Chapter 69

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"Do you think she will she will mind us?" Harry walked inside for the closet holding onto a unfamiliar blond.

"Take off your clothes." Harry demanded ignoring me.

His voice low and husky and words slurred. By the way he was just walking it was obvious he was waisted apart from his talking.

I shut my eyes before I could see anything I really didn't want to see. They were in bed under the white covers soon after.

Harry forced hisself inside her hard as she moaned him name.

My mouth opened forcing out a scream that was unheard by them both. My body motionless and numb as I stood by the door waiting for them to finally notice my presence.

I shut my eyes once again and my hands squeezed shut by my sides. They were the only thing I could move in my entire body for some reason.

I screamed, and screamed and screamed but it didn't work. He hovered over her making the sheets drape down his body.

"STOP IT!" I yelled my eyes sealed closed.

"Stephanie?" Harry's low voice forced me to open up my eyes again. Only to find him still on top of her kissing her neck slowly.


He heard it.

"You can't be too surprised babe, you couldn't be stupid enough to think I've changed? You're so naïve"

His head came up from her neck and our eyes connected. His green eyes gazed at me, i could physically feel them burning every inch of my body. He tilted his head confused by my panicked expression, the sides of his lips curved into a almost evil smirk showing off his dimples.

The smirk stayed glued on to his then faded away before he could collapse on top of the unknown girl and a loud moan escaped his lips.

I could feel my arms and legs were able to move again. I sprinted away from the door way tears streaming down my face and outside not paying attention to my surroundings.

A bright light began to shine making me look its direction. It blinded me making me incapable to see what the source of the light was.

The sound of a loud honk of a trucks boomed.

"Wake up!" Two strong hands around my shoulders shook me awake.

My entire body was sore and I could feel tiny amounts of sweat around my neck and forehead. I totally didn't pay attention to who had awoken me, it was Harry.

Flashbacks of his smirking face over the blond popped into my head before I can digest the dream completely. My heart thumped inside my chest, I took a breath in to calm myself.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked.

"Yeah." I gulped, "wait what the fuck are you doing here anyways." I came to realization that this wasn't a dream, he was really in front of me, in my room and I had no clue why.

"You were shaking," his hand caressed my face. I flinched as if he was a total stranger trying to assault me, but it was really just him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him again looking around the room. "And where's Natalie?"

"I don't know." He muttered.


"I came to apologize and she left, I don't know where to."

"Why to apologize?" I couldn't recall that he's done anything to hurt me in any way, why the need to apologize?

"You called me last night and I didn't answer,"

"That's why you came here? It's okay you know?"

I turned away from his gaze, just his face reminded me of that horrible dream

"Uh, what is up with you?" He said bitterly.


"Okay then, ill just leave you to be alone cause something's obviously up." He straightened himself.

"No, wait, please don't go. I'm just a little jumpy from my dream, stay."

Harry's POV

Natalie let me inside, she looked completely dead. Her eyes had bags underneath them, her hair was messily put back in a pony tail and all the color in her face was practically gone.

I sat on the chair of the desk and whirled around in the seat until I was dizzy and couldn't see straight. I soon stopped and watched her sleep quietly, I was surprised how much she could actually sleep it was already noon and she was deep asleep.

She began shifting in her bed making noises.

"Stop it" she whispered.

Before I could get up and she started breathing hard taking in deep breaths and mumbling things in her sleep. I shook her shoulders trying to wake her up but she wouldn't budge.

"Wake up!"

She woke up with a startle, I could hear her heart thumping and her face was covered in sweat.

"Are you okay?" I hovered over her face worried.

"Yeah," she took in a gulp, "wait what the fuck are you doing here?" She questioned now wide away.

I didn't know how to answer her question.

"You were shaking," I changed the conversation touching her face softly causing her to flinch. I backed my hand away confused my her reaction.

"What are you doing her and where is Natalie?" She asked looking around the room. She looked like she just seen a ghost and it was making me think she was going crazy.

"I don't know." I said quietly.

I really didn't, Natalie stormed out and well I just came to see her. I didn't want to admit it though, she would think I was a complete weirdo.

"What?" Her voice strong and demanding.

"I came to apologize and she left, I don't know where to."


"Why to apologize?" Her facial expression changed from serious to calm.

"You called me last night and I didn't answer,"

It was not why but it was a practical reason why I had come over. She probably thinks I'm pathetic now.

That's why you came here? It's okay you know?" She rubbed her eyes and yawned slightly, it was possibly the cutest yawn I've ever seen.

I stared at her beautiful face, at that moment I realized how much I loved how calm/innocent she looked when she woke up and the way her hair was messily put up in a bun at the top of her head.

She looked away from me with a painful expression as if something just hit her.

"Uh, what is up with you?" I said a little rougher than I planned.

"Nothing." She replied.

"Okay then, ill just leave you to be alone cause something's obviously up." I straightened my back from leaning over her ready to walk away.

I couldn't believe how she was acting. I wanted to throw a fit and swing my arms around the place like an idiot. I felt so idiotic to have come all the way to campus and get treated like this when all I wanted to do was see her.

"No, wait, please don't go. I'm just a little jumpy from my dream, stay."

"Why should I? So I can sit here and be treated how you are treating me?" I snapped.

"No, Harry." She said as I walked away.

I opened the door and walked out closing it behind me.

Maybe it was a little dramatic, I didn't know why I reacted that way, I just felt like an idiot.

I mean come on, I came all the way to her dorm to 'apologize' and all I get is sassed at and as soon as I touch her she flinches like I'm some dirty animal. Yeah I was over reacting but it really pushed my buttons.

The drive home was short, my anger was slowly fading away and I held myself back from texting her.

The guilt was washing in to me, she must feel so bad right now. What if I made her cry?


Stop being a pussy

My conscious taunted me.

Louis wasn't locked up in his room anymore. I convinced him to finally come out. It was like a caveman coming out of his cage. I was impressed by the amount of hair growing on his face, he only hadn't shaved in about a week.

He sat on the sofa with an ice pack over his head. He didn't remember a thing from last night, not even getting to the club. The way he reacted to me telling him everything was priceless, he had mixed emotions toward it all but somehow stayed sane whilst I told him not mentioning anything about his breakup.

"What's up dude?" He said his voice still scratchy from all the yelling he did last night.

"Nothing," I said bluntly.

I didn't want to me mad, I just was. I was over the whole situation with Stephanie and decided to brush it to the side for now, so it wasn't it. I just couldn't put my finger on what was wrong.

I ignored him like the selfish prick I was. He was having a bigger problem than mine at the moment and I was being a total dick.

I really didn't get myself to be honest.

Stephanie's POV


My hand gripped the pillow and threw it to the floor as if I could actually hurt it but I couldn't.

I felt so stupid for being how I was. I should've just forgot about the dream. I mean after all it was just a dream, it was fake, it will never happen.

I wanted to yell at him to get back but I couldn't. He had woken me up just a few minutes a go, how the fuck was I suppose to digest that dream and after see him right when I woke up?

Fuck, now he would be mad at me.


I decided I couldn't stay in bed all day, I got up from my bed and went into the bathroom.

The warm water poured down on me stinging my skin, but I liked it. I closed my eyes as the water feel on my face and the only image that would come up was Harry and that damn girl.

It was all so vivid and life like, and the ending to it...

I wasn't expecting it, a random truck to come and run over me. It was pretty frightening, I'm not sure how i didn't get a heart attack.

I felt like grabbing my phone every second to text him that I was sorry but I didn't want to seem clingy.

"You can't be too surprised babe, you couldn't be stupid enough to think I've changed? You're so naïve"

I really wanted it to stop. I wanted to just start over, and do this whole 'relationship' thing that I think we have again, but better.

I knew I was pretty hard on him, I not the best at being with someone, in fact I'm horribly. Why I never had too many boyfriends before, maybe 2 or 3 real ones, the rest boys I've kissed but never went too far with.

I let my hair dry by itself, combing the brown strands softly, I was really tender headed. if any one even pulled my hair I'd cry, well not cry but maybe squeal.

My phone sat next to me as I browsed some homework on my computer taunting me. It's like it was calling me to pick it up and text him but I didn't even as much as I wanted to.

Natalie walked in, nicely dressed, and make up done.

"Woah," I said at how well she looked comparing to the pass few days.

"I know!" She said excited as she carried in a few bags behind her.

"Shopping? With out me?" I gasped trying to act offended by her not inviting me.

I really wish she would've invited me though, I needed to do some shopping. I didn't have enough shirts that I could individually wear for each day of the year.

"Im sorry I wanted to be alone," she sincerely said.

"It's okay,"

She showed off her new clothes to me, modeling them on as if she was on a catwalk. I was truly happy for her, she didn't look the least depressed as she has been.

The night went on great, there was no mention of Harry's name at all, I should be relieved but I felt kind of bummed about it. Even though I wouldn't of told her what happened anyways, she's probably already annoyed by the back and forth between me and him.

I didn't want back and forth anymore, I wanted to be with him and I knew that would take effort from both of us especially me. Heck my attitude today was the reason for us not talking right now. All he wanted was to say sorry and I had to ruin it.

I just really wanted him to be here right now.

Harry's POV

I waited for my phone to finally buzz and for her name to pop up so I could just hear her voice. I knew she wouldn't text neither or less call but I really wanted her to.

I laid in my bed, my room completely dark and the only light coming from the TV. I paid no attention to it, just stared at the ceiling wanting something interesting to suddenly happen like Louis loud mouth to walk in, or Niall to appear outside my window climbing a damn ladder to the roof of the house.

I chuckled thinking back to all the crazy shit we've done together.

After 10 minutes of doing nothing and shuffling back and forth in my bed there was a knock on my bed room door.

"Yeah?" I answered.

The door opened revealing batman and a awful looking girl, Liam and Zayn.

"What in the bloody hell are you guys wearing?" I burst out laughing. I knew one of them would come here and say something but I didn't think it would be these way.

"We came to cheer you up!" Zayn jumped trying to sound as much as a girl.

"Yea," Liam said soon after zayn in a deep voice.

Zayn walked in, I could hear the heels on his feet and see the makeup splattered on his face and wig that looked horrible on him, he looked like a awful drag queen, liam following him in his batman costume he basically treasured ever since he got it for Halloween last year.

"Who did your makeup mate, it looks good?" I teased him.

"This handsome lad right here," her hands pointed to Liam and I let out a laugh.

"Are you sure you lot aren't gay?" my voice full of humor.

They ignored my comment and came closer. Zayn leaving a quick kiss on my cheek and liam patting my head awkwardly in the tight suit he was wearing.

"Goodnight sweetheart." Zayn giggled. They both exited my room and slowly, peaking through the crack.

I rolled my eyes, I really didn't know how I was friends with those weirdos.
It did help though, I felt a bit better but still kind of empty.

I just really wanted her to be here right now.


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