SubPop shit

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I woke up under Dave's old sheets. I slept on a bean bag chair he has in the corner of his room. It was big and surprisingly comfortable to sleep in. I glanced at the clock and it was 7:30 Dave was sleeping.

Me: hey Dave?

D: mmmm

Me: dont you have school today?

D: no i started spring break yesterday
He said still sleepy

Me: oh me too

D: go back to sleep
He said turning around.  I got up and started shaking him. He groaned

D: Cryyss. I dont wanna get uuuup

Me: Daaaaave i have to go to work and im gonna be laaate

D: oh shit what time you start?
He said sitting

Me: at 8! I need you to drive me!

D: okay okay!
He said getting up and running to the bathroom to pee. He lent me his deodorant and hairbrush. And toothbrush to be honest. (Author: i wouldnt mind sharing my toothbrush with dave grohl, i mean, he's dave grohl❤️).

I got dressed up real quick and we got out like at 7:45. Dave was driving real quick, so quick that i thought we were gonna crash several times.
We arrived at 7:58.
I got out of the car real quick

Me: thanks Dave!!! Pick me up at 12? Thanks
I said running inside before he said no, cuz i really need a ride.

D: uhh sure. I guess

When i walked in, Becky and Melissa were there.

M: hey Crys

Me: oh melissa hi

I hugged her and then Becky. Becky changed her hair color to green. It looked good.

Me: hey i met a member of your band

M: really? Who?

Me: Courtney

M: ah. Shes the frontwoman

Me: oh nice. I dont think she ever told me

M: oh and by the way, we're looking for a drummer

Me: wait, weren't you t-

M: yeah. Im better at bass so we need a drummer

Me: oh damn

M: but uhh. We arent thinking about publishing the album NOW. So we have time i think

Me: oh okay

M: yeah

I worked till my shift of course. I waited outside for Dave and he arrived just in time. He's so responsible i love it.

D: hey Crys. How was work?
He asked opening the door for me from his seat.

Me: fun i guess. Thanks for picking me up

D: no problem

Me: my kiwi babyy
I said pinching his cheek. He chuckled, it was a cute chuckle. Crystal, noo.

D: should i take you to Krist?

Me: yeah cuz you guys have rehearsal in an hour.

We arrived at Krist's in 20 minutes and all we did was smoke till Kurt arrived. They rehearsed till six and told Krist to take me home.

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