its friday

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Ugh. Atlast its friday. The last day of the week that i have to go to the hellhole called school. And i was gonna visit the band today, more like my friends, because they really are. They care about me so much that it surprises me. Specially Kurt, he reallyy DOES want to protect me. I find that very sweet. Though i have one question spinning inside my mind. Is he crushing on me? because i kind of am. I mean the first time i saw him at the club i thought he was so fricking attractive and interesting, Thats why i followed him like a stalker backstage. But when he started becoming my friend, i forgot i had a crush on him, i try to hide it , because its a major crush , but maybe he feels the same way. Yesterday when he hesitantly kissed my eye, well PECKED my eye. I felt my heart leap three times. I freaked out, badly. But i tried not to show it. Well now its 3 and i just arrived from school , just as i sit down on the couch , the phone rings. Its probably one of the guys. I excitedly get up and answer the phone.

Me: hello Crystal speaking
I said in monotone. I always answer the phone like that because ill probably wont give three fucks for whos talking. I answered like that just in case its not Krist, Chad or kurt.

Heyyy twin!

yep. Its krist

Me: hey krist. Whats up?

k: just calling you to come over

Me: okay. Do you guys have a gig today?

k: yeah a midnight gig at the malls parking lot.

Me: nice

K; yeah. I mean we're not actually allowed to but we spread the word already so i guess people will show up.

Me: illegal? even better

K: haha. Yeah. Well ill pick you up?

me: yeah come over

K: okay bye

Me: bye

I went upstairs to change clothes. I didnt actually change clothes. I just put a sweater on top og my shirt, so no one could see my wrist scars, or my arm scars. My arms were pretty fucked up by now. But lets see if i can manage to not cut myself anymore. I doubt it. Sorry Kurt. I went downstairs to wait for krist. I turned on the tube, shit, as always. I turned it off, tv makes me sick, like physically. Theres nothing to watch and its just a bunch of idiots. I hate it. After like ten minutes, krisy finally arrived. He knocks on the door.

me: hey twin
as im opening the door

K: hey. whats wrong with your eye?

me: ehh long story. Kurt took care of the guy tho
He hugging me. Krist hugs are the best so far,cuz hes so fluffly and tall. We got in the van and drove tp his place.
We arrive at his place and the first thing i see is kurt sitting in the balcony, probably waiting for me. When the van pulls over, he stands up from the chair and comes towards me. He stretches his arms to hug me, i hug him back

Ku: hey crys

me: hello kurt, missed you

Ku: me too are you okay?

me: yeah. Is my eye getting any better? I put an antibiotic on it yesterday because my mom noticed

Ku: it is. You look great anyways. Black eye or not.

I blushed, and my heart leaped AGAIN.

ME: haha. Thanks
I said looking down. Then Chad comes out.

C: crys!!

me: hey chady
I said hugging him, he hugged me back. We headed inside. Krist closed the door behind me.

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