7~ Faster Than Light

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After the Grounders aimed their guns at Clarke and I, I don't remember anything. It's like in my mind that part of time was fogged over, non existent. I don't remember blacking out or passing out. It's just like that part of my memory isn't there. That part of the story never happened. 

The next thing I do remember is waking up. 

I wake up with a jolt. My eyes burst open and the first thing I see is the new clothes. I have brand new, clean clothes on and I'm not all muddy anymore. The cut on my head has a white bandage across it. 

"You're awake." A voice comes from behind me. "Good. How do you feel?" 

I turn and see a face I honestly thought I'd never see again. 

"Abby." I gasp, shock filling every emotion. "I thought...I thought you were dead." I mumble, trying to find the right words to explain.

Abby smiles. "Medical first. Then we'll catch up." Abby places her fingers upon the bandage on my head, slowly peeling it away. "Again, how are you feeling?"

"I'm good." I laugh. "Just...confused." 

"What are you confused about?"

"Where am I? How are you alive? Who else is alive and here?" I ask, multiple questions coming out at once.

"Woah, woah, woah!" Abby laughs, throwing the old bandage that was on my forehead in the garbage. "Let's start with the first one." Abby walks over to a table on the side of the room, shuffling through a box. "You're on the Ark." 

"What?" I gasp, immediately looking around in wonder. 

"Not in the sky, of course. But, the Ark made it to the ground." Abby grabs something from within the box and walks back over to me. "I'm alive because I wasn't on the first pod that came down." Abby peels off the taping from the new bandage she had grabbed and places it back on my forehead. 

"Wait, is my mother here? Is she alive?" I ask, hopefulness floating within my eyes.

Abby's reaction told me everything. She stops what she's doing and glances up at me. Her face showing something between pity and remorse.

"She didn't make it did she..?" I ask, my voice cracking. 

"No, Tatum, she didn't." Abby replied honestly. 

"What happened? Did she run out of oxygen? Did she-" I began but my words are cut off by the awful images running through my head of my mother suffocating.

"No, she didn't run out of oxygen." Abby answered. 

"Tell me what happened." I demand.

Abby sighs and sits down at the end of my cot. "When Diana found out that there weren't enough drop ships on the Ark to carry everyone, she went crazy. Her only goal was to see you again. That's what pushed her to such an extent that she would...kill people to get to you."

"She killed people?" I ask, shock filling my words.

Abby nodded. "She set off a bomb during Unity Day, which killed six people. She somehow convinced Jaha that it wasn't her which then led her to get on one of the Exodus ships." 

I stay silent, waiting for her to continue the story. The shock and betrayal that is filling me up is like no other. Yeah, my mother and I had our differences, but I would have never thought she would kill people...her people to get to me. 

Abby continues. "Jaha came with reinforcements. They attempted to open the door to the Exodus Ship. That's when Diana blurted out to the people helping Jaha that there weren't enough ships to carry everyone. That momentary shock gave Diana the chance to pull the lever. And then.."

I cut her off. "The ship." I mumble. "It was the one that Clarke thought you were on." I pause for a moment, my mind taking me back to the moment we saw the shooting-star like figure bulleting through the air. "It was going at a speed faster than light. The parachute didn't deploy and it hit the ground with such force that I felt the ground beneath me shake." I could feel my hands shaking as I recalled the experience. "You're telling me, my mother was on that ship?"

Abby's face softened. "Yes."

"Was it quick?" I ask.

"Excuse me?" Abby questions.

"Do you think her death was quick?" I rephrase my question.

Abby thought for a moment, then answers. "Yes, I think it was very quick. Perhaps...faster than light."


Abby didn't discharge me for another couple of hours, which I'm grateful for due to my tiredness. As soon as the word "discharged" left her mouth, I was already halfway out the door. I need to see my friends...my family. 

As I leave the hospital wing, I'm met with hallways. Hallways exactly like the Ark, which freaks me out a bit. I turn right, seeing an open area to the outside. The first face I see is a face I never thought I'd see again. A face I thought was dead. 

"Raven." I gasp, chuckling a little as I grab her and pull her into a hug. 

"Tatum!" Raven smiles, hugging me tightly. "You were in Mount Weather."

"Yeah, it's awful. Our people are there. We need to move against Mount Weather." 

"I know. Abby won't let us start yet." 

"Since when did Abby make the rules?" I ask.

"She's Chancellor."

I look at her with confusion before I vividly remember the Chancellor's pin hanging on her shirt when she told me the story of my mother's death. 

"Where's Clarke?" I ask.

"She was discharged a couple of hours ago. I think she's over in headquarters." Raven nods to the center of the Ark. 

The squeaking of the gates opening is what catches my attention away from Raven. A group of six or seven people are walking in. A girl, scratches and bruises fill her body, has her arm wrapped around a man, muscular build, dark hair. 


It was like the wind had been taken from me. I watch as he helps the girl sit down and turns in his weapons. My eyes tear up as I try to shake my head, making sure this wasn't some kind of insane dream. My legs give in and my knees hit the soil as my hand immediately go to my stomach, caressing it as loud sobs escape my mouth. Raven's eyes follow mine, seeing what I was seeing. She drops down, holding me. 

"I thought.." I hiccup out. "I thought he was dead." 

"Tatum," Raven smiles. "He's not."

That's when Bellamy looked up. I could see his mouth move in the way of saying "Tatum?" before his feet hit the ground loudly and he was sprinting over to me. Once he finally reached me, Raven backed off and Bellamy took her place. 

"Bellamy." I cry, placing my hand on the back of his neck and my other hand caressing his face. "You're alive." I breathe. 

"You're alive." Bellamy laughs, tears forming in his eyes. 

We stood like that for a while. Almost believing that if we let go of each other or took our eyes off of one another, they'd be gone. His face moved in, hesitantly, before his rough, cracked lips attached to mine. And we were kissing like drowning people breathe—like suddenly we'd discovered something that has never been so sweet before that moment. It was a kiss to level mountains and shake stars from the sky. It was a kiss to make angels faint and demons weep...a passionate, demanding, soul-searing kiss that nearly knocked the earth off its axis.

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