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(I feel like my last chapter wasn't good enough for you guys.. 💔 I'll try harder to make this one better. I haven't been coming up with ideas for these cute chapters. This story wasn't pre-planned like the sequel is, but please hang in there and please support me while I make the chapters better.! One day when I grow a pair I'll try to write a smut chapter. But only if I have the courage to. (: Fighting~ Saranghae. ❤️)

10:30 am.

I woke up the next day cuddled into a deer. His head of honey-brown hair was right in front of my face, and I couldn't be happier. I've gotten used to waking up with him curled into me. He's such a cuddle monster. Half the time I can't even get up and use the bathroom or get a drink of water because he will never let me go. But don't get me wrong, though.! I love cuddling with him.! Sometimes he's just... too cuddly.

I luckily escaped out of the bed and rubbed my eyes. I looked at the clock, and it was half past 10. I could barely get any sleep last night -because a certain couple decided to do some certain activities that I will not speak of- last night. I don't know who it was that was screaming, but it was way too loud. Stuff like that isn't supposed to be heard. Luhan heard it, too, which wasn't good for him because he's still innocent. He thought someone was hurt and he wanted to go downstairs and check on them. And me, being the bright genius that I am, said the wrong thing.

° Last Night °

"No, Lu. Don't go down there. They don't need help. They're fine." I said, trying to hold in my laughter.

"But it sounds like Baekhyun is hurt.! I have to go help him.! He's screaming, Sehun-ah.!" He cried. And at this moment, I burst out laughing. Lu looked at me like I was a deranged animal.

"Why are you laughing.? Baekhyun needs help.! This is no laughing matter.! If he's screaming he obviously needs help.!" Lu whined. I wiped the tears from my eyes and cupped Luhan's cheeks.

"Look, princess. There's a different reason to why Baek is screaming like that. And he's not in danger, nor is he hurt. He's just... having a good time. And in my opinion, he's having too much fun." I explained. But he still didn't understand.

"What do you mean.?" He asked. *facepalm*

"Nothing, Lulu. Nothing." I laughed.

° Current Time °

I changed into a new pair of sweatpants and a red t-shirt. Since I practically live with Lu and Baek now, I moved some of Luhan's clothes from his closet and folded them into his dresser to make room for some of my hoodies and shirts. Luhan didn't mind, of course, but he didn't really seem to notice that I moved some of his clothes. Junho never contacted me after I left for my trip. He still assumes that I'm still taking the trip, I'm guessing. It's been quite a while. But I wouldn't know anymore. I'm glad I have him out of my life. Out with the Junho, in with the Luhan.

I walked downstairs and saw Chanyeol eating a banana on the couch, which gave me some pretty disturbing images in my mind. I cringed and shivered at the image and went to the fridge to find something to eat.

"Hey, Sehoe.! How was your sleep.?" Chanyeol asked. Did he really just ask me that.? And DID THAT TWAT JUST SAY SEHOE.?!?

"I bet you know exactly how I slept last night, Chanyeol. You and your boyfriend almost made me go insane with all that screaming and moaning." I retorted. He chuckled.

"Touchè." He smirked. "But that wasn't even me screaming. I'm obviously manly, and I don't scream like a girl taking it all in the-"

"Okay that's enough of that..!" I quickly interrupted him from finishing his sentence. It was too early for conversations like this. Good thing Luhan wasn't here.

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