34~ Runaway

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Bellamy shoves open the air vent to level three. He jumps out, aiming his gun in all direction before saying, "Clear." He turns around, grabbing my hands and helping me out of the vent. Maya and Jasper follow me. We're going to find the last 12 delinquents. We have successfully found and gotten safe everyone else. 

"My dad said they're with the Ryan's." Maya says. 

"Which way?" I ask, keeping my gun at the ready. 

"This way." Maya says running to the right. We all follow here, making sure not to let anyone lead or be in the back. 

We were initially against them coming with us. Bellamy and I wanted everyone to be safe. That no one else needed to risk their lives anymore. Jasper immediately shut down that statement and said that he promised Monty he would protect him. Maya also interjected saying that she wanted to stand up for what she believed in. After a while of fighting with them, Bellamy and I realized that we didn't have the time for this and that if they wanted to go we would just have to let them. Luckily Miller and Fox went on to the Harvest Chamber. 

The same beeping noise that I have been dreading to hear sounds through the speakers in the ceiling. "Attention." A masculine voice says. "Class one quarantine protocols are now in effect." I look over at Bellamy in confusion as we continue running. "All citizens must report to level 5 immediately. Hard seal lockdown in T-minus 30 minutes and counting." 

I look and see Maya has stopped running as she looks over at us in worry. 

"Listen to me, it's going to be okay." Jasper says, grabbing Maya's shoulders and forcing her to look at him. "You're gonna be okay. We're not gonna let anything happen to you."

Maya's eyes turn soft as she stares back at Jasper. "Jasper, in 30 minutes, all backup power gets diverted for species continuity. That means level 5 for life support and security. Radiation will seep in everywhere else. I can't go to level 5 without being shot in the head."

"Guys," Bellamy slightly interjects as he worriedly looks around. "we need to keep moving."

"We'll get you your Hazmat suit, extra oxygen, enough to last until the engineers get the power back on." Jasper reassures. 

"And then what?" Maya counteracts. "You think Cage Wallace is going to let me live here after that?"

Jasper swallows harshly. "Then we kill him."

Suddenly a very loud gunshot echoes throughout the hallway. A panic sets through my whole body as my feet start moving before I even register what is happening. 

"Tatum!" Bellamy yells, grabbing the back of my bulletproof vest and yanking me backwards into him. He covers my mouth with his hand and slams our backs against the wall, Jasper and Maya doing the same. 

"You shouldn't have done that." A deep voice comes from around the other corner.

"She was hiding them." The other one answers. "I had no choice." 

I hold onto Bellamy's arm as I realize that if he had not grabbed me I would have run right into those guards. The guard's footsteps grow loud and then get fainter and fainter as Bellamy's grip on me loosens. Bellamy let's go of me all together and I look over at him. "Thanks." 

"Anytime." Bellamy says, but I can see the slight smirk on his face.

Jasper pushes through us and runs into the Ryan's home. Maya follows him and we follow after her. We walk right into the living room to a horror show. Mr. and Mrs. Ryan are sitting on the couch with two bullet holes in their foreheads. 

"She was hiding them." Maya mumbles.

Anger boils within me. "Where'd they take them?" I growl.

"It's got to be level 5." Maya answers.

Jasper reacts immediately shoving past me for the door.

"No!" I yell grabbing his shoulder and shoving him back. He stumbles backwards and glares at me hard. 

"Move out of my way, Tatum."

"Every person inside this mountain is on level 5, every soldier." I say.

"It's now or never, Tatum." Jasper says his lips curling up slightly.

A slight ruffling from the back of the room distracts me. I look up and past Jasper. "Monty..?"

Monty comes crawling out from behind a piece of wall. Jasper sighs loudly and embraces him. 

"What is it?" Bellamy asks. "What's wrong?"

"They know about the Grounders." Monty answers after he and Jasper's little moment. "That's why I hid. I...I didn't do anything to save the others. I let them kill Mrs. Ryan."

"What do you mean they know about the Grounders?" Bellamy growls, gripping his gun.

"It was on a soldier's walkie. They're going for the harvest chamber." Monty answers.


We sprint into the Harvest Chamber, my gun pointing in all directions as we enter. 

"No!" A voice comes from behind me. I turn fast and see Maya with tears streaming down her face. I look down at her feet and see Vincent, dead, laying on the ground.

Bellamy completely ignores it and grabs me, running to the opposite end of the Harvest Chamber. All the cages swing, empty and all the Grounders gone.

"Shit." I mumble, my arms going weak.

Reckless ~ Sequel to Shameless {Bellamy Blake}Where stories live. Discover now