Chapter 12

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Today went by lovely. Well if you subtract the rude comments I've gotten and the mean stares, it was.

I was finally back in my dorm. Natalie was gone, so I had the room all to myself again.

I watched a few TV shows, stared at the wall for a few minutes, then cracked open a book, after reading for a few minutes, I turned the TV back on. Skipping through the channels looking for something interesting. I gave up and left it on whatever. It was Animal Planet. They showed elephants walking around sharing facts about them. What a boring show.

I yawned and checked what time it was. 6:27. I jumped up off of bed remembering I had to get ready, Niall was coming to pick me up at 7:30. Dammit, how could I have forgotten, now I had to rush to get ready.

By the time my hair and makeup was done it was already 7:20. I threw on some shorts and a cute top, I looked decent at least.

I heard a knock on the door, and made my way to opened it, thinking it would be Niall, but instead it was Harry.

"Hey can I come in?" He asked

"Erm, I don't think you can, I'm going out in a little, I'm sorry" I replied. He made a pouty face and left, just like that, not even saying bye. I looked out down the hallway watching him leave. I was confused as to why he had just came here? Did he wanna talk? Or did he just want to hang out? I didn't know, it pained me to tell him he couldn't stay, but I had plans, with Niall, one of his best mates. That sounded all wrong when I examined it in my head, but so what, me and Harry weren't a 'thing' we were just friends.. Right?

Another knock came through the door minutes later?, this time I was sure it was Niall. I swung open the door to find a clean and sweet Niall holding a rose in his hand. He was dressed casual but he looked fantastic.

"This is for you" he winked handing me the rose. The gesture was extremely cute. I wrapped my arms around him giving him a tight hug.

"Thank you" I chirped.


He took me to the bowling alley. I had no clue how to bowl all I knew is I sucked at it.

"Loser pays for the food, you in?" We both laughed, I sure as flup wasn't paying for anything on this 'date' so I was determined to win.

I grabbed a ball, it was a little too heavy but I didn't want to seem like a weak player to Niall so I kept going at what I was doing. I swung my arm backwards and let the ball go. It dropped with a hard thump but managed to keep going straight knocking over 5 pins, I felt really proud. I tried knocking down the remainder of the pins but failed it was now Niall's turn.

My jaw dropped, he knocked them all down in one try.


Niall ended up winning, it amused him how upset I was. I wasn't use to this so called 'losing'. I always won everything.

We were in the front counter ordering for a box of pizza and two drinks. I looked inside my little wallet for my card, the best was loser had to pay for the food, and I lost.

"Babe, don't worry about it" he said handing the cashier his card. "You didn't think I was going to let a lady pay for the food on a date would ya?" He winked. Him stating we were on a date made me confused. Did this mean we were probably more than friends? Did he like me? Did I like him? What about Harry? Dammit Stephanie shut up.

We grabbed our order and we left. I didn't want to play anymore, I felt such a failure every time it was my turn and I missed a pin or two, or all of them. He opened the car door for me, another sporty/fancy car. I concluded by now the boys were rich, they had a mansion like house, and fancy cars that look like they cost more than buying 100 bricks of gold.

Music blasted through the speakers, it was a familiar tune. I couldn't wrap my head around what it was. I thought for a minute then the main part came on, got it! It was Do You Wanna Know by arctic monkeys, I knew the song sounded familiar. He sang along knowing all the lyrics, purposively singing as horribly as he could and giving me small smiles every now and them. I watched him drive. He looked so concentrated on the road, it was very attractive actually.

We got to the dorms, quickly both getting out. I invited him in, I mean where else was he going to eat if he couldn't come in, duh. I laid the pizza box on my drawer and turned on the TV trying to find something interesting to watch, I picked which ever channel was showing a movie then sat on my bed.

Niall looked lost, he didn't know what to do, so he just stood there waiting for me to say something.

"Oh gosh sorry, make your self at home if you want" he looked around the room examining Natalie's messy side of the room and my neat clean side.

"May I?" He asked pointing to my bed.

"Knock yourself out"

He sat down next to me. I opened the box of pizza, still warm thankfully, and handed one to him, then taking one for myself. It was delicious.


We sat watching an old film, it was confusing considering we started watching it half way through.

It ended fast, next thing I knew me and Niall were saying our goodbyes. He hugged me, I felt his hand running up and down my back, it was very comforting.

"Well gotta go now beautiful" he winked and left.

I locked the door behind me when I got in, and checked the time. 10. Holy shit, I should be asleep by now. My sleeping schedule was going to be all wrong now, what if I don't even wake up for my morning class tomorrow?! I quickly got into bed making sure everything was all organized. I looked over to Natalie's empty bed, guess she wasn't coming home tonight.


[NOTE] this chapter is kind of shit but bare with me ok. Please please please vote and comment :))

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