21~ Death Ritual

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It looks different. Different from when I was running at full speed towards it, trying desperately to save its people. It is different now. I didn't save the people. Now, I stare back at the relatives of those lost, watching their sadness be replaced with anger at the sight of us. 

"Weapons." One of the Grounders demands as our group comes upon the gates of Tondc. 

I hesitantly pull my gun off my shoulder, throwing it to the ground. I then take the knife that is tucked into my pants and throw it next to my gun. I also take the two knifes hidden in each of my combat boots and throw them in the pile as well. I watch as everyone else does the same, throwing the dangerous weapons into a growing pile.

Raven stands there, her gun still around her, knives still attached to her, watching us like we're stupid. 

"Raven." I say, walking over to her. "We have to take our weapons off."

That's when Clarke comes over, seeing that Raven was in no place to do so. "Raven." She says, her voice holding slightly more authority than mine. 

Raven looks between us, shooting daggers at Clarke, before grabbing the strap of her gun and pulling it over her head, throwing it into the pile. 

I hold my hand out giving her a look. She sighs loudly before pushing her jacket back and pulling a red handled knife out of her waistband. 

"We're gonna need to pat you down." One of the Grounders says, seeing as she's probably lying about not having anymore weapons her. 

Raven rolls her eyes and steps forward, her hands in the air. The Grounder begins patting her down, finding two more knives and a collection of daggers in her right shoe. 

"Great." Clarke mumbles. "Now, they'll never fully trust us."

Raven slams her arms back down to her side as the Grounder finishes patting her down and the Sky People continue their march through Tondc. 

"Murderers!" A yell comes from the crowd of watching Grounders.

Shouting begins. Shouting like none other. Things get thrown at us. An apple hitting me right in the abdomen. I look over at Bellamy and grab his arm, holding onto it as we continue walking. Shouts and screams still coming our way. 

"That's enough!" Lexa's voice booms over the yells. The shouting decreases dramatically. "The Sky People march with us now." Lexa's intense stare runs over all the Grounders. "Anyone who tries to stop that will pay with their life."

We move forward, the Grounders gazes never faltering but their faces showing slight fear of the words from Lexa. I grip Bellamy's arm harder, steadying myself as we continue walking. 

Sticks and parts of trees have been placed strategically into place as they put Finn's body on the top of the stack. Some sort of liquid is poured at the bottom of the sticks and trees. Lexa is handed a flaming torch. 

"People of Tondc, in fire, we cleanse the pain of the past." She speaks the words, fluidly, as if she had said them before. I watch with painful eyes as she hands the torch to Clarke who, hesitantly, pushes the flames towards the liquid at the bottom. The flames immediately react, engulfing Finn's body and brushing us with heat of none other. I turn my body into Bellamy's not wanting to watch Finn's body deteriorate. Bellamy seems to agree with me as he slightly turns his head into mine, keeping his gaze on me and only me. 


The tension of the ritual seems to have slipped away, slowly, but it has happened, as the Sky People and the Grounders group around a long wooden table, celebrating the truce. 

A large gust almost knocks me off of my feet as a Grounder runs head on into me. "I'm so sorry." He says, grabbing my arm and steadying me. 

"It's fine." I smile. 

"Please accept this gift, Commander." Kane says walking forward with a blue bottle full of moonshine. "We drink this at special occasions." 

I watch the Grounders carefully, knowing that I'll never be able to fully trust them. I feel something rough grab my hand and I know exactly who it is. Bellamy's hand slips in mine under the table, his rough fingers interlocking with mine. 

"I believe this qualifies." Kane smiles, handing the bottle of moonshine over to Lexa. 

Lexa takes the bottle, running her fingers over the outside. "Thank you, Marcus of the Sky People."

"You're welcome, Lexa." Kane smiles.

Lexa pours the moonshine into two goblets. "Clarke, let us drink together."

Clarke steps forward, grabbing one of the goblets. "It would be my pleasure."

A large Grounder steps forward taking the goblet from Lexa first, "Allow me." He says before sniffing it and taking a sip.

Lexa begins a speech, "Tonight we celebrate our newfound peace. Tomorrow we plan our war. To those we've lost and to those we shall soon find."

Suddenly, the Grounder who had taken Lexa's goblet begins stumbling backwards, reaching out for something to steady himself. He begins coughing and choking uncontrollably. "It's poison!" He coughs out. 

It was like someone had flipped a switch. A switch of peace. Immediately the sound of metal against metal screams throughout the room as the Grounders pull out their weapons. Bellamy, his hand still in mine, shoves me behind him as weapons are turned towards us in all directions. 

"This wasn't us." Clarke begs Lexa. "You have to know this wasn't us."

"Gustus warned me about you, but I didn't listen." Lexa growls, nodding towards the Grounder who had taken Lexa's goblet. 

"Lexa, please..." Kane begins to say. 

"Clarke, tell me..." Lexa says, taking slow steps towards Clarke. "When you plunged the knife into the heart of the boy you loved, did you not wish that it was mine?"

Suddenly someone grabs my shoulders, shoving me out from behind Bellamy. 

"Commander." A deep voice comes from behind me as he holds a tiny vial in his fingers. "I found it in her pocket." The Grounder that had run into me nods towards me. 

"No!" I yell. "He put it there when he ran into me earlier!" I yell.

"Let her go." Bellamy demands.

"Bellamy don't." I say as I see him about to grab a knife off the dinner table. 

"Lexa," I say, grabbing her attention. "I'm telling you, it's not mine."

Lexa looks between me and the Grounder holding me captive, seeming to have some kind of internal fight with herself. "No Sky People leave this room."

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