Chapter 36

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Chandni tried to dial her mother's number but Meenakshi wasn't picking up the phone......

Unable to focus on anything Chandni slowly closed her eyes but the cool air from outside blowed across her face made her open her eyes, but she felt drowsy.....

All of a sudden she could make out a shadow imprecisely standing in front of her, Chandni widely opened her eyes in shock..... she wanted to run, wanted to scream...... slowly the shadow turned into a big white mist..... indistinctly transparent.....muddled at the complete figure in front of her......

she had never seen this unusual scene ever before.....frightened by the sudden structure her body went cold unable to even move from her seat......

With trembled hands Chandni twisted the car keys to start the engine.....she tried several times before she felt enervated ......anxiously looked around for help, but there wasn't a single body around to even hear her voice......

Chandni touched her sweaty forehead..... she slowly opened the door, with her eyes fixed on the white shadow....she closed the door of the car and stepped outside......

another instant she scuttled towards the town....... it wasn't possible for her to run with high heels.....she darted across the valley..... took off the heels and scurried ....without looking behind, she finally reached the outskirts of the town....... almost unable to breathe she fell on her knees and closed her eyes....


"stars has chosen him to look after the ghosts....and their well being" Manohar muttered while Pratima looked all confused.....

"Saab.....are you talking to me??" she picked up the plate in front of him.....

Manohar smiled "thank you, no I was just talking to myself......just amused at the old man...."

Pratima kept the plate in the kitchen sink and turned around to see Kaka furiously staring at Manohar.....

"Pratima, don't you think the old man should visit some temple and pray to Gods, rather than thinking about ghosts and evil things....." he stretched himself while getting up from the chair....

Pratima didn't answer, rather mien at Kaka......Manohar looked at her eyes going haywire....

"oh, Kaka.....good evening...." Manohar gave a broad smile.....

Kaka looked at him with despair and made a face..... "my evening or morning can never be good with your presence around...."

"why??? because I am a human being and you love ghosts and evils around you......" mischievously smiling at Kaka....

"no....." Kaka shouted..... "because you are even worse then them" and walked outside.....

"really!!!" Manohar muttered .....


Chandni opened her eyes and frantically contemplated around.... her throat was dry.....she scanned for water, when she saw a small grocery store on her right.... she lifted herself and walked sluggishly down the road.... careful with each step she took. .... It didn't help that her vision was hazy....

"one...water.....water bottle...." she was out of breath......hardly able to speak anything.....

thirstily she drank the whole bottle in one go and took a deep breath..... petrified at the incident that her timorous....whacked she rested on a small bench outside the store...... she looked pale....speechless, moreover tremendously terrified...... her senses weren't working....she couldn't think or hear anything......

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