Harry's POV

It took every fiber I had in me to tell her I really liked her. She said it back too. My breaths got heavy as I felt her touch on my bare skin. Her touch was so comforting and warm, I never wanted her to let go of me. I moved the hair out of her face, she was already sleeping. I kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight baby"


Stephanie's POV

I rubbed my eyes, slightly opening them. It was already sunny outside, making my pupils dilate. I rustled around the bed and tumbled out of the side.

"What happen" Harry said running through the door as soon as i fell, he saw me on the floor and snorted.

"I-I fell" I laughed, waving my hands in the air for him to help me up off the floor.

"How could you fall off a big ass bed like this" His cute little giggled made me want to jump on him and tickle him.

"I don't knoww"

"You should come downstairs, everyone was waiting for you to wake up"

"Really?" Why would they be waiting for me to wake up? What time was it anyways?

"Really" he smiled opening the door for me.

"Stephanieeee" the boys and Natalie all yelled as they noticed me standing at the entrance of the kitchen.

"We've been waiting for you to wake up" Liam said picking at the table cloth in front of him.

"Yea we are all going out for lunch. I'm starving!" Niall squeaked getting up from one of the chairs.

"I'll get you something nice to wear steph, you can not go out like that hunny, come on" Natalie got up and passed us pointing to me to come upstairs again.

"Take this" It was a cute pinkish top and simple blue jeans. I changed into them and put my hair up ready to go.

We all packed into Louis' car again and made our way out of the drive way. We entered into the city. The memories of the race flooded in. The race, the people, the adrenaline rush.

We stopped at what seemed like a hotel, it was huge, had about 30 or 40 stories.

My headache was nearly gone now, and I was starving, I just wanted something good to eat not to be at a hotel now.

"Let's go inside babe" I was shocked when he grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers and pulled me inside with the others. There was a restaurant inside, oh duh. We asked for a booth and they immediately pointed us to where our table was. I looked around it was a pretty big fancy restaurant, it was dark and nicely decorated. I held on to Harry's grip as we walked through tables full of people. I couldn't help but notice some ladies about our ages or older staring at him and jealously filled inside me.

We took our seats inside the booth, everyone ordering their drinks.

"What would you want to drink cutie" she smirked at Harry.


"Alright" she winked at him this time.

"Know what would you want" she pointed at me.

"For you to not flirt with him, and a coke thank you" I gave her the biggest fake smile I could and she rolled her eyes walking away, bitch.

"Jealous Stephanie huh?" I heard Zayn say from across the booth.

"No, I ju-, I don't know" I didn't want to say I was jealous even though I was. They all laughed at me and joked around about it making me too embarrassed to even talk again.

"It's okay" Harry whispered into my ear wrapping his arm around me and pulling me into him.

'I really like you' his words played back in my head. I might have been a little drunk but I still remembered. I remembered me saying I liked him back too, and me wrapping my arms around him.

The waitress came back with our drinks, handing each out to us. She didn't even dare to make eye contact with Harry this time, it made me laugh.

"She looked scared of you Steph" Natalie said chuckling.

"Did you see the way she totally ignored even looking at you too?" Louis laughed grabbing a straw and pulling the plastic paper off of it.

The lunch went by fast, the boys laughed and rambled about dumb things like they usually did when they were with each other.

The waitress came back with the bill. We all decided to pay together, I took out my wallet from my pocket and pulled out a twenty.

"I'll pay for you babe" Harry said pulling my hand back from handing it to Zayn who had the bill.

"No I can pay for myself" I demanded, he groaned and moved his hand allowing me to give Zayn my twenty. It was a nice gesture wanting to pay for me but we weren't on some date and everyone was paying for themselves, well unlike Natalie. They argued for about 2 minutes about who would be paying for them this time, but Louis won.


[NOTE] I'm sorry if this is a little short but yea I hope your enjoy this story so far guys, please comment and vote :)

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