Chapter 42

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That was enough for Chandni she yelled loudly at Maneka who dared to press the button on her watch..... this went on for few minutes until Maneka left angrily......

Chandni couldn't understand how to explain Maneka about her stupidness..... instead she wanted to blast on Veer, but she knew it was no use as he always does what he thinks.....but she was still angry at herself for unnecessarily shouting at Maneka when the culprit was Veer....... "yes Veer is responsible for my anger" she said to herself.....

once again she took a deep breath and dialed his no...... she heard him picking up the phone....

"listen cannot disconnect the call unless I complete my sentence..." she said dominating the devil who listened to her words for few seconds before exploding.....

"are you threatening me??" he asked....

she was quiet for a second, finding the right words to answer back "well its just a matter of courtesy.... whenever you are talking to a girl you must have some manners...." she stopped, giving him a chance to speak, though her fingers were crossed......

"yes your highness....complete your sentence....i am listening..." Veer answered back making it difficult for Chandni to make out whether he was sarcastic or serious......

Chandni gathered some more courage, unsure about what she was talking "well firstly don't call me again......" she paused biting her lips and closing her eyes......

"alright , next" he replied.....

Chandni's eyes could he reply so was almost like impossible, she was now little confident

"secondly.....i don't want you to force me every time for a kiss" with fingers crossed she waited for the moron to reply to her second demand.....

"hmmm" he added.....

Chandni was happy that she was succeeding in dominating the cruelest man on earth.....even if not the fullest but it could be a new start...... she was thinking of her third demand...... "thirdly, you will not tease me or make fun of me..."

with raised eyebrow Veer listened to all the three demands by her beauty queen..... "fine"

Chandni was indeed happy and somewhere feeling victorious..... when he continued his words.... "i accept your three demands but you have to accept my one demand...."

Chandni was now nervous.....she never thought that he would demand from her after he always grabbed her forcefully..... "what??" she asked with a tense voice.....

"before listening remember, if you do not follow my demand....i will forget all your three demands...." he added with a smirk.... making Chandni deeply think about what could be his demand.....

"fine....tell me what is it??" she asked him....

"listen very very carefully......every day you will with you own hands prepare breakfast for me" he paused making Chandni think what he had just said.....she could never imagine even in her dreams......

"what???" she asked surprised at his demand....

"i think it is pretty clear know I don't like repeating again..... and remember you will meet me every morning at happy valley and make me eat with your hands....."

"it is one demand or two???" she frowned.....

"simple Chand.....make breakfast for me and meet me every if you forget any day......then I will forget your three demands too" Veer knew exactly how Chandni face would be sulking at his very demand...... but he smiled "can I disconnect the phone your highness" this added fuel to the fire..... she was already getting shocks..... "yes" she said and disconnected the phone....

"how could he ask me to make breakfast....and that too every morning..." she said to herself completely shocked and surprised at his demand.......

she very well knew she can't cook at all.....she doesn't even know how to boil water..... what will she can the devil ask her to do all this work right in the morning and then meet him everyday..... that was so tricky of him..... "Chandni you are a fool" she said while throwing her phone away.......

on the other side Veer smiled in victory.....he wish if he could see her face right now..... he laughed by himself......


One week later.....

Chandni came home.....though she could walk properly....but she could manage to take small steps..... she reached the kitchen door and observed Kamla making food...... Kamla turned around to see Chandni watching her.....

"Chandni you need something??"

"no no.....hmmm well Kamla, can you teach me how to cook?" Chandni said softly not meeting her eyes as if she is doing some crime and hiding it from the world....

Kamla's mouth widened at Chandni's words...... she knew Chandni was more business oriented and usually kept herself busy with her studies and work....... "baby....but why do you want to learn cooking?? I mean I can make anything you want to eat"

"no Kamla" Chandni reacted immediately "listen, I want to cook won't tell me how you cook"

Kamla couldn't swallow what Chandni had just said.......but she didn't say much and asked her to join her.......

After few minutes.....

Kamini entered the kitchen with a huge plate when she was shocked......she saw Chandni cutting the vegetables.....that was much more than a nightmare for her......her old eyes were almost bulging out when she saw something almost impossible in her life..... "Chandni" she said shockingly.....

Chandni turned towards the door..... embarrassingly tried to hide the knife behind her.... "oh....Grandma......"

"what are you doing in the kitchen Chandni??" that was Kamini's obvious question that Chandni was almost expecting to pop out.....

"no....nothing nothing.....i....i am just learning to cut the vegetables......" Chandni paused thinking for a suitable reason to reply to the old lady else she would land up in some trouble.....

"i feel so bored Grandma...and every girl should know how to I thought I am at home and I should utilize my time to learn something...." she felt relieved of the answer she gave....... but her heart was still beating fast......

Kamini was happy to see Chandni in the kitchen "i am so proud of are my darling..." Kamini kissed her forehead.....and walked away keeping the plate in the kitchen....

For some time Chandni was still tense.....but she couldn't stand for long time..... so finally she thought of going outside and sitting comfortably on the couch......


Veer was not so happy to Meghna's report..... he knew she was assisting Mr Guncha but she wasn't really aware of the site work..... he took the files to Mr Guncha's office...... as he had learnt some skills in the tea estate, he had a good knowledge about the project and how it can be improved.......

"Mr Veer.....i understand that you want someone who is perfect for the site work.....i am still looking for a new manager who can work at Kurseong....... but in the mean time Meghna can help you......"

Veer wasn't convinced and thought of asking Meenakshi to visit Kurseong and help him with the project.....


Two weeks later......

Chandni knew that from today she has to prepare the breakfast for him and reach happy valley...... she quickly sauntered into the kitchen "what the hell should I make??" she glanced around the whole kitchen.....

it was too early even for Kamla to get up...... but Chandni couldn't sleep well as she knew she will take time to make something and if she doesn't go today then he might end up coming here.......


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