24~ Infatuation

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I grasp the metal handle of one of the knives I made when we lived at camp, prior to having the guns. I hold my eyes, hard, on the bark of the tree yards away from me. I'm at the back of Arkadia, trying to keep my mind off of Bell-

No, Tatum, don't think about him.

I inhale deeply and squint slightly, marking my target. I twist my knife 90 degrees and hold the blade of the knife. I push my arm back and then thrust it forward, releasing the knife from my grasp. It circles in the air before sticking, with a thud, perfectly into the tree. 

"I'm impressed." A voice comes from behind me. I turn and see Murphy smirking as he walks over to me. 

"Why? You've seen me throw before." I say, walking over to the tree. 

"Not in a while." Murphy replies, walking with me. "Thought maybe you'd lost your touch."

I smirk, grabbing the end of the knife and yanking it out of the tree. "Not in a million years." I walk back over to where I began and turn the knife in my hand at a 90 degree angle. 

"Kane sent me."

I push my arm back and thrust it forward, sending the knife flying through the air and just as it sticks its landing, I speak. "What for?"

"There's some sort of alliance reception that's about to go down in the control room and he wants us all there." Murphy says, in his usual sass. 

I walk over to the tree yanking the knife back out again. "Ha!" I yell, sarcastically. "I'm not going."

Murphy smirks. "We have to, Tatum."

"You're actually doing the right thing for a change." I position my knife. "Am I in an ulterior universe?" I question, throwing my knife forward again. As usual it lands in the same spot, making the tiny hole I have created, larger.

"Funny." Murphy frowns. "Just come with me. We can stand in the back and bail if it gets boring." He walks forward just as my hands grasp the end of the knife, about to yank it out, but he does. "And it's Grounders and Sky People in the same room, something entertaining's bound to happen."

"Give me my knife back, Murphy." I say, placing my hand out.

Murphy puts the knife behind his back, "Not until you come to the reception." He goofily smiles.

"Fine." I laugh, "But you have to give me my knife back."



"Quiet down everyone." Kane says towards the growing crowd crammed into the tiny control room. It seems a bit awkward and strained. Everyone sort of on edge after what happened with the poison and all. "I know we don't have a lot in common, but we do have a common enemy and a common goal. For us to reach it, to get our people out of Mount Weather, we need to work together...Our survival depends on us sharing your knowledge..." 

A certain, extremely buff Grounder continues to give Murphy and I looks as we stand towards the back of the crowd.

"Got a problem?" Murphy questions him. 

The Grounder says something inaudible to us. 

"Sorry, man, but I don't speak Grounder." Murphy smirks. 

The Grounder immediately steps forward, getting in Murphy's face. Kane's speech as stopped as all eyes are on the fight between the Grounder and Murphy. 

"Mr. Murphy, apologize to this man." Kane demands, after breaking the two of them up. 

"For what?" Murphy yells. "He's the one who came at me!"

Kane sighs, frustratingly. "Two days' work detail."

"Work detail?" Murphy growls. "I just told you, I didn't do-"

"Do you wanna make it three?" Kane yells. 

Murphy backs off of Kane and turns to leave the control room. 

"You're gonna burn just like your friend." The Grounder mumbles under his voice.

And Murphy punches him in the face, knocking the Grounder to the ground and climbing on top of him, punching him repeatedly. 

"Murphy!" I yell grabbing his shoulders as Octavia helps me pull him off of the Grounder. "Murphy, Murphy! Stop it!" I yell, slamming him into the wall and trying to yell some sense into him. "Murphy, back off!" I yell shoving him towards the door. His face never turns from anger but he only slightly nods, before turning and leaving. 


Grounders circle a, what seems to be, fighting area. Two Grounders are currently going at it in the middle. 

"They're training." Kane says, walking up behind me. 

"All I see is fighting." I comment, never turning to look at Kane.

"Apparently that's what drives them." Kane replies, crossing his arms. "They rarely use weapons."

"Why'd you let him?" I accuse, my voice coming out stronger than I had thought. 

"Excuse me?" Kane asks.

I clear my throat. "Bellamy." I keep my eyes on the fighting Grounders. "Why'd you let him go to Mount Weather."

Kane tears his eyes from the fighting Grounders and looks at me, obviously not having an apparent reason. "How about you come to the shooting range with me? It'll help..." He pauses. "take your mind off things."

I look down, sad he hadn't given me a reason, before nodding and following him across camp to the shooting range.

A dozen guards are standing in identical form shooting bullet after bullet towards red targets painted on bed sheets. 

The loud bangs from the guns slightly start to make my ears ring, but I ignore it. 

"Wanna try?" Kane asks.

I furrow my eyebrows. "I thought it was only for guards?" 

"No, no. Usually the guards are the only ones who want to." 

I purse my lips and nod. Kane hands me a gun and before I know it I'm shooting bullet after bullet after bullet through the center of the red target, forming tiny holes each time. 

"You're really good at this." Kane yells over the loud bangs. 

I smirk, "I know."

Reckless ~ Sequel to Shameless {Bellamy Blake}Where stories live. Discover now