he cares about me?

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Okay? I hav no idea wheere he was gonna take me. I got up from my bed and followed him out of my room door. He grabbed my hand and pullled me downstairs. Then we went out the front door.

Ku: Where does that asshole live?

me: (quietly)like 7 blocks from here. Starting from the bus station which is on the left.

ku: okay, i know where it is now

He grabbed my hand and gently drags me to the bus station. Then we stop again. He turns around to face me and he stares into my eyes. Those damn blue eyes that could see inside your soul. Then he carasses my eye, my black eye. Then says

Ku: im sorry
With a shaky voice as if he were ginna cry.

Me: its not your fault, you have nothing to be sorry about

He kept carrasing my eye. Then he stops.

Ku: No worries, he'll regret he ever even became your friend
He said angrily. He turned around and started walking again. Then after 10 minutes we arrive at Stanleys.

Ku: is this it?

me: yeah, and hes home alone

Ku: even better

He said grabbing a rock from the sidewalk.

Me: thats his window
I said pointing at Stanleys window, i knew what he was gonna do. Kurt stretches his arm behind him and throws the rock aiming at stanleys window.


bullseye! It went right through his glass window

St: what the fuck?!

i hear Stanley say from his room. Kurt hid behind a tree. I did the same. i found a rock next to me and i threw it at Stanleys window so it will damagge something inside his room, or better, hit him.

Ku: (whispers)no not yet

Me:(quietly) okay

Kurt gets out from behind the tree and knocks on the door. I dont know why though, what was he trying to do?

knock knock knock knock knock

Kurt knocked on the door like a maniac until finally stanley answers the door angrily.

St: hey what the fuck man? Who are you

Ku: im a dude who hates other dudes that touches women

Stanley had a confused look on his face

St: what the fuck are you talking about?

ku: you know you cunt!

st: well do i dont!

ku: hey Crys?

Well.i guess ill go over there. I trust Kurt. Besides, i wanna see sTanley get hurt real bad. When i get close to kurt, stanley looks at me with a disgusted face.

ku: why the fuck are you looking at her like that?
he said angrily putting his protective arm around me.

st: cuz i fucking can!

ku: no you cant! and neither you can touch her!

he said getting closer to stan.

St: i can fucking to whatever i want to this bitch

Said stan now getting closer to Kurt.

Ku: say that again punk?

st: i said. I . Can do . Whatever. The fuck . I want . To this . BITCH

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