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12:30 pm.

I spent some of my time catching up with Sehun instead of going to eat breakfast. It ended at 11 and I didn't even realize. I wasn't even that hungry anyways. But, that does not matter anymore. I have my Sehun back, and that's all that really matters.

I was really curious as to what he did those two weeks whenever I avoided seeing him at school. He told me that he was worried, which I highly doubt that. It's hard for me to completely believe in everything he says now, especially after how he treated me. But we're gonna get better. I have a feeling everything is gonna be alright.

Everything will be just fine.

I suddenly lost my train of thought when Sehun spoke up.

"Everything was boring without you, you know," He started, "Tao and Kai and Kris were really no help to me."

"Oh really now.?" I said, intrigued in what he was saying. How am I supposed to know if he's lying or not.? We all know damn well that he's a liar, but I wanna give him another chance. Just to see if he's learned his lesson.

Sehun nodded and he continued to talk. "Yeah, I thought the boys would come over here and hang out with me, since I told Kai where I was. But they never came. I don't know. Things were pretty lonely. I know Minesok did stop by and check on me one night..." Sehun trailed off, looking at nothing. Then, it hit me.


"So he came to see you one night.? I thought you guys weren't friends." I noted, trying to keep any tears from falling. I've cried enough these few weeks. I'm not gonna cry anymore.

So, was the night that I saw... them, the night that he had came over.? But why..? I don't understand..

"Oh, we aren't," Sehun said as I rolled my eyes, "but he did come over just to check on me. We talked about some really deep stuff. Then, we... s-settled down and watched a movie." Oh I don't believe you for a second. I lost it. I ended up blowing up in his face. Woah, Luhan that didn't sound right at all. Can we not be so dirty.? I smirked at my own joke before yelling at him.

"I do not believe you at all, Oh Sehun. Not for one second.!" I shouted, standing up from my spot on the bed. His eyes widened at my sudden outburst; it was unexpected.

"What are you saying, Lu.?" Sehun asked, getting up from his spot, still confused at why I suddenly yelled at him.

"I know what you did with Xiumin. You thought I wouldn't find you out, huh.? Well, it's too late. I know what you guys were doing." I openly admitted. He still had that same look of confusion on his face. Oh please tell me I wasn't dreaming. Please tell me I didn't hallucinate.

"Lu, can you calm down.? Slow down, take a breath, and then tell me what you think you know." Sehun said, setting his hands on my shoulders. I obeyed and took a breather before I began talking.

"Okay, don't freak out when I tell you this, but IsnuckintoyourroomwhenMinesokwasover." I exhaled and covered my face so he wouldn't look at me like I was some sort of saesang.

"Wait, what.? Slow down. Talk slowly; I don't understand." Sehun said, holding onto my shoulders. I took another breather and began to speak.

"I snuck into your room whenever Minesok was over. I saw you... You guys were.. He was.. You.." I couldn't get the words out of my mouth. I was too embarrassed to tell the story, and also to hurt to relive it again.

"Hold on, you think Minesok and I slept together.? So, you were in here at night, and you supposedly saw Minesok and I, you know." Sehun asked. I nodded slowly.

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