Chapter 33

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The weather was bright and sunny.......Chandni couldn't sleep the whole night after Veer left.....she woke up early morning.....she thought of quickly completing her work and meeting him by evening.....

It was a different feeling for was a completely new day for her.....she wanted to talk to see him....she touched her lips....that told her they belonged to Veer.......

she smiled..... she remembered her first kiss.....she didn't knew how to face him....for the first time she felt nervous going in front of him.....though she loved him....but she was tense....her hands went cold and she blushed as she thought about him.....

She quickly had bath and got ready to leave when she saw her watch .....she pressed the button.....


Veer slept late drinking last night and it was impossible for him to get up early...... .irritatingly he dialed her no.... "Chandni.....stop sending those beeps.......let me sleep...."

she was annoyed "what???? you are sleeping till now???.....just get up" she blasted at him......

he had never taken orders from anyone and this was the last thing on earth he could tolerate.... "Chandni didn't you heard what I just said......let me sleep" he disconnected the phone making her feel bad.....

she didn't understood him....she felt so bad that she regretted that she gave him signals....she felt herself stupid enough for running after him when he wasn't even bothered to talk to her nicely......

"now I won't talk to you Veer" angrily she threw the phone on the bed.....


Few hours later.....

"it doesn't make any difference in my life......i am least bothered about you Mr Veer Raichand....." she never realized that she had reached far away from the tea estate while talking to herself.......

she glanced around, though she was familiar of the place but this time she couldn't locate herself, as if someone had dropped her to a land that was strange to her........

"where have I come???" she looked at the grass that touched her legs...... she couldn't see anyone around the place.....all she could see was the grass and trees...... she felt trapped....... it was impossible for her to forget about the place where she grew was this possible.....she turned around and started walking back.......but she couldn't find the way sign, not even a clue.....slowly she looked up the sky......


"I think you must leave today.....those papers are important, and unless you don't sign how will they proceed the work....." Kaka was concerned.....

Veer thought for a while and agreed...... he knew it won't take so long by flight....... It was almost evening....and he could easily come back tomorrow evening.....without thinking much he left for Mumbai.....


"This is Chandni's favorite cake...." Shama nicely put the icing on the carrot cake...... "she will be so happy" .....

Kamini smiled and got back to her work.....she gathered flowers in her basket to offer to the Gods...... "Chandni hasn't come back yet.....look at the black clouds covering the sky....." she peeped outside the window......

Shama heard the noise at the door...... "i will must be Chandni...."

Meenakshi entered complaining about the rains..... "i don't understand.....why it rains so often....its only 4:00pm but looks as if the dark clouds have gathered all over the place making it dark"

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