Chapter 57

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The old man smiled at them...

"There stood a great Kingdom in the centre of the gardens, where now is left only that fragment of ruin. This kingdom had been empty for a great while; years before this was the ancient palace- and there was a king."

He stopped for a while and continued...

This place is shunned by the people of the village, as it had been shunned by their fathers before them. There were many things said about this place, and all were of evil. No one ever went near the palace, either by day or night. In the village it is a synonym of all that is unholy and dreadful."


Veer and Chandni looked at the old man who kept his stick near to the wall and sat on the wooden chair.

"What is so scary about this place?"Chandni softly questioned the man who kept a little smile on his lips.

Maneka offered a glass of water to the old man who took it with his trembling hands.

"I was only ten years old that time... and my Grandfather told me the story about the kingdom and the king who suffered by his own destiny... This happened about hundred years back.

This was the most affluent place around, at that time. Mehrangarh was famous for its beauty and King Prithvi Rao who ruled the kingdom.

He was kind, generous and most importantly a very loyal husband.

He loved his queen Satyabhama who was considered the most beautiful lady in the whole world. She was attractive, compassionate and had the loveliest voice.

She use to sing and dance in her gardens. The whole kingdom was happy.

It was said that the queen Satyabhama had a twin sister Padmavati who resembled her so much but was completely opposite to the queen in all her mannerisms.

She was hostile and powerful enchantress who use to do black magic and did not endure the happiness of Satyabhama.

It is said that Padmavati wanted to become the queen and was always envious of her sister Satyabhama. One day she did such a filthy thing that the whole kingdom suffered because of her.


Old man stopped for a while and looked at Veer and Chandni "but if God wants to protect then who can stop"

Maneka asked "what did she do baba?"

Old man shook his head "this was considered the entrance of wicked in the day when Satyabhama was busy in the decoration of the temple inside the kingdom...

Padmavati wore her clothes and walked towards Satyabhama's room where the king Prithvi Rao was sleeping... that night she slept with the king to become powerful. Prithvi Rao did not recognise her and mistakenly thought her to be Satyabhama.

Next early morning Satyabhama walked towards her room and saw her own sister and husband in bed. The big tray of flowers fell from her hands and she screamed.

Prithvi Rao and Padmavati woke up... Prithvi Rao saw Satyabhama and realised that Padmavati cheated him last night...

He was about to take out his sword on Padmavati when Satyabhama stopped him "you both have cheated me... my lord you were my life , I trusted you so much but you betrayed me... and you my own sister whom I loved so much did this to me.."

Satyabhama could not tolerate this and ran towards the window of the palace "I Satyabhama, the queen of Mehrangarh gives the curse to the royal family that no man in the family will be alive if he sleeps with a wrong woman." she jumped off the window and died.

Prithvi Rao couldn't bear this and ordered to take Padmavati away kill her ferociously"

After the death of his Queen Satyabhama the King did not find peace anywhere. He asked the family priest if his coming generations will suffer because of the curse.

The priest after doing a lot of prayers advised the King that it would be better to let the princes of this kingdom marry earlier to the right girl and save their lives. But he also said if any prince kept any relation with a wrong girl before he is married will have to die at the age of 21.

Prithvi Rao died after few months but it is said that Padmavati's spirit is still alive in the palace, due to her black magic she did not died and is still waiting for the king to return back. She knows that Prithvi Rao will take a rebirth and come back to her.


Chandni looked at the old man whose eyes were closed "then why am I suffering from all this?... what do I have to do with this with and the King and this kingdom?"

Old man smiled and opened his eyes "you are the queen Satyabhama who has taken rebirth and saved the King from your own curse"

Chandni was now confused and scared "me...what?? Who is the King?"

Old man looked at Veer

Chandni touched Veer "was he the King?"

Veer looked at her ... Though he would have never believe the story but he thought again many times he used to see her in wearing white clothes and look like Chandni. "I think this old man is right" he said.

Chandni was now thinking, if a person like Veer believed in this story that means there must be something. "But Veer... why is that spirit after me?"

Veer thought for a while "may be she wants me... and wants to get rid of you."

"he is right, you should be careful but do you know you can face her? "Said the old man

Chandni was unable to understand the things that were happening around her... she was the queen who cursed the entire generation and once again took rebirth and loved the man who was her husband in the previous birth and she even slept with him ...

so that means she has saved him from her own curse... too many questions were making her mad... And now the spirit of this Padmavati was after her cause she loved the king who was her husband..

Out of sudden Chandni thought again "wait..."

She said to herself "that spirit wants to take you from me... She has already tried taking you away from me and now again she wants to take you away... but we again have met and love each other and she cannot tolerate this..."

Veer smiled "exactly... and now we have to face this evil spirit and get rid of it..."

Maneka looked at nervous Chandni who seemed to have faced so much because of all this "you will have to be strong Chandni"


Next day

Veer woke up and gazed at the beauty sleeping peacefully for the first time in the last few days... he stroke her thumb towards her cheeks ..

then bend a little towards her lips... "I can't describe in words how beautiful you are... and these lips make me go crazy every time I look at them..." Then slowly stroked his thumb towards her lips...

She slowly opened her eyes... "Veer... How come you woke up so early..."

"I thought I will go and kiss you first" he replied..

"what??"she raised her voice a little..

"ok calm down... You can kiss me first... its one and the same thing" he added..

She smiled a little and gazed at his lovely features ... "I knew there was definitely some connection between you and me..."she touched his cheeks...

"hmm... but I thought you were some witch" he whispered..

Chandni frowned "witch? You think I am a witch"

"yes... cause you had a power to make me yours" he said...

She hugged him tightly as he climbed on her...

"leave me ... Maneka will come... get off me" she whispered...

"no.. I don't want to..."he said and hugged her back...


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