Chapter 54

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(I was crying so hard while finishing this chapter up, guess why? I GOT 100K READS THANK YOU TO EVERYONE READING IM SO HAPPY THANK YOU THANK YOU x)

"Mate, chill out!" Liam grabbed me holding me back from smashing his face in.

"Don't you fucking go with him Stephanie!" I yelled as she helped him stand up and walked away with his arms around her.

Liam's grip let go of me when she was gone, I was tempted to follow them and beat his ass even more but I stopped myself.

I really didn't know what the hell was happening in my head but my thoughts were swirling so as my emotions, maybe it was the alcohol.

"Why did you have to go and do that!" Niall yelled.

I watched a small lady come over to us,

"You guys need to get out." She held a stern look on her face, I hadn't noticed the people around us staring with their mouths gaping open in shock.

"Fuck this." I threw my hands up in the air and walked out through a crowd of people the rest of our booth following.

"Hey thanks mate," Zayn crossed his arms and leaned against his car that we were all at now.

"It's not my fucking fault, he did it to his damn self."

My head was aching and fist where numb from punching the shit out of the bastard.

"You've had too much to drink bud." Niall's hand cupped my shoulder.

I didn't have too much to drink actually, I wasn't to the point where I was feeling sick or couldn't even process a thought, I was fine, and knew exactly what I was doing.

'Don't worry I'll take good care of her tonight'

The words he had whispered in my ear just before I smashed my fist against his jaw, replayed in my head.

I leaned against my own car, waiting to spot her come out of the small bar. My hands clasped around the metal sides, trying to hold myself back and punching the kid a few more times.

I shouldn't be even caring if he fucks her neither who's she's with. It was hard not to care though, I was starting to be convinced that maybe I did have some what feelings for her, the thought of having feelings for anyone actually scared me.

I concentrated on the door of the bar as it opened and a angry Calum stormed out with his three other faggot friends, that I don't recalled where even inside in the first place, following, but no Stephanie.

I lifted my self off the trunk and my fist clenched up once again as he waved in my direction and flashed me a evil smirk. His buddies looked back, two of them intimidated and him and Michael laughing.

"Harry, don't" I looked over to Liam who had been giving me a annoyed look.

They all probably are fucking tired of my shit, this was like a normal thing for them except this time it wasn't over some pervert middle aged guy taking our drinks or some douche jock giving me a dirty look when I was obviously wasted and not thinking clearly.

I stopped myself from going up to them and watched them walk away into the unlit area of the road.

The crowds were beginning to tone down, people were leaving and the music coming from the inside of insanely loud car speakers was fading out.

My mind raced with the possibilities of what could of happen to her and why she wasn't out yet.

It was pretty stupid actually, well not it, me. My head was pounding me with different thoughts and questions, what if I actually didn't give a shit about her and I was just being stupid? It's happened before actually, I meet this girl, her name was Jessica, we had a pretty... Fun night. It was out of my element to even speak to girls after I was 'finished' with them, but I thought it was a good idea to just see her the next day, I swore I had had something with her, I didn't have a clue what but I thought it was there. But it happened to just be a waste of my time, I meet a nice, perky blond the next day and she was gone out of my head.

Your such a dick

It was like a constant fight against myself, one minute ill be convinced I have the slightest feelings for her, the next ill be thinking about who I would fuck next.

I ignored my annoying conscious and decided to go inside and find her anyways.

"Where are you going?" Niall asked as I was about to turn my heel to find her.

"To get Stephanie."

"I don't think she would even want to see you at this moment, plus you got kicked out I doubt they would let you in."


"Ill go find her," I nodded at him and leaned back down the trunk, impatiently tapping my fingers on the side of my leg.

It felt like an eternity when Zayn and Stephanie finally exited thought the doors. Her eyes were red but no sign of any tears appeared on her face. It was weird actually, she never showed her emotions by crying or complaining about everything, it was nice considering every girl I've even laid eyes on would cry if I just touched them, she wasn't a pussy like most girls.

"Are you okay?" Natalie's voice squeaked as she ran to her and wrapped her arms around her.

I'll never understand girls and their need to be hugging each other and being all.. girly.

My legs were almost glued to the floor causing me to not move, for once I was incapable to move. I wanted to go up to her and hug her and say I was sorry but my ego was holding me back.

It'd probably confuse everyone on this fucking planet if I went up to her and embraced her after what I had just did to her 'friend'.

Her arms laid flat on her sides and she wore an unreadable expression, it was like she looked serious, but also sad and angry.

"What happened? Why'd he leave you alone? Are you okay?" Natalie bombarded her with questions searching her face with her hands.

You don't fucking care about her, move on and stop waisting your time

I sighed seeing her turn her face toward me then quickly snap back to Natalie's direction.

She hated me, I knew that for sure, why wouldn't someone hate me after me putting them through all this pain. Maybe her hating me was the best for us actually, maybe it would prove for once and all that we had nothing, that I was just hallucinating and being the idiotic boy I am.

Stephanie's POV

"What happened? Why'd he leave you alone? Are you okay?"

I nodded my head yes and looked over to Harry. His eyes were fixated on mine, I turned my head quickly knowing that my eyes were probably the color of a tomato.

You're obviously blind

I'm talking about, you can find your own ride home now

"He just left." I blankly replied, staring at Niall who had a sad expression on his face.

Once he left I stayed in the corner of the hallway sat in fetal position. I wanted to cry, oh how I wanted to sob and whine, and kick and scream like a little child, but I didn't. I stayed in a corner by myself trying to get my shit together.

I didn't know I possibly did that could make him angry with me, one of the only people I actually was starting to trust, just left.

The thing was I wouldn't really care if there was a reason, if he didn't just get in a fight in a bar with Harry, or if he was someone else, but he was Calum. The guy just a few hours ago I was laughing with and having dinner with, it made me no sense to me.

"Do you want to go home?"

I guessed she was talking about the dorm of course, that was my home now, but it didn't feel like one that's for sure, it was more like a jail.

I nodded and followed her as she took a step over the side walk and on to the street.

"Wait." Harry's voice echoed in my head.

I spun around to find him in the same place from when I last saw him, his arms crossed legs criss crossed on his trunk of his car.

"Let me take you home," he almost begged changing his position to him standing awkwardly straight. He looked like a confused child asking his mother a question about his homework or whatever kids ask their mothers.

As much as I wanted to say no, and why it would be right to decline his offer a part of me wanted to say yes, a small part, a microscopic part.

"No," Natalie replied for me.

It wasn't in her place to say who was taking me home she wasn't my mother, but I understood why she said so.

She held me by one arm, I didn't really need the help though I was completely done, no broken bones or bruises just a little hurt in my heart that I would soon convince to go away.

"Hop in," Her smile as she opened the door for me was as fake as most of the girls around us.

I buckled in exhausted by the pass 2 months, Thanksgiving was coming so it would a week off from this hell hole, and I was looking forward to it as much as I was looking forward to my grandma's cooking.

It would be nice to leave for a bit, to leave all this drama that I had decided I didn't want to be in my life anymore during High School, to sit back in my living room ad yell at my brother for hitting my head or sass my mom for not getting me the right sauce for my sandwich.

We were off now, I watched the people's bodies descend as we drove father away. Maybe I shouldn't go anywhere anymore from now on?

The ride to the dorms was faster than it was to get over there, there were hardly even cars on the ride which meant Natalie went 20mph more than the speed limit actually was.

"Home sweet home." She smiled examine the large brick building in front of us. We began walking inside trying to make the least noise we could to not wake up the others while they slept.

"Thank you." I whispered into her shoulder as my arms clung around her.

No matter how much of a bitch she could be at times or how different we both were, she was such a good friend, and I really appreciated it.

I coulda eel her check rise against my head. I let go of our embrace and held back a sob.

I crawled into my bed and turned off the little lamp that had been on, on my side of the room.

Maybe sleep will help.

Harry's POV

"Your such an idiot," Niall sat down next to me in my bed.

It was pretty odd talking to your friend that had coincidently hooked up with the girl who you had no idea how to fucking feel about yet.

"Thanks" I buried my face into my pillow.

His footsteps led out the door way and the door creaked shut. I had no idea why'd he even came inside the room in the first place, just to call me an idiot?

Once we had arrived home I stormed to my room without a room, I should feel like a champion right now, shit I made a little over 1.5k tonight, but I really just felt like a loser, a sore loser.

The darkness and emptiness of my room tired me, my headache and my thoughts only worsened everything even more.

Maybe sleep will help.


this might be short idk, I'm on my Mobil, IM so sorry I haven't updated in like 3 days i usually update everyday, sorry sorry sorry, BUT PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT IF YOU LIKE THE STORY SO FAR PWEASE ILY x

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