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Song -
Heartless | Kanye West
(My spirit animal)

4:30 pm.

It was now half past four, and I haven't left my room at all today. I didn't know that I would've been so affected by this. I mean, if you saw the way that Luhan looked, it literally broke my heart. The tears streaming down his face, the tone of hurt in his voice. My friends think I should be proud of myself.

Should I be proud of myself for what I did.?

I suddenly lost my train of thought whenever I heard a knock on my door. I sluggishly crawled out of my bed and opened the door to reveal Junho.

Junho and I have been living together for a while now. By a while, I mean 2 years. I first met him in sophomore year. I was walking down the hallway and he bumped into me. We've been friends ever since. But I'd describe it as... I don't know... 'friends with benefits'.

"Are you hungry, Sehun-ah.? I made lunch for you a while ago." Junho asked, looking at me with a look that said 'come out of your room before I physically force you'. It kind of scared me, so just nodded and went downstairs and ate lunch.

After the Luhan thing, I've been wanting to leave Junho. The only reason I said that I loved him was because he would either hurt me, or Luhan. I'm not taking the chances of Luhan getting hurt. No way.

I've been thinking about where to go whenever I leave Junho. I don't want him in my life anymore. It was his fault I hurt Luhan. It was his fault that Luhan doesn't want anything to with me anymore. It's all his fault.

At the table, Junho would not stop looking at me. He stared at me with a look so terrifying that I shivered. I'm not gonna take this. I need to leave here. Now

"How's your lunch, Sehunnie.?" Junho hummed, smiling at me in the most diabolical way possible. I murmured 'it's good' before mentally throwing up on him. It's not like what Luhan brought to school for us to share. It's the exact opposite. Luhan makes his lunch with care and love. Junho makes his with desperation and despair.

"If you want seconds they're in the oven." He smiled and cleared his plate from the table. I fake smiled and cleared my plate as well. Once I finished, I zoomed immediately up the staircase and into my room, closing my door and locking it in the process.

I started to pack a suitcase with all of my clothes in it. There was no time to fold, so I just crammed them all in. (AN// Aghh, Sehun. My OCD just kicked in. Thanks, you heartbreaker.)

I heard faint thumps from the hallway, which meant Junho was on his way up here. I had enough time; my door was locked anyway. It's not like he can get in or anything.

"Sehunnie.? Why'd you lock the door.?" Junho asked sweetly, jiggling the door handle in the process. Oh you fake little motherf-

"I didn't mean to," I lied. "I think it locked itself." I heard a muffled 'oh okay', then after came the sound of thumping, and a closing door. Now I can finally escape without him knowing.

I got all my stuff together and grabbed a jacket. Then I unlocked my door and walked out and down the stairs. All of a sudden I was stopped by Junho calling my name out from the top of the staircase.

"Where are you going.?" Junho asked, still smiling for no reason why.

"I had something to go to for my job. It's an overnight thing." I lied, feeling cold run all throughout my body.

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