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The other day i woke up at 1 pm, cuz Kurt and I fell asleep like at 4 am. I woke up but Kurt was still sleeping. Atleast Krist and Chad were awake upstairs. I got up and went upstairs.

K: hey! my twin got up!

Chad was in the fridge, literallly. Then he looked at me.

C: oh hey Crys!

me: goodmorning

I said yawning.

K: what do you want for brunch?

me: uh, something real quick, i gotta leave soon.

k: oh ok well do you want a sandwich?

me: yeah

K: coming right up

He said getting up from his chair. He made me the sandwich in like 5 minutes.

K: here you go!

He said sliding me.the plate.

Me: thanks

I said smiling.

K: so we're thinking of practicing again tonight. Youre coming right?

me: i think so

i said biting my sandwich. When i finished eating the sandwich. I got up and hugged Kkrist.

Me: bye Krist. Thanks for everything.

I said still hugging me.

K: oh anything for my twin

He says giving me a squeeze. Them letting me go. Then i went to Chad and hugged him as well.

C: bye Crys. Take care

Me: oh and tell Kurt that sorry that i hadd to leave

Krist nodded. I went out the door. Then i rememberedd. I dont know how to get home walking. I opened the door again.

Me: hey, uhh Krist?

I said nervously.

K: yeah?

me: can you give me a ride?

k: yes you idiot

He said laughing and grabbing the van keys.

K: i was waiting for you to ask

He said laughing.

Me: very funny

I said sarcastically.

K: you coming?(looking at Chad)

c: nah
He said taking a sip of his beer

K: okay, bye then

He said closing the door.

Me: did you bring cigarrettes?

I asked sounding needy. Fuck me

K: oh yeah. I always do

He said taking them out of his pocket and showing them to me. We got in the van, and he started it. He handed me a cigarrette. I put ut between my lips and he lit it up for me.

Me: thanks

K: anytime Cryssy

The trip wasnt long. During the trip smoked 4 cigarrettes. DAMN. Krist stopped the van in front of my home. I openned the van door to get out. Then i felt Krist hold my arm. I looked at him

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