Chapter 77

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Literally have been so busy with school and trying to study for exams/do this essay thing I'm so sorry I haven't updating and might not updated alot this week!


"Hey where are you?" I asked Natalie once she picked up the one.

Before she could reply, the noise of a male panting came in from the background.

"Gross what are you doing?"

"I'm busy Steph, bye."

She hung up.

I was pretty exhausted already and it wasn't even dark outside yet, there was a million things to do but so little time. I was sure I would go crazy in a hour or so just trying to figure out when I would be able to take a shower. I had a habit of leaving things for the last minute which was the dumbest thing you could do in uni, but I somehow manage to wing it.

The only pro about having so many things to do it kept your mind off of everything and god knows I need a little more doing than thinking.

My phone began to vibrate furiously on my nightstand.

"Baby?" Harry's smooth voice surfaced from the phone.


"Can I come over?" I could practically see his pouring face.

"No, I have so much work to-"

"I could help you," he suggested. "Please?" He whined.

"Uh ok, but only to help out okay?"

"Okay." He laughed before hanging up.

It didn't take long before there was loud knocking at the door. I knew their house was close but I didn't think it'd take him just a few minutes to get here.

"Who is it?" I asked as if I didn't know it was Harry already.

There was no answer but more knocking, they weren't soft and calm they were loud and rough knocking.

"Harry?" I asked getting off my bed, I got no response again. If he was trying to joke around with me I was going to kill him.

I made my way to the door, opening up the peep hole to look through to find a fluffy head of black hair.

"Who is it?" I asked once again.

The person turned his head making his face visible.


I gasped in air dramatically.

"Go away!" I yelled.

"Why baby?" I could see the wide smirk of his through the hole in the door.

"Don't fucking call me baby your prick!"

"Open the door babe." He hissed.

"No. If I were you I would leave now Harry's going to be here any minute." I warned him.

"He doesn't scare me." He chuckled.

"Calum please leave," I calmed my voice.

"I need to talk."

"Well now is not the time to talk, go away." I demanded.

"Whatever you say."

I watched his body disappear from where I could see in the peep hole.

He's such a snake, if he was going to tell me something it was probably going to be some bullshit about Harry and I didn't want to hear it!

I sat back down on my bed contemplating on how I would possibly finish all the work that was neatly put on top of my covers.

"Stephanie?" I could hear Harry's voice between the soft knocks on the door.


"Stop it." I nudged his hand off my thigh. "Harry stop it." He chuckled only bringing his hand more up on my thigh.

I took in a deep breath, not necessarily annoyed but stressed. We spent the pass 3 hours joking around and getting distracted. I would finally get in the zone and he's slip his hand under my shirt, if it wasn't for his cute little chuckle after every little annoying thing he would do I'd probably beaten him with a text book by now.

I sucked in a sudden breath as husband was getting a little too down there.

"Harry please,"

"Is that an invitation?" He smirked.

"No," I pushed his hand away from between my legs.


"Look at that," I glanced at Harry after basically forgetting that he was just a foot away from me on my floor concentrated on the papers he was reading over.

"What?" He looked up at me.

"Nothing." I smiled at him, it was always nice to see him silent and calm just working on something which was very rare.

He proceeding on doing the paper work leaving me to stare at his long figure sat crisscrossed and his floppy hair.


"Yea?" I replied.

He crawled onto my bed wrapping his arms around me.

"I really do love you, I hope you know that?" He whispered into my ear and squeezed me softly.

"I do." I smiled trying to contain the butterfly rampage in my stomach.

It never got old honestly, he could tell me he loves me a million times and I'd still feel the same happiness with each time.

"Good," he kissed my forehead letting go of me. "So you wouldn't mind if I left you now cause you're fucking boring." His tone of voice turning back to normal.

I gasped playfully punching his arm.

"I am not boring!"

"Yes, yes you are," he chuckled.

It turned into a tickle battle, and us laying on the floor laughing like idiots. I rested my head on my arm to get a better look at him. He was staring directly at me, a big smile spread across his face flaunting his cute little dimples. It felt like an eternity passed by before one of us even decided to speak.

"Tell me something," I said getting up off the floor and sitting crisscrossed.

"Go on."

"Why me? Out of the millions of girls you've been with why did you just suddenly decide me?"

"Millions is a little too much, maybe 1000?" He chuckled.


"You really wanna know?" He raised an eyebrow pressing his lips together into a straight lip

"Yes really."

"Well, if you say so.." He cleared his throat. "Well I thought you had a great arse and boobs."

"You're such a sicko!" He laughed. "No, but really why?"

"I-," he began before he was interrupted by the door swinging open.

A wasted Natalie stumbled inside, she looked like a cheep reck.

Harry's POV

"I-" the door swung open before I could attempt to make something up to answer her.

Thank god for Natalie's reckless self stumbling inside, it wouldn't of been good if she would've found out. I wasn't quite ready to tell her exactly what happened, she would hate me, and this time she would for good.

There was so much, she didn't know. So many things that could tear us apart easier than anything. If she ever found out I don't know what I'd do. She has become too important and valuable to me that if I lost her for the things I've done in my past I'd lose it.

"Oh hey guys!" She yelled.

It took us a while to get her settled in her bed, she tried biting me and kicked me numerous times mumbling vulgar words to me.

Natalie passed out after a few more talking to herself and moving in her bed.

"Tonight was an absolute waste." She whispered gathering up her papers.

It wasn't a waste to me, I got to spend time with her and make her laugh and happy.

I begged her to stay the night until she gave in a left a spot in her bed where I would fit.

The lights went off and the only sounds in the room were the deep breaths coming from Natalie. I slid my fingers down her arm and back up feeling goosebumps grow on her skin.

"Harry?" She whispered.


"So, I've been meaning to ask, about your family. You never seem to talk about them neither your family?"

I sighed not wanting to go into the topic this late at night. I was peaceful and in ease with her in my arms that the topic would just ruin it all.

"Don't worry about it just right now baby." I leaned into her giving her a kiss on the forehead and wrapping my arms around her tiny body to pull her in.


Steph's POV

"You still haven't told me about your family," I scolded him as he walked around the car to sit along side with me on the hood. "It's been like 3 days, when are you going to tell me?" I whined.

He took me to the lake house to spend the weekend, and for some reason we both ended up on top of his car staring at the sky for the pass 10 minutes.

He laid back on the front window of the car crossing his legs and swinging his arms to the back of his head. So effortlessly and he could look like a model posing for pictures.

"I moved out when I turned 18 to America with the lads and enrolled in USF just last school year to actually do something with my life."

"That didn't answer my question." I stared him down to get some type of emotion out of him but nothing.

"Okay," he sighed. "My dad use to molest my mom, I had no idea. you can only imagine a 8 year old kid watching his father being walked out of your house with handcuffs behind his back. My sister was a drunk. It wasn't a great childhood, I had absolutely everything I could ever want but just not a family that loved me. My mom was too busy trying to get over everything that had happened to her and my sister was out somewhere drinking away her pain."

"I'm sorry," I didn't know what to say.

"Don't be, I've heard everything's better now over there with them, my moms married now, sisters enrolled in a uni herself. I guess me leaving helped their lives more than it could if I was there with them." He threw pieces of popcorn in the air missing his mouth and trying again.

"See I just made their lives even more of a hell than it already was, I started getting into things I shouldn't of. drinking and smoking at such a young age trying to heal the pain I was feeling. It did do the job but not for long." He said chewing a piece of popcorn.

Still no emotion.

"Do you still talk to your father?"

"No, last time I saw him I almost killed the man."

My heart ached for him, I knew how under-exaggerating he was making it seem but I knew it was probably worse than I could ever imagine.

I kept staring him watching his jaw move as he opened his mouth to catch the small pieces of popcorn. His eyes glistened from the stars shinning above us. It's so sad how such a precious person could've gone through so much. you'd think he was a rebel rich kid that was spoiled to the bone but there was so much more than that.

I managed to snuggle up next to him on the hood and put my head on his chest.

I could hear the faint thumps of his heart, and the wind blowing in the trees. It was possibly the most soothing thing ever.

He began humming softly while he ran his fingers through my hair.

"You're the first girl I've ever told that to," I looked at him to smile.

"Really?" I said enthusiastically.

"Really," he laughed.

The dork side of him was starting to resurface. He was naming stars and bursting out with facts about them that I could barley keep up with what he would say. I couldn't help but laugh at how smart he was but he always hid it and it was a shame that he did.

"You're so cute when you act all nerdy." I laughed.

"I'm defiantly not a nerd."

"Sure you are t Styles." I teased him.

His attention focused back on the stars in awe.

"It's all so beautiful. But you know what's even more beautiful?"



My cheeks burned.

"I could die here at this moment, happily." Harry smiled.

"I love you." I kissed the side if his face.

"I love you." he repeated.


So short sorryyyy, I'm so busy with exams please don't hate me >.<

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