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6:45 am.

It's safe to say that Chanyeol and Luhan didn't go to sleep for the rest of that night. Well, Chanyeol probably got at least 3 more hours, but Lu.... He didn't go to sleep for the rest of the night. His mind was too active, and it was still processing what was seen in Sehun's bedroom. It was all too much for his brain to handle, and it was still taking some time for him to understand the fact that Sehun already moved on to better people. He just didn't think that he would move on so quickly by screwing Xiumin. That's all that Luhan really had a problem with. The fact that the person screaming Sehun's name from under him was Xiumin, gave Luhan a jittery feeling on the inside. Xiumin was one of his closest friends. But for him to do this isn't exactly what Luhan thought.

He heard the sounds of voices and rustling going on throughout the house. He was sat on the balcony that connected to his room. Since it was so early in the morning, and barely anyone was awake, the sunrise was a magnificent view from where he was. All of the purples, reds, oranges, and pinks exploding into he sky like fireworks gave him a really nice feeling on the inside. It made him forget about his past 2 weeks sitting in his room alone contemplating about life and doubting everything himself and everything he believes in.

You could say that Luhan has never felt this low in his life. He had his moments when he was with Junho, but Junho didn't hurt him twice in a row. He didn't even screw other people (Lu's still innocent) like Sehun did. But, screwing Xiumin.? Sehun took it to a whole other level. Xiumin is probably his closest friend after Baekhyun. But Luhan doesn't think that he'll be able to look at Sehun and him the same way again. He can't think of Sehun's face without hearing Xiumin call out his name. He's so far from done.

Lu didn't know, but  tears were streaming down his face as he stared at the sunrise. All of this was too much to handle for him. Looks like there's only one last thing to do, now. Luhan thought. He stood up from his spot and wiped his tear-stained face with the sleeve of Sehun's hoodie. Just looking at it and wearing it, he doesn't feel comfortable. All he could think about was Xiumin. He ruined everything. I can't even look at my darling Sehun the same way anymore. So he stormed into his room, and immediately stripped off the hoodie, revealing his pale, bruised skin.

Whilst Luhan locked himself in his room, he was harming himself more than ever. He forgot that he wore a t-shirt instead of a long-sleeved one. If I wear the sweater, endless pictures of Sehun and Xiu will burn into my mind. If I don't, I'll walk around with scars and bruises for everyone to see. Luhan thought. To be honest, he didn't know which choice would be better. Then, all of a sudden, he spotted Baekhyun's hoodie on his floor. So he picked it up, and threw it over his head. At least it's not Sehun's.

8:30 am.

Two hours have passed, and Luhan is still in his room. Baekhyun and Chanyeol finally woke up, but they haven't spoken to the deer. Well, Chanyeol has, but that's not the point. Ever since they woke up, none of them said a word to the small and fragile boy. Until now.

"Lu," Baekhyun whisper-spoke, "Are you awake.?" Luhan saw his head poke into his room, and it was an entertaining sight. Luhan chuckled and nodded. This made Bacon smile a little bit. It's been quite a while since he's seen that beautiful smile on his face. It also made him wanna cry.

"Well, Chanyeol and I were gonna meet up with the rest of the- wait. Are you wearing my sweater.?" Baekhyun stopped in the middle of his sentence and realized that Lu was indeed wearing his sweater.

"Yes," Luhan replied, his face flushing a deep red color. "I didn't feel comfortable using his, so I picked yours up and put it on." Baekhyun just nodded and chuckled at his best friend. He was completely oblivous as to why he was wearing a hoodie even though it was probably 75 degrees outside, but he didn't judge.

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