Chapter 50

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Chandni closed her eyes....she felt his lips on her soft neck.....she tightly embraced him closer....slowly he lifted his head and looked at her blushing face.... A strange feeling occupied Chandni...she quickly opened her eyes and looked around.... "I heard some whisper"

Veer wasn't surprised at her reaction "I know...."

Chandni glanced the whole path surrounded by huge trees...but there wasn't anyone...

He smiled and bend forward to kiss her .... "stop"

"now what?" he asked with a deep frown on his forehead....

She took few steps ahead.... "I am not lying Veer.... Please try and understand"

Her miserable looks made him wonder something..... this time it was something.... But what, he didn't heard anything....then how come she could hear someone around her.... "what was that Chandni?"

"someone whispered in my ear...." She exclaimed

"what?" he asked

"well I couldn't hear much.....but yes I heard someone calling Satyabhama" she said

"Satyabhama???" said Veer

He looked at Chandni who indeed seemed scared of something..... she was experiencing something very unsual.... "Chandni....i think you must forget that...and lets walk till the other side of this path....."

Chandni nodded....but her mind was dwindled between the strange things happening with her...


Few hours later

Maneka was shocked to see the news .... She quickly called Chandni.....

"hi Maneka..." Chandni said while getting ready for dinner....

" are you??"

"I am know what....i am going out for dinner with Veer..... he is so nice...and..."

"Chandni" Maneka interrupted....

Chandni was quiet....Maneka's voice seemed worried.... "what happened??"

"Chandni....can you come to my house now??" Maneka asked....

Chandni knew there was something that Maneka seemed worried about.... "ok"

Soon she heard the horn was Veer, she walked downstairs... "Grandma I am leaving for dinner...will be back soon..."

"why do you look so good...." He said while stepping out of the car....

She smiled..... "really??"

"if you look so sexy then I will forget the dinner and take you straight to bed" he whispered while getting closer.....

Chandni's back almost touched the car.... "we are getting late Veer..."

Her eyes made him attract, "everytime these eyes lure me..." he said and kissed her softly on her cheek.... She blushed....

"lets go....please"

He smiled.... "alright..."

He started driving towards the town.... "Veer....i have to meet Maneka urgently....can you please take me to her place first..."

"now??" he thought.... "ok"


Kaka was lying on the bed when he saw her..... her shadow was so horrifying that even though he was in coma, but his whole body shivered badly..... he knew this was the evil soul that was after Veer's life.... He saw long black hair, this time the face was even more scary ....the evil face stared at Kaka, who was miserably lying on the bed, after few seconds she stepped closer to Kaka.... " I have come to take him away with me and no one can stop me..."

Kaka heard those words after which there was a pin drop silence and then a strange laughter......

Kaka saw her face that resembled Chandni, but it wasn't Chandni......


"Hi Maneka" Chandni looked at the puzzled face welcoming her at the door.... Maneka looked indeed worried....

"Veer is sitting in the car....tell me fast, what is it??" Chandni asked the confused figure....

Maneka showed her the pictures..... "look at them"

Chandni took the pictures in her hand..... one by one she looked at the old palace.... "it looks so old ....why are you showing this to seems like an old fort....or a kingdom I must say..."

"you are right chandni..." Maneka added

"but what do I have to do with this place??" Chandni muttered....

"Chandni...that is Mehrangarh" Maneka said

Chandni was stunned....she knew something was linked to Mehrangarh....but she almost forgot, she carefully started looking at the pictures....the fort, the entire palace was indeed very old.... She could easily the carvings on the walls of the palace.... Her heart and mind wanted to forget and move on with her life...but everytime she wants to start her life, she comes across unusual things.... Again and again her life comes back to a point from where she started.....

It was way back when she found that stone with Mehrangarh engraved on it.... "Chandni"

She heard Veer calling out her name.... Chandni came in her senses.... "coming Veer..."

She looked at Maneka " you keep them....i will meet you tomorrow...."

Maneka took the pictures and looked at her friend whose life was turning mysterious every now and then....


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