13~ Highway to Hell

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"I'm going back to Arkadia. I need to get my mom and tell her our plan." Clarke says, picking up a gun and walking towards the exit.

"I'm coming with you." I say. 

Clarke turns and both her and Bellamy go into objections.

"You're not going." Bellamy says. "It's too dangerous and too risky."

"I agree with Bellamy, I don't think you should come this time."

"Will you two stop treating me like such a baby?!" I yell, breaking their arguments. "I'm going with Clarke whether you two like it or not."

"Clarke's going off of a bluff." Bellamy says, grabbing my shoulders and turning me towards him. "I can't lose you Tatum, not this time and not ever."

"Bellamy," I say, looking into his eyes. "You're not going to lose me, I promise." 

I shimmy out of his grip and turn to Clarke, adjusting my gun, and nodding. She ducks under the sheet covering the door to the drop ship and exits.

"Tatum," Bellamy says, stopping my footsteps. "Please."

"Bellamy, I'll see you in a little while. Right back here." I say, smiling slightly. "I'll be fine." I turn to duck under the sheet.

"I love you." Bellamy calls.

"I love you too, Bell." I smile, before exiting.


The sight of Arkadia sent panic into both Clarke and I. Everyone is packing and running around like a madhouse, ready to leave. 

"We may be too late." I mumble to Clarke.

She turns and looks at me without saying a word. In her eyes I could tell she knew I was right.

The loud speaker creaks as it turns on. "Initiated evacuation plan 2A. Report to your station supervisor for further instruction."

We run into the Ark, running past guards packing supplies and weapons. We turn down a long hallway and into a circular room where Jaha and Abby stand, talking.

"You made the right decision, Abby." Jaha says calmly.

"Mom." Clarke says, interrupting their conversation.

"Where have you two been?" Abby asks, urgently, walking up to us. "We're leaving."

"We know how to stop the attack." I say, trying to get our message across.

"What are you talking about?" Jaha asks, joining the conversation. 

Clarke looks between Jaha and Abby, "We haven't been able to negotiate with the Grounders because we haven't had anything to offer them."

"The biggest threat they face is from the Reapers." I say.

"I think we may be able to eliminate that threat for them once and for all." Clarke says.

"How?" Abby asks, hope filling her eyes. 

"Abby, you can't be serious.." Jaha mumbles.

A bang on the door interrupts our conversation. A guard walks in, looking between a mix of anger and fright. "They're here." He announces. Immediately we all jump into action, running to look outside. When we make it to the edge of the Ark we see, in the darkness of the night, tiny lights starting to appear.

"They're not attacking." I say, both confidently and confused.

"That means we have time." Clarke says, turning back to Jaha and Abby.

Abby looks between the two of us, then over at Jaha. "We have two hours till dawn." She sighs.

"Let us talk to the commander. She was Anya's second. Maybe she'll listen." Clarke pipes up.

"Abby we're wasting time." Jaha says running his hands over his face in stress.

"Hold on," Abby says to Jaha, then turns to us. "you said that Lincoln is going through withdrawal. We don't even know what he's withdrawing from. The detox alone could kill him."

"That's where you come in." I say.

"And if I can't save him?" Abby asks. 

"That's not an option." Clarke says.

"Abby!" Jaha yells. "We're risking everything on a bluff. We have an out. We have a way to save the lives of our people."

"Not all of them." I growl.

Jaha steps forward, towards me. "We will come back to save the kids inside Mount Weather."

I step forward, getting in his face. "We all know that's not going to happen." We stare at each other long and hard, before he backs down and turns to Abby.

"Abby, this has gone on long enough. If you do not give the order to begin the Exodus, you are killing us all."

"I'm sorry, but I can't give that order." Abby replies.

"Abby...give the order."


"I... am the elected chancellor of the Ark. And I am not gonna let you risk the lives of my people. Do you understand? I'm going to ask you once again... give the order to begin the Exodus."

"No. Are you through yet?" Abby asks.

Jaha goes to say something else but Abby interrupts. "Major Byrne, Sergeant Miller, put Chancellor Jaha in the stockade."

"Yes ma'am." One of them says, grabbing Jaha by the arm and shoving him back into the Ark.

Abby turns to Clarke and I. "I'll send a guard detail with you."

"No, they'll see it as a threat." Clarke answers.

"Finn will take you to Lincoln." I say.

Abby nods, turning around to follow Finn out of Arkadia. I look at Clarke then over at the glimmering lights shining in the night. 

"Here we go." I whisper to myself as I walk, nervously, to meet the Grounders.

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