Chapter 50

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"Oh, well sorry I had to bother you, you can go now." He said almost annoyed.

I didn't really mean to snap at him in the first place, he was the coolest teacher by the long run, I'd ever have, but the fact that now teachers were bringing him up to me was rather infuriating.


I waited for his cue for me to go, I didn't want to be disrespectful and just leave knowing I had already ticked him off a little.

"Have a nice weekend."


I had totally forgot it was already Friday, I barley even kept track to the things going in my life, how was I going to keep track of the days in a week?

"You too." I smiled at him before turning my heals and walking away.

I walk out of the empty classroom letting the doors slowly close behind me and made my way to my next class.

Cara didn't sit next to me today nor even greeted me, not that I was complaining matter of fact I was ecstatic she wasn't, it was just weird and out of her element not to.

She sat next to two jocks, letting them kiss her and wrap their arms around them.


She was a lot like Harry, maybe she should fuck him and let them fall in love so I wouldn't have to be in this position with him.

"What a whore."

I covered my mouth with my hands and slid down in my chair noticing how loud I had really said that.

The whole classroom was looking in my direction now.

"Excuse me?" The professor turned around from writing on the chalk board with a bewildered expression. "I will not tolerate that fowl language in my class, who ever said it better keep their mouths shut for the rest of class."

I sighed quietly, relieved he didn't catch that it was my voice.

I could see Cara's eyes were glued on to me, by the corner of my eye, she held an angry expression. I turned my head to her and it quickly changed to her fake 'I'm your friend smile', I returned the smile.

"Yes Toby?" The professor called.

I sucked in a breath at the sound of the name, he couldn't be in this class, I'd never seen him.

I looked around to the kid who had been talking, it was a small, skinny kid that wore glasses twice the size of his head. I'd seen him around a few times but I never go the chance to ask him his name.

The panic of thinking the Toby I knew was here, I hadn't seen him since that time in the garden and I never wanted to see him again.

I didn't really know how to approach him like,

'hey I know about that time where you video taped me and you...'

What he did was unforgivable and horrible, Harry had said the evidence was gone and has been gone since it was made, but that was no reason for me to let it slid by.

I just wanted him out of my life, I didn't want to see him, talk to him or even breath the same air as me.

I didn't even bother to look at Cara the rest of the class, I left quickly to avoid her once we were dismissed.

"Wait Stephanie."

Shit no, no, no, no.

I picked up my pace trying to get away from her.

"Stephanie!" She yelled once again.

I forced myself to stop, no matter how much I hated her I was not going to ignore her.

"Oh hey." The pitch of my voice raised.

"Hey, what was that whole thing with you just blurting out 'what a whore'?"

I was talking to you

"Oh yeah, that, I was just thinking out loud and I kind of said it too loud." I raised my hands to my forehead waving my index finger in small circles.

Your an idiot Stephanie

"Who were you talking about though?"

I'm guessing she knew I was talking about her, shit I was looking straight at her.

"Oh I read something on my phone about my friend and it kind of just came out."

The lies were burning my tongue, I wanted to tell her the truth, I wanted to tell her she was a nasty whore that I have grown such a hatred for.

"Oh okay."

She snapped her gum loud making me flinch. With a sharp turn she walked away without a word.

"Bye bitch" I mumbled under my breath.

I hadn't been to the small coffee shop in weeks, seeing it brought memories of my brother, Liam, and the rest of the boys.


I noticed the two girls from the last time I'd been here that seemed like they hated men whined the counter.

I swear I heard once of them groan and the other laugh as I walked inside.

"What would you like Ms Perfect?" She mocked me.


"Um, a Caramel Latte and one of these little things." I pointed at the small pastry.

"Coming right up." She rolled her eyes.

I had no clue who these two girls were, they absolutely hated my guts, I'd never seen them or talked to them.

Ms Perfect, wasn't a bad nickname though. It was more of a compliment than an insult coming from two girls that seemed to dislike me.

She handed me my latte and a small bag, I sat down in a table and took out the no-name book, opening it to the page I had left off at.

For once in a long time, I had no thoughts, or anything bothering me, I was in peace in this little cafe that I was beginning to love. The smell and the sound of beans grinding and the soft music playing in the background had something that just soothed me.

The book was becoming more interesting the more i read it and became more invested in it. They were both the opposite people, Cindy a nice smart girl who had never done a single bad thing in her life, and the boys a badass bike rider that had basically done every bad thing there was to do.

Before I could keep reading someone's hand slammed onto the glass table in front of me causing me to drop the coffee.

"What the hell!" I yelled looking down to the floor at the mess I had just made, the coffee spreading around slowly through the cracks of the tile.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to startle you."

I looked up to the person who had caused this mess. I really didn't know how I didn't notice the voice, who else on this campus had an Australian accent?

"Dammit Calum why'd you do that?" I crossed my arms and frowned at him.

"I said I'm sorry," he pouted.

"Here I'll clean it." He bent down grabbing a few of the paper towels I had on my small table and wiping the floor with them.

Once the mess was clean he stood up and walked away.

"Where are you going?"

He had just arrived and was leaving?

He turned around to me once again and began to walk back.

"Since my first greet was a total fail, I'm going to try and begin again." He smiled.

"Hey Steph!" He waved and sat in the empty chair.

"Um, hi." I awkwardly smiled.

"Nice seeing ya here, you know I haven't seen you in like forever?"

"Forever is kind of an over statement, it's been maybe a week." I laughed.

"So, how have you been?"

"Um, okay, and yourself?"

I haven't okay really, I've been getting better though. If you subtracted Harry, Cara, Toby, school and anything else that had been possibly going wrong then, yea I was okay.

I'm not made out of stone but I can pretend I am, at least for now.

"Great, thanks," he showed off his perfect teeth with a big smile.

I wondered how everyone else was, if they had any problems like the ones I had, if they just didn't care. What if he had something he had been desperately trying to hide inside, every time I would talk to him, he was always jolly and nice, something's bound to be wrong with that he wants no one to know so he hides it behind a smile. Or maybe not.

Shut up and stop over thinking everything

"I must insist in buying you another drink since I was the cause of its death," he joked.

"No I'm okay, I was about to leave anyways, but thank you."

"Can I walk you?" He offered, I nodded my head, i didn't mind in having some company.

"Are you coming tonight?"


"There's this meet up, there's gonna be some races, lots of cute girls." He winked and I rolled my eyes at him.

I hadn't gone anywhere in about 2 weeks, it would be nice to finally get out. I wasn't going to be a 'party pooper' this time.

"Sure, but I need a ride."

"Ill pick you up, if you want?"

"That'd be great."


We walked down the side walk into the campus courtyard.

"I guess I'll leave you here," he smiled and pulled me into his arms, hugging me tightly. His aroma was very pleasant and he gave good hugs if I had to say.


"Bye babe,"


~authors note~

Idk if this is long or not but hey I tried, I was going to double update today but I've been having trouble with some things BUT PLEASE IF YOU LIKE THIS STORY SO FAR PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT ILYSM BYE x

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