33~ Renegade

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(I highly recommend that you listen to this song while you read this chapter!)

"We have to split up now." I say, looking over at Bellamy as we hurriedly walk through the hallways.

"Absolutely not." Bellamy growls. 

"Bellamy, just hear me out." I sigh. "There's a Grounder army in the Harvest Chamber that we need to get to and prepare them to fight. But there's also 44 of our people somewhere in here, scared and ready to go home. We can't do this as one. We have to split up." 

"I really would object more, but we don't have enough time." Bellamy says, pressing his forehead against mine.

"I love you, Tatum-"

"No," I stop him, pressing a finger to his lips. "don't say goodbye."

"But Tatum-"

"This isn't goodbye, Bellamy. This is the badasses have to go be badasses alone for a minute." I smile.

He chuckles pressing his lips lightly against mine. "Don't die."

"You either." I say, backing away from him slowly, looking over him again. Making sure that I have a good picture of him in my mind. 

I turn and start running. 

A loud beeping echoes across the floor as I'm running. The speakers above turn on. 

"My fellow citizens, this is your president speaking."

I roll my eyes hard as I continue running. 

Cage continues, "I have news to share with you that will change all of our lives forever. For 97 years, Mount Weather has been our home. It's kept us alive, but it has also held us captive. Most of us have made peace with what we've had to do to survive. We've done these things for one reason... so that our people could someday return to the ground. That day is today."

"He's going public." I mumble, my own sentence causing me to run faster. 

Cage continues again, "Before my friend Lorelai Tsing was murdered by the outsiders still at large in this mountain, she found a cure. It was in their bone marrow.This has been the dream of our people since the bombs, but to reach it now, I need your help. The 44 criminals that irradiated level 5, killing 15 of our people, are now keeping us from that dream. Although we've repaired our home, we can never replace the lives that were so viciously taken from us, and as hard as it is to believe, there are those among us who would help the people who did this, and I am speaking to you now. If you truly want to end the blood treatments once and for all, then the 44 murderers you're now hiding are the key to doing that. You have one hour to turn them in without punishment. After that, we'll be forced to consider you enemies of the state. I'm asking you, please do what's right for your people, our people, so that we can all take our rightful place on the ground. We're almost home."

"What a jackass." I mumble as I come upon a cross section in the hallways. 

"Out of the way, Vincent." That sentence makes my heart drop as I press my back hard against one of the walls. I peek my head around the corner and see the scene. Two guards are holding Jasper, Maya, Fox, and Miller captive. Vincent stands in their way and one of the guards has a gun pointed to his head. 

"That's my daughter." Vincent stands his ground.

"Dad, don't." Maya says with tears in her eyes. 

"Quiet!" The other guard yells at Maya. "You need to get out of our way now."

"I won't let you take her, Paul." Vincent argues. 

"Don't make me do this, Vincent." Paul, apparently, says. 

"If you want her, you got to go through me." Vincent says. 

I tap my feet nervously. Vincent's about to die.

"Dad, please." Maya begs. 

"Sorry about this, Vincent."  

And that's when I acted on pure instinct. I step out from behind the corner, cocking my gun and shooting almost immediately. The guard holding Maya falls to the ground, dead.  They all turn their heads towards me, shocked. 

"Thought you'd seen the last of me?" I smirk. 

The second guard looks at me with pure rage in his eyes as he lets go of Jasper and starts running towards me with his gun. I'm more than shocked at this, causing him to be able to tackle me to the ground. My gun flies across the floor, a good four to five feet away from me. I try to use my hands to grab at his throat but his sticks his rifle in my face. And then he was thrown off of me. I look up and see Bellamy, slamming the guard into the wall. Bellamy wraps his hands around the guards neck, chocking him as he slams his head into the wall. The guards body goes limp and Bellamy drops him to the floor. 

I push myself off the floor and over to Bellamy, throwing my arms around him. 

"Well damn." Jasper breathes, looking over at us, impressed. 

"What about the Grounders?" I ask Bellamy.

"One of their people are helping them prepare to fight." Bellamy answers. Bellamy looks over at Vincent and the rest of them and says. "Need to get everyone in the Harvest Chamber. They'll be safer there."

"Are the others there?" Miller asks. 

"Not yet." 

"Monty?" Jasper asks. 

"Monty's with the other group on level 3. Don't worry. We moved him after the last sweep." Vincent answers. "You should go there next."

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