the midnight gig

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So the guys got ready onstage and they were all set.

Ku: So we're NIRVANA and this is 'Negative Creep'

They started playing 'negative creep' and it really gave me good vibes. I could feel the energy around the place. Everyone was jumping all over the place and banging their heads along the music. Some other people were pumping their fists in the air. It looked like a riot, but it was amazing. They were all crazy teenagers. I took a sip of my beer and started jumping too , i really liked the song. When they finished playing that song they played ' About a girl'. During the WHOLE song Kurt was giving me glances, was the song about me? nah. I doubt it.
Ku: (looking at me)that song was dedicated to a special girl i know

OH MY GOD. Okay so lets start with that i felt my heart get really hot, it skipped a few beats, i blused, and i felt goosebumps up my spine. I think he REALLY dedicated that song to me. They played three more songs before i heard i heard the sound of cop cars. The sound came closer, and closer. Kurt stopped singing and Chad stopped playing the drums. Everyone started to panic. Some people had no idea what the hell was hapening cuz they were drunk as fuck. We started unsettling the "stage" as fast as we could. We ran to the van and we put the damn heavy amps inside. Then the car cops arrived. They were like six. They started chasing the teenagers, some escaped and others were caught and arrested. Luckily we parked the can on the other side of the parking lot. Kurt and i were unpatiently waiting for Krist to come back with the beer fridge. When he came running closer. Kurt and i jumped into the van. Krist quickly threw the fridge in the trunk and jogged to the driver seat
Ku: (panicky voice)hurry up

K: hold on!
he said shaking. Finally he started the car and floored it. We were out of there in a matter of seconds.

Me: that was SO close

Ku:(Looking at me) oh yes

Me: drive far away

K: (irritated)im trying to drive as fast and far away as i can

me: Jesus i was just saying

K: sorry twin

Me: its okay

I felt that Kurt was staring at me. I tried not to make eye contact with him so he wouldnt know that i noticed he was, but it was hard, and i started feeling uncomfortable. Also i felt like i was blushing as always, so i didnt bother looking.

Ku: hey crystal?

me: (i looked at him) yeah?

ku: is it just me or is your hair blue?

Me: oh, it is! But just half of it. Like, if i make a bun, from behind itll look blue but on the front its brown. Also if i mess it up like now or brush it all to one side itll look mostly blue. I did it when i met my mothers boss, and he said "nice hair color" and i was like "nice hair, oh wait you dont have any".

Kurt and Krist started laughing real hard.

Ku: i like it though. It looks pretty badass.
he said running his fingers through my puffy hair. I blushed, and probably gave him the dorkyest smile.

K: uh, guys?

Me: what?

k: where the fucks Chad?


ku: oh shit yes! we totally fucking forgot!

k: (frustrated)how can we forget chad!

ku: dude remember we were fucking panicking, we didnt have time to look for him

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