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Jongdae sat himself on the couch, exhausted from playing football (it's soccer you americans) with his lovely boyfriend. But... things have been complicated with Xiumin ever since they had that little fight back in their old home. He claimed that he never loved Xiumin one bit, and he almost packed up and left. He let his stress and anger get the best of him, and that was a terrible thing to do. How could he ever say something like that to a person who is so sweet and lovely? Xiumin would never do anything do anything to hurt Jongdae so why should he hurt him so carelessly?

Jongdae sighed and asked Kyungsoo for a glass of ice-cold water. He's not allowed to go in the kitchen yet because he's technically "grounded" from it? He tried to make a cake to celebrate their graduation, and to thank Kyungsoo for cooking all the time when they could just order out. However, it did not turn into a cake... it was more like a mound of ingredients was splattered all over the kitchen like it was an elementary school food fight.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun trotted downstairs, Chanyeol holding his side from pain and Baekhyun smiling innocently as he smacked Kyungsoo on the bottom. This made the smaller penguin squeal like a pig, then shoot daggers toward Baekhyun. Chanyeol sat on the couch next to Jongdae and tried to spark up small conversation.

"Hey man, you look awfully frustrated. You good?" He questioned. Jongdae immediately snapped out of his trance and turned his head to me Chan the Man's gaze.

"Yeah, I'm alright. I'm just thinking about Xiumin is all." Jongdae smiled bitterly. Chanyeol choked on his words and had a coughing fit when he heard Xiumin's name.

"Woah, Yeol, are you okay?" Jongdae asked worriedly as he softly pat Chanyeol on the back. Chanyeol wheezed and furiously nodded.

"Why are you thinking of him? Are you guys not on good terms or something?" Chanyeol interrogated as he turned his head to look at Baekhyun who was chatting with Kyungsoo.

"I mean... before we moved here we had a huge argument. I hurt his feelings really badly and he almost packed up and left. I-I just... I don't understand. I didn't want to yell at him but my stress just told me to. He would never do anything to hurt me but I totally just.. broke his heart." Jongdae explained. Chanyeol's eyes widened and he pursed his lips when he heard this.

"Yeah, I wouldn't be too sure about that..." Chanyeol rolled his eyes playfully. Jongdae only looked confused.

"What do you mean by that?" Jongdae wondered. He snickered and shook is head.

"Eh, I don't know. But I'll catch you later, alright? I gotta talk to hubby over there." Chanyeol replied, still questioning the fact that Xiumin's boy toy is very oblivious. But let's not forget about Luhan... he's a bit oblivious too.

"Alright.. Oh! Hey Chanyeol?" Jongdae got up and grabbed Chan's wrist so he couldn't go anywhere yet.

"Yeah? What's up?"

"Did you and Xiu go shopping recently? He has all of these colorful sweaters in his room and I have no clue where they could've came from." Chanyeol shook his head from disappointment, and to deny Dae-Dae's question.

"Ah, it was worth a shot. Thanks, Chanyeol." Jongdae pat his back and walked off, and Chanyeol got angry. He stormed off, completely annoyed with Sehun and Xiumin both.


It was dinnertime, and Jongin requested to eat out at a Chinese restaurant rather than cooking a million times. Baekhyun had fell asleep when they all decided this, and Chanyeol left a note saying that they went out, and they'll be back later; he also promised that he was gonna get him something while they were out. Baekhyun was upset that nobody woke him up to go eat, but that's nothing compared to being in the house alone. Which means he can listen to all the ASTRO he wants to without anyone judging him.

As he was downstairs eating a banana and watching YouTube videos (about ASTRO), his phone buzzed. The screen revealed that Xiumin texted him.

Baek, can you be a dear and go into my room, go into the beside table and get my medicine? Leave it on the counter with a glass of water and I'll do the rest from there.

He sighed and paused his video, and marched upstairs with a banana in hand. Walked down the hall, turned right, walked some more, and found Jongdae and Xiumin's shared bedroom. There was a blue beside table that had drawers, so he looked in the first drawer and found nothing but... sex toys?!? Hey.. this is my kinda drawer, but the wrong one?... Baek thought. So he went to the bottom drawer and found the medicine he was looking for. However... he was home alone. He decided he was gonna snoop.

He looked into the closet and found Sehun's other five hoodies. His mouth opened wide and he squinted his eyes.

"Oh you dirty hoe..." He hissed, marching to the closet and grabbing the sweaters from the hangers and sprinting to Hunhan's room, placing them neatly on the bed. But of course he didn't want anyone else taking the credit of his find, so he marched back into the room of Chenmin and looked for paper and pen.

"He's gotta have pen and paper somewhere.. I know I don't." Baekhyun said to himself, searching the drawers again. Luckily, there was another bedside table on the right side, so he looked in there. This time, he looked in the bottom drawer first. He found what he was looking for, and wrote on the piece of paper: Found your hoodies. Keep track of them from now on, we don't want them falling into the wrong hands. Baekhyun. He placed the utensils back in their rightful place, and decided he wanted to be even more nosy. So he looked into the top drawer and found...

folded papers, with writing on them?

There were dents inside the paper indicating that they've already been written on, but what has he been writing?


"Baby, look. I knew shit was going on with them. The evidence is right here! They've been writing romantic and dirty letters back and forth to each other! You can't tell me that these are fake, and you can't tell me that they are just friends." Baekhyun growled, throwing all the evidence onto the bed so Chanyeol could see. His face was filled with wonder as he picked up each letter and carefully read them.

"You taste just as good as Kyungsoo's rice cakes? Ew, what?" Chanyeol cringed at the letters and threw them back on the bed, shivering in disgust.

"See? Exactly! It's mumbo jumbo like that that makes me wanna tear Sehun into tiny pieces! I knew he was doing our Luhan wrong!" Baekhyun whined, stomping his feet like a kid. Chanyeol calmed him down by standing up and cupping his cheeks with his soft, gigantic hands.

"You listen to me, we're gonna sort this out, alright? We don't have to commit first-degree murder just yet. Let's get more proof, so we can officially prove that Sehun... is a playboy." Chanyeol explained to his crybaby boyfriend.

"Okay, okay. But we're keeping these letters." Baekhyun added. Chanyeol smiled and kissed Baek's head, when the door opened.

"Ah, Baekhyun! Thank you for finding Sehun-ah's sweaters! I really appreciate it!" Luhan cheesed widely. Baekhyun smiled back at his best friend, yet resisted the urge to tell him the nasty truth.

"Of course. Did you enjoy the food at the restaurant?" Baekhyun asked making small conversation while he sent Chanyeol to find a hiding spot for the letters.

"Oh, it was amazing! It felt like I was back in Beijing, I tell you! I wish you were there with me, it would've been better. Let's go out to eat Sunday morning, okay?" Luhan smiled, walking down the hallway.

"Of course, Luhan-hyung!" He shouted back, sighing as he sat himself on the bed. "We gotta tell him soon."

i hate myself for writing this drama filled story but i love it so much okay bye

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