Chapter 86

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My stomach felt like a hurricane was arising inside, I couldn't figure out what is was. The sea food we ate today maybe, whatever it was, it definitely was making its appearance known. I laid in bed almost in tears trying to hold in the pain.

"You sure you don't want me to stay with you tonight?" Harry said hopping on one foot putting on his shoe.

I felt like yelling at him 'of course I was you to stay' but it was pointless, he was already somewhat drunk and dressed for tonight. if he stayed he probably would go to sleep exhausted about hearing me complain.

"I'm fine." My stomach twisted and I grunted, as if was a little punishment for lying just then.

"Alright," he successfully pulled on his shoes and stood up straight in front of a mirror, he was dressed in a fitting jumper with his hair pulled back by one of his large fedoras to cover up his extremely long hair. I've been trying to convince him to cut it but he was reluctant, he liked it cause it made him look somehow 'hippie'.

"Alright babe, you can call me if anything okay?" He leaned down to me and kissed my burning forehead and smiled.

"Bye," my voice sounded weak.

I watched him walk out of the room leaving me alone. My body turned to look outside our balcony, the sun was only now setting.

I gagged and I could feel the pressure in my throat, I ran into the bathroom and bent over the toilet.

It felt like I puked all the food I ate this past few days. My breath was a combination of every food you could think up put together and blended to make the worst stench ever. I quickly brushed my teeth and ran to bed. My head felt like someone was knocking violently against my skull and not stopping. All I could think of was sleep, sleep was would heal me and that's all I wanted.


I woke up to my phone ringing on the floor.

"Hello?" I picked it up with the little strength I had.

"Steph?" Jason answered.


"What's wrong?" He sounded worried.

"Nothing, think I ate something bad and it made my stomach all crazy."

"Maybe someone purposively poisoned your food,"

"You're so funny. But seriously why'd you call?"

"Wanted to check up one you, that's all."

"Well I'm fine, are we done here?" I groaned.

"Yeah, sure."

He hung up before saying bye. I stared at the phones screen for a few seconds before the blurred numbers that told the time were finally legible. It was only 12:37.

The headache faded away, but the ache in my stomach still crept inside me but not as badly as it was before.

I found myself getting ready, I stood in front of the mirror getting dressed and fixing my hair after finding out that there was no chance that I would fall back asleep. I had no clue where'd I go, maybe stop by the party everyone else was at, say a quick hi then leave for a walk or something.

I stared down at my phone at the address Natalie sent me thru text and back up the signs on the roads.

"There," I whispered to myself finding the sign that read the road that was on the text.

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