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Song -
Big Girls Don't Cry | Fergie

4:30 pm.

It's been 2 weeks since the Luhan and Sehun incident. Luhan hasn't come out of his room all day. And whenever he does come out of his room, he never speaks. His eyes are always bloodshot. His clothes are black and gray. And he always wears the same outfit over and over. Ive never seen
the boy this upset. And honestly, it breaks my heart to the max.

I don't know what to do with him. Everytime I suggest we go out he always rejects it and comes up with some lame excuse to get out of it. The boy won't eat; I think he's lost at least over 50 pounds because he won't eat. I know he doesn't sleep. I can tell because his dark circles are more noticeable than Tao's. And Tao has some pretty visible dark circles. I don't know what he's doing at night, but I know it's not good.

I warned him about Sehun. I really did. I knew he was gonna hurt him. I should be blaming this on Sehun. Because I knew. I knew, that Luhan was gonna get hurt. But he trusted Sehun, and I'm not gonna lie, I kinda did too. But after what he did to Luhan, I can't even imagine.

Lu has already been hurt once. And it was bad. Real bad. He didn't speak for at least 4 months, and he only came out of his room when he needed to eat or use the bathroom. What Junho did to him was really petty and cold. He knew that Luhan was a fragile person. He knew that Luhan couldn't handle so much hurt and pain all at once. But he hurt him anyway. And now that he's back.? He's gonna ruin everything again.

Junho was Lu's first lover. I thought that I could trust him with Lu since he did have a huge crush on him. Luhan seemed to feel the same.

But Junho thought it would be a good idea to go behind Lu's back and hurt him. I've never been so mad in my life. Chanyeol had to hold me back from murdering the guy. Anyone that hurts Luhan in any way will be an enemy of mine. That's a promise.

I decided to call up Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, Jongdae, Minesok, Lay and Suho over to the house. I thought that Luhan could use some interaction with his closest friends. He hasn't seen daylight in 14 days. And since he never left his room, he didn't go to school. Everyone was so worried about him. Even Kris, Tao, and Kai were worried. The only person that wasn't worried was Sehun. He seemed to not care at all, which only made me hate him more.

When all of them arrived, they seemed, distant. All of their eyes were so sad. This Luhan and Sehun incident even has them crying.? This is seriously heartbreaking. We all trusted Sehun with Luhan, which was a bad idea from the start. And to see Luhan this hurt.? I haven't seen him this hurt in 3 years. My, my.

"So, we need to have a serious conversation. I don't know what to do with Luhan." I explained and plopped on the couch. "He never comes out of his room; I hardly see him or talk to him anymore.! I really think Sehun messed him up more than Junho did."

"He can't be like this forever.! So what if Sehun hurt him.! We knew, you knew, and he knew that Sehun wasn't good enough. He's just a lying bastard that enjoys breaking the hearts of the innocent." Kyungsoo protested. The other agreed with what he said.

"I think he's right, Baekhyun. Lu can't stay broken forever." Chanyeol sighed, exiting the kitchen and joining me on the couch.

"Not forever, but he sure can do it for two months. Junho hurt him really bad in freshman year. He didn't eat, sleep, show up to school, or even talk to me.! He's going through the same phase because he's a sensitive person.!" I explained, cringing at the sound of my voice cracking.

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