It was late evening and dark clouds had covered the entire area around Darjeeling.... It wasn't anything new for the people to experience but something still depicted around the place that sensed unusual......
Chandni had returned home from her daily college routine........ she seemed tired......", please"
She looked at the clock ...... it was 6:00pm....... She thought about him, "Veer must be enjoying...." She picked up her phone to give him a ring.... "why should I call way" she took off her jacket and walked upstairs...... she looked outside the window..... "same hills....same trees, everything seems the same but why something seems disturbing....." Chandni said to herself....
Slowly she took off her jeans and top to have warm bath.....but her mind was still not in peace....her mind seemed disturbing as if she would loose something.......something that is precious to her......
Meenakshi was tired the whole day on the site........ she finally drove towards her office to read the dairy....... She knew she won't be satisfied unless she reads what was written years back and now it was affecting her Daughter's life........
She reached her office....the whole staff had already left for the day....... She quickly opened the drawer of her table......
Meenakshi picked up the diary.......and flipped the pages......
"Time and again I see her......the ill-famed, she is unknown.....tomorrow is nothing but a dream for me.....
you are alive today but for tomorrow, pray for tomorrow......peace is costly here, death is cheap....."
For some reason she was sure that her Father wanted to tell her something before his death.....but due to the severe injury on his head he lost his voice but even till the last minute he tried to speak could be possible that this diary may give her some direction......
She knew her Father's death was very unusual....he was fit and fine.....always took care of himself....even in his old age he looked young and enthusiastic........ she remembered how he supported her in every phase of her life and how he dearly loved Chandni.......
She started reading what her Father had written nineteen years back......
It seemed mysterious to her that her Father witnessed something after Chandni's birth...... she remembered when Chandni was born, she was in immense pain...... what the priest had predicted...... but she never believed in these things...... she was shocked to read that her own Father was a prey of her Daughter's birth....... but then why was she and her Mother not affected by this terrible evil soul.....
She flicked the pages........ she thought of telling her Mother about the truth that she was reading......
"Dad.....why didn't you tell me...." Meenakshi sobbed and said to herself ..... her Father could sense the evil.....he very well knew that when Chandni was born, she would face the evil soul that would kill anyone to get what it wants......... Meenakshi wiped her tears and thought about Chandni.....she couldn't understand why this evil soul was after her daughter and what did it wanted...... Her Father tried to find out and he died.......but there was one clue that gave her the direction "Mehrangarh"
Veer enjoyed the party and returned to Kurseong.....but his heart did not agree and he wanted to see her once.......... He knew it will take at least an hour from Kurseong......he was drunk and for that reason Manohar had to come with him.......Manohar insisted Veer to let him drive but Veer was adamant ...... It was not easy to drive on the hills and at this hour.....but Veer never thought his drinking became his hurdle while driving........

A Dangerous Love Story (Book 1)
Mystery / ThrillerShikar (A Dangerous Love Story ) Book 1 The story that sweeps through time, Story about love and dignity. Story about a young girl who is mysteriously webbed in her past life, how her own life suffocates her to death and how she manages to escape...