1~ Containment Breach

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A raging headache. That's the only thing I feel right now. A massive headache. I'm somewhere bright, that's all I know. The bright light shining through my eyelids is blinding me, without even opening my eyes. 

I slowly open my eyes. The second my blue pupils meet the room, I shut them once again. I pull on my arm, trying to cover my eyes but my arm won't budge. I pull harder and a stinging pain runs throughout it. I open my eyes again, only lowering my eyelid, squinting. I look down at my arm and see three IV's punctured into my forearm. My eyes slowly adjust to the light of the room and I look around. The room is white, extremely white. I'm lying on a bed, with white sheets covering my body. To the right of the bed is a white couch, on the other side a white toilet and white sink. The only thing that isn't the awful shade of blindingness is the painting that hangs just above the couch. It's a woman. A very ugly woman, may I add. She has her arms crossed over each other and I can't decide whether she's kind of smiling, or in pain. 

The only sound I hear is of my own breathing. I hate the sound. The sound repulses me. Knowing that I'm sitting here, breathing, alive, while Bellamy, who saved me, is dead. Tears collect in my eyes as I think back to yesterday. Maybe it was yesterday. Maybe it was a week ago. I don't know how long I've been here. Anyway, Bellamy, he saved me. And I let him burn. I let him burn with the rest of the Grounders. I will forever live with the shame of that. 

I look down at the three IV's invading my arm. A long, clear tube exits all of them and winds its way upwards. It doesn't seem to stop at a bag of fluid, but keeps going upwards into the ceiling. That's odd, usually when someone gets an IV it's connected to a bag of fluid that's being put into your body. Realization hit me as I look at the clear tube, that isn't so clear. It's red, blood red. I grasp the end of the IV's and yank them out of my skin. 

"Aah." I yell, in a low voice, as the IV's hit the floor and the red drains fully, the tubes turning clear again. 

I use my non-bleeding arm and pull the sheets off of me. I reach my hand up and feel my hair. It had been washed. It felt...clean. That's when I notice what I'm wearing. New clothes. All white, of course. White jeans, and a white quarter length shirt. I'm barefoot though. No shoes. 

I push myself slowly off of the bed, placing my feet on the ground. The ground is cold. Something I haven't felt in a long time. I step fully onto the ground, lifting my weight from off the bed and onto my own two feet. 

I look at the door. My immediate instinct is to open it. I walk forward and place my hand on the knob. I turn it...locked. Frustration takes over me. My breathing becomes rapid. I grasp the doorknob with both hands turning it and yanking on it. 

"Aah!" I scream out in frustration as I let go of the doorknob, it wasn't going to budge. The only thing letting me see outside of the room is the clear, circular window at eyesight on the door. I press my face into it, looking around me. There's another door across from mine, the room unoccupied. From what I can see, there's a hallway with several other identical doors lining it. 

Then, something ran past the door at lightening speed, making me jump backwards. Until I recognize the blonde hair that is blowing past the face I was so happy to see. A face full of fear and confusion, probably matching mine. 

"Clarke!" I scream, banging on the door. 

She doesn't hear me. She continues running down the hallway. 

"CLARKE!" I scream, banging harder than I did before. 

And she stopped. Clarke stops in her tracks. Turning the opposite direction, fearing what was screaming her name. 

"Clarke! It's Tatum!" I yell. 

Clarke immediately relaxes and runs over to my door, peering through the window. 

Reckless ~ Sequel to Shameless {Bellamy Blake}Where stories live. Discover now