29~ Crossfire

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(wait to play the song until it says in the chapter)

As the metal elevator sky rockets up the sound of a blaring alarm grows louder. 

"What the hell?" I whisper as it increases. My eyebrows furrow, but soon my question is answered when the elevator doors to level 5 open. My eyes widen as my vision is taken over by a flashing red light. The alarm blaring stays at a constant ear-busting tone. I grip my gun hard, my hair falling out of my hat as I run down the corridor towards the bunk room. My thoughts immediately turn to the worst as the red flashing light engulfs the hallways, the blaring alarm slightly making my ears ring.

Just as I'm about to turn into the bunk room, three delinquents sprint out of it. 

"Jasper what the hell is going on?" I yell over the alarm. 

Jasper's face relaxes slightly as he sees it's me. "We irradiated the level." He says slightly smiling. "Now we need to defend it."

"I like that thought." I smile widely.

"Tatum, where should I put this?" One of my people ask, holding out a wooden chair. 

"The entrance in the west wing." I demand, sifting through some supplies in a closet on the level. "I don't want any weak spots."

Delinquents run in every direction, carrying furniture, weapons, supplies, basically anything to defend ourselves with. 

"We need to make sure they don't get in." Monty mumbles, looking through some old clothes.

"They won't." I say, reloading my gun. 

"We took the level," Jasper says. "now we have to hold it." 

"And they will be coming back." I nod "And we need to be ready."

Jasper nods and turns to Harper. "Harper, get some pots from the kitchen, fill them with water, as big as you can find. Ok?"

"Fox," Monty turns. "Let's go get those hallway cameras."

"Nope." Jasper interjects. "Leave the hallway cameras."

"We'll need eyes out there." Monty argues. 

I furrow my eyebrows and walk over to him. "You can do that?"

Monty smirks, "Have you met me?"

I smirk and nod my head, Monty and Fox taking off. "Where are we on the doors?" I question.

"Elevators are all disabled." Someone from behind me answers. 

I nod slowly. I reach over my head and throw my guards hat off. I slip off the bullet proof vest and hand it to Jasper. "Here."

Jasper looks at me with confusion in his eyes. "No, no. Tatum, you don't have to."

I just nudge it further forward towards him.

Jasper keeps arguing. "Bellamy would want you to have it, not me."

"Jasper I'm giving you an item of clothing that may possibly save your life. I'll be damned if I let you die on my watch." I shove the vest into his hands. "Now take it before I force it on you."

Jasper has the opposite reaction I had originally thought he would. He starts smiling really widely. "Someone cares." He sings as he slips the vest over his head.

"Oh shut it." I smirk.

*start song*

"How long you think we can hold them off?" Jasper whispers to me. 

"As long as we have to." I demand. I turn to the crowd hurrying around the mess hall, "Let's go people! They're gonna be here soon." 

And just like that, piles and piles of furniture has been stacked high against each entrance into the mess hall. My heart drops as a huge explosion comes from outside the sealed doors. A few quiet screams come from behind Jasper and I, who are the closest to the door. 

"It's okay everyone." I say. "Just go with the plan."

Loud bangs come from the other side of the double doors. The doors give way with each bang and lastly bust open. The guards throw in gas bombs, the same ones that made me refuge here in the first place. They land on the ground, about ten of them, and I run forward, grabbing one by the end and dumping it into one of the large pots of water Fox had gotten. I turn around and see about a dozen other delinquents mimicking my actions. I smile and drop to the floor, acting as though the gas bombs had worked. I listen, my eyes closed, as the guards begin tearing down the furniture from the entrances. A guard removes his gas mask and walks over to one of the pots of water, it's Emerson, and pulls out the extinguished gas bomb. 

"They're faking it." He mumbles.

"NOW!" Jasper yells. 

All at once, not even exaggerating, everyone jumps up from the floor brutally attacking and killing any guard in sight. I cock my gun, shooting at one of the guards coming straight for me. He falls to the floor immediately, dead. I reach into my combat boots and tear out my two knives. I see a guard sprinting towards me, his gun loaded and ready. I duck under him, grabbing his feet and tackling him to the ground. His gun goes flying and I stab him right in the stomach, smirking. I twist the knife, my smirk increasing. "That's for my friends."

I then turn immediately slamming my knife into the leg of another guard that had tried to sneak up behind me. The blow to his leg makes him stumble backwards and then Jasper runs from behind him, thrusting an axe into his side, finishing him off. 

"Retreat!" I hear a voice come over the yells from the dying guards. The wave of guards follow his command, retreating as fast as possible. 

"We did it!" A high pitched voice comes from the back of the room just as the last guard turned the corner out of the mess hall. 

"Fox is gone." Monty says, breathing hard as he runs into the room. "They took her."

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